田江   更新日期: 2017年9月28日
工作单位   资环环境学院
行政职务  副院长
邮政编码  510642
通讯地址  华南农业大学资源环境学院
单位电话  020-85283380
邮箱地址  jtian@scau.edu.cn
博士,研究员,博士生导师。国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金和长江学者奖励计划青年学者获得者。主要从事植物营养生理和分子生物学的教学和科研工作。以豆科作物(如大豆和柱花草)为主要研究对象,围绕提高作物根系养分高效的科学问题,在作物根系协同适应酸性土壤养分逆境的机制及其信号调控网络等方面,取得了一系列研究成果,受到了国内外同行的关注。近五年,主持了国家自然科学基金项目和省部级项目共9项,在Current Opinion in Biotechnology和Plant Physiology等国内外著名杂志上发表论文30篇,其中SCI收录论文21篇,总SCI影响因子超过100。获得国家授权专利3项。
2005/5~2006/9,  美国普渡大学,园艺与景观设计系,博士后;
2006/9~2007/12, 美国罗格斯大学,植物生物与病理学系,博士后;
1) 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金,31422046,大豆根瘤响应低磷胁迫的特异生理和分子机制,100万元,2015/01-2017/12,主持;
2) 国家自然科学基金面上基金,31372119,GmNEF1调控大豆根瘤响应低磷胁迫的生理和分子机制,80万元,2014/01-2017/12,主持;
3) 亚热带农业生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室优秀青年学者课题,豆科作物调控磷信号网络重要因子的克隆和功能分析。30万元,2013/07-2014/12,主持;
4) 国家自然科学基金青年基金,31101593,蛋白磷酸酶HAD调控大豆根系响应磷营养变化的分子机理,25万元,2012/01-2014/12,主持;
5) 广东省广州市珠江科技新星专项,根瘤调控大豆根系活化土壤磷的机制,2011J2200055,30万元,2011/01-2014/12,主持;
6) 国家重大基础研究项目(973项目),2011CB100301,优良根构型建成与土壤养分活化的遗传与分子机制,2011/01-2015/12,子课题负责人(100万元);
7) 教育部博士点青年教师基金,20094404120022,新型酸性磷酸酶PvPS2基因家族的功能分析,3.6万元,2010/01-2012/12,主持;
8) 国家自然科学基金重大课题,30890132,根际生物互作影响土壤磷活化和利用的机制,2009/01-2012/12,子课题负责人(80万元);
9) 中国热带农业科学院基本科研业务费专项,PZS046,柱花草适应酸性土壤的机理研究,40万元,2010/01-2011/12,主持。
1) Liu PD, Xue YB, Chen ZJ, Liu GD*, Tian J*. 2016. Characterization of purple acid phosphatases involved in extracellular dNTP utilization in Stylosanthes. Journal of Experimental Botany. 67:4141-4154
2) Sun LL, Tian J, Zhang HY, Liao H*. 2016. Phytohormone regulation of root growth triggered by P deficiency or Al toxicity. Journal of Experimental Botany. 67:3655-3664;
3) Chen ZJ, Yan W, Sun LL, Tian J*, Liao H*. 2016. Proteomic analysis reveals growth inhibition of soybean roots by manganese toxicity is associated with alteration of cell wall structure and lignification. Journal of Proteomics.        doi:10.1016/j.jprot.2016.03.037
4) Chen ZJ, Sun LL, Liu PD, Liu GD, Tian J*, Liao H. 2015. Malate synthesis and secretion mediated by a manganese-enhanced malate dehydrogenase confers superior manganese tolerance in Stylosanthes guianensis. Plant Physiology. 167:176-188;
5) Yao ZF, Tian J*, Liao H. 2014. Comparative characterization of GmSPX members reveals that GmSPX3 is involved in phosphate homeostasis in soybean. Annals of Botany. 114:477-488;
6) Yao ZF, Liang CY, Zhang Q, Chen ZJ, Xiao BX, Tian J*, Liao H. 2014. SPX1 is an important component in the phosphorus signalling network of common bean regulating root growth and phosphorus homeostasis. Journal of Experimental Botany. 65:3299-3310;
7) Sun LL, Liang CY, Chen ZJ, Liu PD, Tian J*, Liu GD*, Liao H. 2014. Superior Al tolerance of Stylosanthes is mainly achieved by malate synthesis through an Al-enhanced malic enzyme, SgME1. New Phytologist. 202:209-219;
8) Liang CY, Wang JX, Zhao J, Tian J, Liao H. 2014. Control of phosphate homeostasis through gene regulation in crops. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 21:59-66;
9) Liang CY, Tian J*, Liao H. 2013. Proteomics dissection of plant responses to mineral nutrient deficiency. Proteomics. 13:624-636;
10) Liang CY, Piñeros M, Tian J, Yao ZF, Sun LL, Liu JP, Shaff J, Coluccio A, Kochian L, Liao H. 2013. Low pH, aluminum and phosphorus coordinately regulate malate exudation through GmALMT1 to improve soybean adaptation to acid soils. Plant Physiology. 161:1347-1361;
11) Tian J, Wang X, Tong Y, Chen X, Liao H. 2012. Bioengineering and management for efficient phosphorus utilization in crops and pastures. Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 23:866–871;
12) Qin L, Zhao J, Tian J, Chen L, Sun Z, Guo Y, Lu X, Gu M, Xu G, Liao H. 2012. The high-affinity phosphate transporter GmPT5 regulates phosphate transport to nodules and nodulation in soybean. Plant Physiology. 159:1634-43;
13) Liang CY, Sun LL, Yao ZF, Liao H, Tian J*. 2012. Comparative analysis of PvPAP gene family and their functions in response to phosphorus deficiency in common bean. PLoS ONE. 7(5): e38106;
14) Liang CY, Chen ZJ, Yao ZF, Tian J*, Liao H. 2012. Characterization of two putative protein phosphatase genes and their involvement in phosphorus efficiency in Phaseolus vulgaris. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 54: 400-411;
15) Gao X, Lu X, Wu M, Zhang H, Chen X, Pan R, Tian J, Li S, Liao H. 2012. Co-inoculation with rhizobia and AMF inhibited soybean red crown rot: from field study to plant defense-related gene expression analysis. PloS ONE. 7(3): e33977;
16) Qin L, Jiang H, Tian J, Zhao J, Liao H. 2011. Rhizobia enhance acquisition of phosphorus from different sources by soybean plants. Plant and Soil. 349:25-36;
17) Chen Z, Cui Q, Liang C, Sun L, Tian J*, Liao H. 2011. Identification of differentially expressed proteins in soybean nodules under phosphorus deficiency through proteomic analysis. Proteomics. 11: 4648-4659;
18) Ao JH, Fu JB, Tian J, Yan XL, Liao H. 2010. Genetic variability for root morph-architecture traits and root growth dynamics as related to phosphorus efficiency in soybean. Functional Plant Biology. 37: 304-312;
19) Liang CY, Tian J, Lam HM, Lim BL, Yan XL, Liao H. 2010. Biochemical and molecular characterization of PvPAP3, a novel purple acid phosphatase isolated from common bean enhancing extracellular ATP utilization. Plant Physiology. 152: 854-865;
1) Tian J and Liao H. 2015. The Role of intracellular and secreted purple acid phosphatases in plant phosphorus scavenging and recycling. Annual Plant Review. 48:265-288;
1) 专利名称:GmALMT1调控大豆耐酸铝毒害的功能及应用。发明人:梁翠月,田江,廖红。专利号:ZL201210302082.6。授权日期:2015/1/21
2) 专利名称:一种植物耐锰毒害重要基因ShMDH1的克隆及其应用。发明人:田江、廖红、陈志坚。专利号: 201310290864.7。发文授权日期:2015-10-10。
3) 专利名称:一种苹果酸酶基因SgME1及其应用。发明人:田江、廖红、孙丽莉。专利号: 201310290850.5。发文授权日期:2015-09-29。