陈少华   更新日期: 2023年11月3日
工作单位   植物保护学院/群体微生物研究中心
邮政编码  510642
通讯地址  广州市天河区五山路483号
单位电话  020-85288229
邮箱地址  shchen@scau.edu.cn
个人主页  https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8306-2626

      长期从事植物保护领域农业微生物资源挖掘与利用方面的研究工作,围绕农药残留生物降解代谢机制、群体淬灭防治作物病害机制、作物逆境适应与资源高效利用等方向开展系统研究。在PNAS、Chem Eng J、J Hazard Mater(11篇)、Bioresour Technol(5篇)、J Agri Food Chem(4篇)、Appl Environ Microbiol(2篇)、 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol(8篇)、Chemosphere(8篇)、Environ Res(8篇)、J Environ Manage(2篇)、Mol Plant Pathol(2篇)、Crit Rev Biotechnol(2篇)、Environ Pollut、Environ Microbiol、Microbiol Spectr、中国农业科学、环境科学学报等知名学术期刊累计发表论文166篇,其中SCI论文132篇,累计影响因子941点;以第一/通讯作者发表论文112篇,包括SCI论文98篇(TOP 期刊论文69篇),累计影响因子735点。发表论文总引7300多次,H指数46,1篇论文被选为亮点论文、1篇论文获F1000专家推荐、4篇论文入选ESI热点论文、23篇论文入选ESI高被引论文。主编出版英文专著5部。获得授权专利71件,其中排名第一发明专利46件(包括国际专利4件)。在欧洲专业机构Expertscape发布的2021、2022、2023年“Expertise in Environmental Restoration and Remediation: Worldwide”全球科学家榜单中位列TOP 0.012%(TOP 0.01% Scientist)。入选爱思唯尔(Elsevier)2022年度“中国高被引学者”榜单。入选2020、2021、2022年度全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单(World's Top 2% Scientists)。

★ 入选爱思唯尔(Elsevier)“中国高被引学者”榜单(2023)
★ 连续3年入选全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单(World's Top 2% Scientists)(2021-2023)
★ 在Expertscape发布的“Expertise in Environmental Restoration and Remediation: Worldwide”全球科学家榜单中位列TOP 0.012%(TOP 0.01% Scientist)(2021-2023)
★ 广东省杰出青年基金(2015-2019)
★ 广东省高等学校“珠江学者”岗位计划青年学者(2017-2019)
★ “广东特支计划”科技创新青年拔尖人才(2018-2021)
★ 广州市“珠江科技新星”(2015-2018)
★ 大北农科研成果奖(十佳青年科技工作者)(2021年)
★ Biology 2022年度杰出审稿人奖(Biology 2022 Outstanding Reviewer Award)
★ 华南农业大学“教书育人”先进个人(2022年)
★ 华南农业大学“我最喜爱的研究生导师”(十大最受欢迎导师)(2021年)
★ 华南农业大学“卓越青年教师百人计划”(2021年)
★ 卢永根.徐雪宾教育基金(2019年)
★ 华南农业大学“优秀班主任”(2017年)
★ 广东省农业推广奖二等奖(第2完成人)(2021年)
★ 中国侨界(创新团队)贡献奖(第3完成人)(2016年)
★ 中山市科技进步三等奖(第2完成人)(2015年)
★ 第一届赵善欢奖学奖教基金优秀青年学术奖(2014年)
★ 首届博士研究生国家奖学金(2013年)
★ 首届庞雄飞基金杯全国研究生论坛优秀论文一等奖(2009年)
1. 广东省青年科学家协会理事(2019-至今)
2. 担任如下SCI期刊客座主编或编委(Guest Editor/Associate Editor)
Front Microbiol(2018-2020、2021-2023)
Environ Sci Pollut Res(2021-2022)
Front Cell Infect Microbiol (2022-2023)
Front Environ Sci (2022-2023)
Front Neurosci (2023)
3. 担任ISME J、Biotechnol Adv、Environ Sci Technol、Chem Eng J、J Hazard Mater、Bioresour Technol、Engineering、Soil Biol Biochem、J Agri Food Chem、Environ Microbiol、Appl Environ Microbiol等150多个SCI期刊审稿专家。

[1] Zhang W, Chen WJ, Chen SF, Lei Q, Li J, Bhatt P, Mishra S, and Chen S* (2023) Cellular response and molecular mechanism of glyphosate degradation by Chryseobacterium sp. Y16C. J. Agric. Food Chem. 71: 6650-6661.(IF5-year 6.3, 中科院一区TOP)【封面论文】

[2] Huang Y, Chen SF, Chen WJ, Zhu X, Mishra S, Bhatt P, and Chen S* (2023) Efficient biodegradation of multiple pyrethroid pesticides by Rhodococcus pyridinivorans strain Y6 and its degradation mechanism. Chem. Eng. J. 469: 143863.(IF5-year 14.3, 中科院一区TOP)

[3] Wu X, Chen WJ, Lin Z, Huang Y, El Sebai TNM, Alansary N, El-Hefny DE, Mishra S, Bhatt P, Lü H*, and Chen S* (2023) Rapid biodegradation of the organophosphorus insecticide acephate by a novel strain Burkholderia sp. A11 and its impact on the structure of the indigenous microbial community. J. Agric. Food Chem. 71: 5261-5274.(IF5-year 6.3, 中科院一区TOP)【高被引论文】

[4] Bhatt P, Bhatt K, Chen WJ, Huang Y, Xiao Y, Wu S, Lei Q, Zhong J, Zhu X, and Chen S* (2023) Bioremediation potential of laccase for catalysis of glyphosate, isoproturon, lignin, and parathion: molecular docking, dynamics, and simulation. J. Hazard. Mater. 443: 130319.(IF5-year 12.7, 中科院一区TOP)【高被引论文】

[5] Liang Z, Huang L, Liu H, Zheng Y, Feng J, Shi Z, Chen Y, Lv M, Zhou J, Zhang LH*, and Chen S* (2023) Characterization of the Arn lipopolysaccharide modification system essential for zeamine resistance unveils its new roles in Dickeya oryzae physiology and virulence. Mol. Plant Pathol. doi: 10.1111/MPP.13386.(IF5-year 5.9, 中科院一区TOP)

[6] Xie C, Gu W, Chen Z, Liang Z, Huang S, Zhang LH*, and Chen S* (2023) Polyamine signaling communications play a key role in regulating the pathogenicity of Dickeya fangzhongdai. Microbiol. Spectr. doi: 10.1128/spectrum.01965-23.(IF5-year 5.9, 中科院一区TOP)

[7] Pang S, Lin Z, Chen WJ, Chen SF, Huang Y, Lei Q, Bhatt P, Mishra S, Chen S*, and Wang H* (2023) High-efficiency degradation of methomyl by the novel bacterial consortium MF0904: performance, structural analysis, metabolic pathways, and environmental bioremediation. J. Hazard. Mater. 452: 131287.(IF5-year 12.7, 中科院一区TOP)

[8] Bhatt P, Bhatt K, Huang Y, Li J, Wu S, and Chen S* (2023) Biofilm formation in xenobiotic-degrading microorganisms. Crit. Rev. Biotechnol. 43: 1129-1149.(IF5-year 9.5, 中科院一区TOP)【高被引论文】

[9] Li J, Chen WJ, Zhang W, Zhang Y, Lei Q, Wu S, Huang Y, Mishra S, Bhatt P, and Chen S* (2022) Effects of free or immobilized bacterium Stenotrophomonas acidaminiphila Y4B on glyphosate degradation performance and indigenous microbial community structure. J. Agric. Food Chem. 70: 13945-13958.(IF5-year 6.3, 中科院一区TOP)【热点论文&高被引论文】

[10] Zhang W, Li J, Zhang Y, Wu X, Zhou Z, Huang Y, Zhao Y, Mishra S, Bhatt P, and Chen S* (2022) Characterization of a novel glyphosate-degrading bacterial species, Chryseobacterium sp. Y16C, and evaluation of its effects on microbial communities in glyphosate-contaminated soil. J. Hazard. Mater. 432: 128689.(IF5-year 12.7, 中科院一区TOP)【高被引论文】

[11] Lin Z, Pang S, Zhou Z, Wu X, Li J, Huang Y, Zhang W, Lei Q, Bhatt P, Mishra S, and Chen S* (2022) Novel pathway of acephate degradation by the microbial consortium ZQ01 and its potential for environmental bioremediation. J. Hazard. Mater. 426: 127841.(IF5-year 12.7, 中科院一区TOP)【高被引论文】

[12] Bhatt P, Pandey SC, Joshi S, Chaudhary P, Pathak VM, Huang Y, Wu X, Zhou Z, and Chen S* (2022) Nanobioremediation: a sustainable approach for the removal of toxic pollutants from the environment. J. Hazard. Mater. 427: 128033.(IF5-year 12.7, 中科院一区TOP)【高被引论文】

[13] Bhatt P, Joshi T, Bhatt K, Zhang W, Huang Y, and Chen S* (2021) Binding interaction of glyphosate with glyphosate oxidoreductase and C–P lyase: molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation studies. J. Hazard. Mater. 409: 124927.(IF5-year 12.7, 中科院一区TOP)【高被引论文】

[14] Bhatt P#, Zhou X#, Huang Y, Zhang W, and Chen S* (2021) Characterization of the role of esterases in the biodegradation of organophosphate, carbamate, and pyrethroid pesticides. J. Hazard. Mater. 411: 125026.(IF5-year 12.7, 中科院一区TOP)【高被引论文】

[15] Mishra S, Lin ZQ, Pang S, Zhang Y, Bhatt P, and Chen S* (2021) Biosurfactant is a powerful tool for the bioremediation of heavy metals from contaminated soils. J. Hazard. Mater. 418: 126253.(IF5-year 12.7, 中科院一区TOP)【高被引论文】

[16] Bhatt P, Bhandari G, Bhatt K, Maithani D, Mishra S, Gangola S, Bhatt R, Huang Y, and Chen S* (2021) Plasmid-mediated catabolism for the removal of xenobiotics from the environment. J. Hazard. Mater. 420: 126618.(IF5-year 12.7, 中科院一区TOP) 

[17] Bhatt P, Bhatt K, Sharma A, Zhang WP, Mishra S, and Chen S* (2021) Biotechnological basis of microbial consortia for the removal of pesticides from the environment. Crit. Rev. Biotechnol. 41: 317-338.(IF5-year 9.5, 中科院一区TOP)

[18] Bilal M, Bagheri AR, Bhatt P*, and Chen S* (2021) Environmental occurrence, toxicity concerns, and remediation of recalcitrant nitroaromatic compounds. J. Environ. Manage. 291: 112685.(IF5-year 8.4, 中科院一区TOP)

[19] Bhatt P, Rene ER, Kumar AJ, Zhang W, and Chen S* (2020) Binding interaction of allethrin with esterase: bioremediation potential and mechanism. Bioresour. Technol. 315: 123845.(IF5-year 10.6, 中科院一区TOP)

[20] Bhatt P, Huang Y, Rene ER, Kumar AJ, and Chen S* (2020) Mechanism of allethrin biodegradation by a newly isolated Sphingomonas trueperi strain CW3 from wastewater sludge. Bioresour. Technol. 305: 123074.(IF5-year 10.6, 中科院一区TOP)【高被引论文】

[21] Zhang W, Pang S, Lin Z, Mishra S, Bhatt P, and Chen S* (2021) Biotransformation of perfluoroalkyl acid precursors from various environmental systems: advances and perspectives. Environ. Pollut. 272: 115908.(IF5-year 9.5, 中科院二区TOP)【高被引论文】

[22] Zhong J, Wu S, Chen WJ, Huang Y, Lei Q, Mishra S, Bhatt P*, and Chen S* (2023) Current insights into the microbial degradation of nicosulfuron: strains, metabolic pathways, and molecular mechanisms. Chemosphere 326: 138390.(IF5-year 8.3, 中科院二区TOP)

[23] Zhang X, Huang Y, Chen WJ, Wu S, Lei Q, Zhou Z, Zhang W, Mishra S, Bhatt P*, and Chen S* (2023) Environmental occurrence, toxicity concerns, and biodegradation of neonicotinoid insecticides. Environ. Res. 218: 114953.(IF5-year 8.2, 中科院二区TOP)【高被引论文】

[24] Wu S, Zhong J, Lei Q, Song H, Chen SF, Wahla AQ, Bhatt K*, and Chen S* (2023) New roles for Bacillus thuringiensis in the removal of environmental pollutants. Environ. Res. 236: 116699.(IF5-year 8.2, 中科院二区TOP)

[25] Lei Q, Zhong J, Chen SF, Wu S, Huang Y, Guo P, Mishra S, Bhatt K*, and Chen S* (2023) Microbial degradation as a powerful weapon in the removal of sulfonylurea herbicides. Environ. Res. 235: 116570.(IF5-year 8.2, 中科院二区TOP)

[26] Bhatt P, Udayanga D, and Chen S* (2023) Microbial engineering to reduce the synthetic pollutants from the environment. Chemosphere 334: 138919.(IF5-year 8.3, 中科院二区TOP)

[27] Chaudhary P, Ahamad L, Chaudhary A*, Kumar G, Chen WJ, and Chen S* (2023) Nanoparticle-mediated bioremediation as a powerful weapon in the removal of environmental pollutants. J. Environ. Chem. Eng. 11: 109591.(IF5-year 7.3, 中科院二区)

[28] Bhandari G, Chaudhary P*, Gangola S, Gupta S, Gupta A, Rafatullah M, and Chen S* (2023) A review on hospital wastewater treatment technologies: current management practices and future prospects. J. Water Process Eng. 39: 101712.(IF5-year 6.7, 中科院二区)

[29] Huang Y, Chen WJ, Li J, Ghorab MA, Alansary N, El-Hefny DE, El-Sayyad GS, Mishra S, Zhang X, Bhatt P*, and Chen S* (2022) Novel mechanism and degradation kinetics of allethrin using Bacillus megaterium strain HLJ7 in contaminated soil/water environments. Environ. Res. 214: 113940.(IF5-year 8.2, 中科院二区TOP)

[30] Chen Y, Chen WJ, Huang Y, Li J, Zhong J, Zhang W, Zou Y, Mishra S, Bhatt P*, and Chen S* (2022) Insights into the microbial degradation and resistance mechanisms of glyphosate. Environ. Res. 215: 114153.(IF5-year 8.2, 中科院二区TOP)

[31] Bhatt P, Rene ER, Huang Y, Wu X, Zhou Z, Li J, Kumar AJ, Sharma A, and Chen S* (2022) Indigenous bacterial consortium-mediated cypermethrin degradation in the presence of organic amendments and Zea mays plants. Environ. Res. 212: 110660.(IF5-year 8.2, 中科院二区TOP)

[32] Mishra S, Huang Y, Li J, Wu X, Zhou Z, Lei Q, Bhatt P, and Chen S* (2022) Biofilm-mediated bioremediation is a powerful tool for the removal of environmental pollutants. Chemosphere 294: 133609.(IF5-year 8.3, 中科院二区TOP)【高被引论文】

[33] Zhou Z, Wu X, Li J, Zhang Y, Huang Y, Zhang W, Shi Y, Wang J*, and Chen S* (2022) A novel quorum quencher, Rhodococcus pyridinivorans XN-36, is a powerful agent for the biocontrol of soft rot disease in various host plants. Biol. Control. 169: 104889.(IF5-year 4.1, 中科院二区)

[34] Huang Y, Zhang W, Pang S, Chen J, Bhatt P, Mishra S, and Chen S* (2021) Insights into the microbial degradation and catalytic mechanisms of chlorpyrifos. Environ. Res. 194: 110660.(IF5-year 8.2, 中科院二区TOP)【高被引论文】

[35] Bhatt P, Rene ER, Kumar AJ, Gangola S, Kumar G, Sharma A, Zhang W, and Chen S* (2021) Fipronil degradation kinetics and resource recovery potential of Bacillus sp. strain FA4 isolated from a contaminated agricultural field in Uttarakhand, India. Chemosphere 276: 130156.(IF5-year 8.3, 中科院二区TOP)

[36] Mishra S, Pang S, Zhang W, Lin Z, Bhatt P, and Chen S* (2021) Insights into the microbial degradation and biochemical mechanisms of carbamates. Chemosphere 279: 130500.(IF5-year 8.3, 中科院二区TOP)

[37] Bhatt P, Rene ER, Huang Y, Lin Z, Pang S, Zhang W, and Chen S* (2021) Systems biology analysis of pyrethroid biodegradation in bacteria and its effect on the cellular environment of pests and humans. J. Environ. Chem. Eng. 9: 106582.(IF5-year 7.3, 中科院二区)

[38] Bhatt P, Sharma A, Rene ER, Kumar AJ, Zhang W, and Chen S* (2021) Bioremediation mechanism, kinetics of fipronil degradation using Bacillus sp. FA3 and resource recovery potential from contaminated environments. J. Water Process Eng. 39: 101712.(IF5-year 6.7, 中科院二区)

[39] Bhatt P, Verma A, Gangola S, Bhandari G, and Chen S* (2021) Microbial glycoconjugates in organic pollutant bioremediation: recent advances and applications. Microb. Cell Fact. 20: 72.(IF5-year 6.3, 中科院二区)

[40] Lin Z, Pang S, Zhou Z, Wu X, Bhatt P, and Chen S* (2021) Current insights into the microbial degradation for butachlor: strains, metabolic pathways, and molecular mechanisms. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 105: 4369-4381.(IF5-year 5.2, 中科院二区TOP)

[41] Zhou Z, Wu X, Lin Z, Pang S, Mishra S, and Chen S* (2021) Biodegradation of fipronil: current state of mechanisms of biodegradation and future perspectives. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 105: 7695-7708.(IF5-year 5.2, 中科院二区TOP)

[42] Bhatt P, Gangola S, Bhandari G, Zhang W, Maithani D, Mishra S, and Chen S* (2021) New insights into the degradation of synthetic pollutants in contaminated environments. Chemosphere 268: 128827.(IF5-year 8.3, 中科院二区TOP)【热点论文&高被引论文】

[43] Mishra S, Zhang W, Lin Z, Pang S, Huang Y, Bhatt P, and Chen S* (2020) Carbofuran toxicity and its microbial degradation in contaminated environments. Chemosphere 259: 127419.(IF5-year 8.3, 中科院二区TOP)【高被引论文】

[44] Bhatt P, Bhatt K, Huang Y, Lin Z, and Chen S* (2020) Esterase is a powerful tool for the biodegradation of pyrethroid insecticides. Chemosphere 244: 125507.(IF5-year 8.3, 中科院二区TOP)【热点论文&高被引论文】

[45] Zhan H, Huang Y, Lin Z, Bhatt P, and Chen S* (2020) New insights into the microbial degradation and catalytic mechanism of synthetic pyrethroids. Environ. Res. 182: 109138.(IF5-year 8.2, 中科院二区TOP)【热点论文&高被引论文】

★ 《低碳生活与绿色文明》课程入选国家级一流本科课程(2023)

★ 《低碳生活与绿色文明》慕课入选智慧树平台2023年度人气课(2023)

★ 《低碳生活与绿色文明》慕课入选智慧树平台2022年度人气课(2022)

★ 《低碳生活与绿色文明》课程入选广东省一流本科课程(2020)

★ 《低碳生活与绿色文明》课程入选广东省精品资源共享课(2017)

占卉(2017级硕士生,优秀毕业生、优秀硕士学位论文、广东省优秀学生,美国University of Nevada博士生)

