兰雅淇   更新日期: 2022年9月1日
工作单位   食品学院
邮政编码  510642
通讯地址  广东省广州市天河区五山路483号华南农业大学食品学院
单位电话  020-85286234
邮箱地址  yaqilan@scau.edu.cn
兰雅淇,女,1988.8,博士,教授,博士生导师。现任广东省功能食品活性物实验室副主任,广东省自然科学杰出青年基金获得者,广东省科协青年科技人才培育基金获得者。研究方向为功能食品材料与营养健康。近年主持纵向项目5项,横向项目3项,发表高水平论文50篇,用引用971次,其中包括封面文章4篇,单篇第一作者论文高影响因子 33。多次受邀在国际国内会议做报告,获2019年AOCS China session最佳论文奖(Best paper award), 并担任109届美国油脂化学家年会(AOCS)分会场主席。现为Food Chemistry, Food Hydrocolloids等核心食品期刊审稿人。
•2016.9-至今  华南农业大学 教授
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 博士 (2011.09-2016.05)
专业: Food Science

University of California, Davis 联合培养 (2010.09-2011.06)
专业: Food Science

江南大学 学士 (2007.09-2011.06)
(1) 结构化油脂等新型胶体体系构建及多层级结构解析;
(2) 油脂消化特性及品质调控研究;
(3) 功能食品递送体系构建及机制研究;
(4) 零反式脂肪酸食品专用油脂开发;
(5) 低脂、低卡健康食品开发等。
1. 广东省自然科学杰出青年基金,基于功能脂质的零反式、低饱和超分子油凝胶构建及其消化吸收机制研究,2018.5-2022.4,100万,主持,在研
2. 广东省科技计划项目,基于低温连续相变设备的米糠高值化利用技术援助与示范,2018.6-2020.5,10万,主持,在研
3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,神经酰胺复合凝胶体系改善有凝胶特性的自组装机制研究,2018.1-2020.12,25万,主持,在研
4. 华南农业大学青年科技人才培育专项基金,神经酰胺类物质的分离提取及其有机凝胶(固态脂肪代替物)制备分析,2017.1-2018.12,20万,主持,在研
(1) Y. Lan, M. G. Corradini, R. G. Weiss, S. R. Raghavan and M. A. Rogers*, To Gel or Not to Gel: Correlating Molecular Gelation with Solvent Parameters, Chemical Society Reviews, 2015, 44(17): 6035-6058.    (封面文章,IF=34.09)
(2) L. Dong, M. Lv, X. Gao, L. Zhang, M. Rogers, Y. Cao and Y. Lan*, In vitro gastrointestinal digestibility of phytosterol oleogels: influence of self-assembled microstructures on emulsification efficiency and lipase activity, Food Funct., 2020, 11, 9503-9513. (封面文章,IF=5.536)
(3) Y. Lan, M. G. Corradini, X. Liu, T. E. May, F. Borondics, R. G. Weiss and M. A. Rogers*, Comparing and Correlating Solubility Parameters Governing the Self-Assembly of Molecular Gels Using 1,3:2,4-Dibenzylidene Sorbitol as the Gelator, Langmuir, 2014, 30, 14128-14142. (封面文章,IF=3.908)
(4) Y. Lan, M. Lv, S. Guo, P. Nasr, V. Ladizhansky, R. Vaz, M. G. Corradini, T. Hou, S. M. Ghazani, A. Marnangoni and M. A. Rogers*, Molecular motifs encoding self-assembly of peptide fibers into molecular gels, Soft Matter, 2019, 15, 9205-9214. (封面文章,IF=3.704)
(5) Ruting Zheng, Yunjiao Chen, Yanyan Wang, Michael A. Rogers, Yong Cao, Yaqi Lan*, Microstructure and physical properties of novel bigel-based foamed emulsions, Food Hydrocolloids, 2022, 108097 (一区,IF= 11.504)
(6) F. Wei, M. Lu, J. Li, J. Xiao, M. A. Rogers, Y. Cao and Y. Lan*, Construction of foam-templated oleogels based on rice bran protein, Food Hydrocolloids, 2022, 124. (一区,IF= 11.504)
(7) B. Hu, Q. Zheng, Z. Weng, J. Xiao, Y. Cao and Y. Lan*, Non-isothermal crystallization kinetics study of multi-component oleogels, Food Chem., 2022, 389, 133123-133123. (一区,IF=7.516)
(8) W. Liang, Y. Lan, C. Chen, M. Song, J. Xiao, Q. Huang, Y. Cao, C.-T. Ho and M. Lu*, Modulating effects of capsaicin on glucose homeostasis and the underlying mechanism, Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr., 2021. (一区,IF=11.193)
(9) F. Wei, J. Miao, H. Tan, R. Feng, Q. Zheng, Y. Cao and Y. Lan*, Oleogel-structured emulsion for enhanced oxidative stability of perilla oil: Influence of crystal morphology and cooling temperature, Lwt-Food Science and Technology, 2021, 139. (一区,IF=5.383)
(10) R. Zheng, Q. Zheng, B. Hu, Y. Cao and Y. Lan*, Gelation and foaming properties of fatty acid mixtures in sunflower oil, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2021. (二区,IF=3.803)
(11) S. Guo, M. Lv, Y. Chen, T. Hou, Y. Zhang, Z. Huang, Y. Cao, M. Rogers and Y. Lan*, Engineering water-induced ceramide/lecithin oleogels: understanding the influence of water added upon pre- and post-nucleation, Food Funct., 2020, 11, 2048-2057. (一区,IF=5.536)
(12) S. Guo, M. Song, X. Gao, L. Dong, T. Hou, X. Lin, W. Tan, Y. Cao, M. Rogers and Y. Lan*, Assembly pattern of multicomponent supramolecular oleogel composed of ceramide and lecithin in sunflower oil: self-assembly or self-sorting?, Food Funct., 2020, 11, 7651-7660. (一区,IF=5.536)
(13) S. Guo, M. Song, X. He, F. Yang, Y. Cao, M. Rogers and Y. Lan*, Water-induced self-assembly of mixed gelator system (ceramide and lecithin) for edible oil structuring, Food Funct., 2019, 10, 3923-3933. (一区,IF=5.536)
(14) Y. Lan, L. Wang, S. Cao, Y. Zhong, Y. Li, Y. Cao and L. Zhao*, Rational design of food-grade polyelectrolyte complex coacervate for encapsulation and enhanced oral delivery of oenothein B, Food Funct., 2017, 8, 4070-4080. (一区,IF=5.536)
(15) Y. Lan, M. G. Corradini and M. A. Rogers*, Do Molecular Gelators Cluster in Hansen Space?, Crystal Growth & Design, 2014, 14, 4811-4818. (一区,IF=3.924)
(16) Z. Liao, S. Guo, M. Lu, J. Xiao, Y. Cao and Y. Lan*, Tailoring Water-Induced Multi-Component (Ceramide and Lecithin) Oleogels: Influence of Solute Added in Water, Food Biophysics, 2022, 17, 84-92. (三区,IF=3.407)
(17) K. Feng, Z. Huang, B. Peng, W. Dai, Y. Li, X. Zhu, Y. Chen, X. Tong, Y. Lan and Y. Cao*, Immobilization of Aspergillus niger lipase onto a novel macroporous acrylic resin: Stable and recyclable biocatalysis for deacidification of high-acid soy sauce residue oil, Bioresource Technology, 2020, 298. (一区,IF=9.237)
(18) W. Li, Z. Chen, W. Wang, Y. Lan, Q. Huang, Y. Cao and J. Xiao*, Modulation of the spatial distribution of crystallizable emulsifiers in Pickering double emulsions, Journal of colloid and interface science, 2022, 619, 28-41. (一区,IF=7.211)
(19) M.A. Rogers, Y.-F. Yan, K. Ben-Elazar, Y. Lan, J. Faig, K. Smith and K. E. Uhrich*, Salicylic Acid (SA) Bioaccessibility from SA-Based Poly(anhydride-ester), Biomacromolecules, 2014, 15, 3406-3411. (一区,IF=6.813)
(20) W. Huang, Y. Lan, W. Liao, L. Lin, G. Liu, H. Xu, J. Xue, B. Guo, Y. Cao and J. Miao*, Preparation, characterization and biological activities of egg white peptides-calcium chelate, Lwt-Food Science and Technology, 2021, 149. (一区,IF=5.383)
(1) 兰雅淇; 郑松柏; 魏飞龙; 董路路; 郑汝婷; 胡冰洁 ; 一种米糠蛋白油凝胶及其制备方法和应用, 2021-5-12, 中国, ZL 202110516783.9       (专利)
(2) 兰雅淇; 魏飞龙; 董路路; 胡冰洁; 郑汝婷 ; 一种米糠蛋白多孔材料及其应用, 2020-9-7, 中国, ZL 202010926887.2        (专利)
(3) 兰雅淇; 郑汝婷; 胡冰洁; 魏飞龙; 郭胜兰; 董路路; 曹庸 ; 一种低脂稳定的可食用油凝胶泡沫及其制备方法与应用, 2020-4-29, 中国, ZL 202010358955.X        (专利)
(4) 兰雅淇; 郭胜兰; 董路路; 侯韬 ; 一种新型复合食用油凝胶及其制备方法, 2020-3-3, 中国, ZL 202 0 1 0139619.6        (专利)
(5) 兰雅淇; 魏飞龙; 郭胜兰; 董路路; 曹庸 ; 一种提高油脂氧化稳定性的新型结构化乳液的制备方法, 2019-11-19, 中国, ZL 201911134883.4        (专利)