汪国平   更新日期: 2018年8月30日
工作单位   蔬菜学系
邮政编码  510642
通讯地址  广州天河区五山路华南农业大学园艺学院
单位电话  020-85280228
邮箱地址  gpwang@scau.edu.cn
(1)   基因组学研究成果在番茄、丝瓜分子育种中的应用与品种创制(2014J4500033). 广州市科技计划项目(国际合作),主持,100万元, 2015-2017.
(2)   番茄抗青枯病基因挖掘及青枯病、枯萎病抗性分子机理的比较研究(2014KGJHZ004). 广东省教育厅国际暨港澳台合作创新平台项目,主持,100万元,2015-2018.
(3)  优质耐热抗病有棱丝瓜新品种选育与示范推广. 广东省公益研究与能力建设专项,参加,15万元,2014-2017.
(4)  重大作物病害切克青枯综合防控技术研究与集成示范(2015B020203002),参加,25万元,2015-2018.
(5) 农业种业共性关键技术创新团队(2016LM2148). 广东省现代农业科技创新联盟建设共性关键技术创新团队,参加,12万/年,2016-2020.6
(1)汪国平*,黎振兴,林明宝. 2003. 番茄抗青枯病新资源材料AS52. 园艺学报,30(6):706
(2)汪国平*,林明宝,吴定华. 2004. 番茄青枯病抗性遗传研究进展. 园艺学报,31(3):403-407
(3)汪国平*,褚 梦,孔 杰,陈馥莹,陈 煜,赵亚华. 番茄青枯病抗性两个相关基因功能的初步鉴定. 园艺学报,2014,41(6):1096–1104
(4)Guo-Ping Wang, Ginny Lim and David A. Jones. 2007. Development of PCR-based markers from the tomato glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase isozyme gene family as a means of revitalising old isozyme markers and recruiting new ones. Molecular Breeding, 19:209-214
(5)Lim TTG, Wang GP, Hemming MN, McGrath DJ and Jones DA. 2008. High resolution genetic and physical mapping of the I-3 region of tomato chromosome 7 reveals disrupted microsynteny with Arabidopsis chromosome 2 and poplar linkage group XIV. Theoretical and Applied Genetics,118:57–75
(6)Lukas A. Mueller,..., Guoping Wang,et al.  2009.  A snapshot of the emerging tomato genome sequence. Plant Genome, 2: 78-92
(7)Sato S., …... Wang GP, et al. 2012. The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution. Nature,485:635–641
(8)Lei Wang, Kunzheng Cai,Yuting Chen,Guoping Wang. 2013. Silicon-mediated tomato resistance against Ralstonia solanacearum is associated with modification of soil microbial community structure and activity. Biol Trace Elem Res, (DOI 10.1007/s12011-013-9611-1)
(9)Wenyi Wang, Bohan Liu,Mengyun Xu, Muhammad Jamil, Guoping Wang*. ABA-induced CCCH tandem zinc finger protein OsC3H47 decreases ABA sensitivity and promotes drought tolerance in Oryza sativa. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2015,464(1):33-37
(10) Wenyi Wang, Mengyun Xu, Guoping Wang* and Gad Galili*. Autophagy: an important biological process that protects plants from stressful environments. Frontiers in Plant Sciences, 2017,7:2030
(11) Guoping Wang, Mengyun Xu, Wenyi Wang* and Gad Galili*. Fortifying horticultural crops with essential amino acids. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2017, 18(6):1306; doi:10.3390/ijms18061306
(12) Wang Guo-ping, Qin Yong-qiang, Cui Dan-dan, Xu Meng-yun, Huang Xiao-ping. Evaluation of cultivated Luffa for fruit setting traits under natural long-day conditions. Indian Horticulture Journal, 2017,7:187-192
(13) Wenyi Wang, Mengyun Xu, Guoping Wang*,Gad Galili*. New insights into the metabolism of aspartate-family amino acids in plant seeds. Plant Reproduction, 2018, 31(3):203-211
(14) Mengqiang Chen, Mengyun Xu, Yao Xiao, Dandan Cui, Yongqiang Qin, Jiaqi Wu, Wenyi Wang, Guoping Wang*. Fine mapping identifies SmFAS encoding an anthocyanidin synthase as a putative candidate gene for flower purple color in Solanum melongena L. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19(3): 789.
(15) Guoping Wang, Jie Kong, Dandan Cui, Hongbo Zhao, Puyan Zhao, Yahua Zhao, Wenyi Wang.   Comparative proteomic analysis of Ralstonia solanacearum isolates differing in aggressiveness to reveal the importance of virulence- and metabolism-related proteins in pathogenicity. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018,19(8):2444
(1) 全国农林院校“十一五”规划教材《园艺植物种子学》,参编,2010,中国农业出版