2023 - 2024 阿肯色大学 动物科学学院 教授
2019 - 2023 阿肯色大学 动物科学学院 副教授
2015 - 2019 阿肯色大学 动物科学学院 助理教授
2014 - 2015 密歇根大学 儿科学系 研究员
2009 - 2014 密歇根大学 儿科学系 博士后
2006 - 2008 威斯康辛大学-麦迪逊分校 土壤科学系 研究助理
2001 - 2006 威斯康辛大学-麦迪逊分校 植物病理学系 研究助理
2001 - 2004 威斯康辛大学-麦迪逊分校 生物信息学 研究生证书
1998 - 2001 中国农业大学 植物病理学 硕士
1994 - 1998 中国农业大学 植物保护学 学士
2. 国际学者奖,University of Arkansas, Advising/Mentoring, University, 2021。
2. 猪肠道微生物培养组学,通过高通量单菌筛选和分离,培养猪肠道关键微生物,用于下一代猪源益生菌开发和机制解析。
2. USDA NIFA AFRI (Animal Nutrition)—Understanding how changes in the swine gastrointestinal microbiome by topsoil exposure pre-weaning increase post-weaning feed efficiency, 2018.2-2023.1, $500,000,主持;
3. Microbiome Labs/Physicians Exclusive (Industry)—Improving the effects of a Bacillus strain on the growth performance of weaning piglets, 2020.10-2021.9, $155,929,主持;
4. Arkansas Bioscience Institute—Development of next-generation swine-origin probiotics to reduce antimicrobial resistance (AMR), 2022.7-2025.5, $150,000,主持;
5. USDA NIFA AFRI (Agricultural production systems)—Enhancing sustainability of forage-based ruminant production systems by improving N-use efficiency and decreasing N emissions, 2018.4-2023.4, $497,000,参与;
6. Walmart Foundation—Improving food safety in pork supply chain in China, 2020-2022, $3,200,000,参与;
7. USDA NIFA AFRI—Growth performance, nutrient utilization and gut microbiota of pigs fed with low protein diets supplemented with isoleucine and valine, 2021.1-2022.12, $200,000,参与;
8. NIH-NIA/NICCH—Prebiotic activity of pinto beans and metabolic outcomes in estrogen deficiency, 2022.9-2024.8, $369,467,参与。
2. Wang X#, Tsai TC#, Zuo B, We X, Deng F, Li Y, Maxwell, C, Yang H, Xiao Y* and Zhao J*. (2022) Donor age and body weight determine the effect of fecal microbiota transplantation on growth performance, and fecal microbiota development in receipient pigs. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 2022, 13:49. (一区top期刊,IF: 6.2)
3. Wang X, Howe S, Wei X, Deng F, Tsai TC, Chai J, Xiao Y, Yang H, Maxwell C, Li Y and Zhao J*. (2021) Comprehensive cultivation of the swine gut microbiome reveals high bacterial diversity and guides bacterial isolation in pigs. mSystems, 2021, 6:e00477-21. (IF: 7.3)
4. Widder S*, Zhao J*, Carmody LA, Zhang Q, Kalikin LM, Schloss PD, LiPuma JJ. (2021) Association of bacterial community types, functional microbial processes, and lung disease in cystic fibrosis airways. ISME Journal, 2022, 16(4), 905-914. (一区Top期刊,IF: 11.2)
5. Li Y, Wang X, Wang XQ, Wang J*, and Zhao J*. (2020) Life-long dynamics of the swine gut microbiome and their implications in probiotics development and food safety. Gut Microbes, 2020, 11(6):1824-1832. (一区top期刊,IF: 10.2)
6. Li N, Zuo B, Huang S, Zeng B, Han D, Li T, Liu T, Wu Z, Wei H*, Zhao J*, and Wang J*. (2020) Spatial heterogeneity of bacterial colonization across different gut segments following inter-species microbiota transplantation. Microbiome, 2020, 8:161. (一区top期刊,IF: 14.7)
7. Wang X#, Tsai T#, Deng F, Wei X, Chai J, Knapp J, Apple J, Maxwell C, Lee JA, Li Y*, and Zhao J*. (2019) Longitudinal investigation of the swine gut microbiome from birth to market reveals stage and growth performance associated bacteria. Microbiome, 2019, 7(1):109. (“高被引”论文,一区top期刊,IF: 11.6)
8. Kong F, Deng F, Li Y, and Zhao J*. (2019) Identification of gut microbiome signatures associated with longevity provides a promising modulation target for healthy aging. Gut microbes, 2019, 10(2): 210-215. (IF: 7.7)
9. Kong F, Hua Y, Zeng B, Ning R, Li Y*, and Zhao J*. (2016) Gut microbiota signatures of longevity. Current Biology, 26(18): R832-R833. (一区top期刊,IF: 8.9)
10. Zhao J, Schloss PD, Kalikin LM, Carmody LA, Foster BK, Petrosino JF, Cavalcoli JD, VanDevanter DR, Murray S, Li JZ, Young VB, and LiPuma JJ*. (2012) Decade-long bacterial community dynamics in cystic fibrosis airways. PNAS, 109(15): 5809-5814. (“高被引”论文, 一区top期刊,IF: 12.8)
2. ZHAO Jiangchao , DENG Feilong, RORIE Rick, HUDSON Maryanna M., Vaginal and fecal microbiome biomarkers for predicting bovine reproductive traits.
3. ZHAO, Jiangchao; CHAI, Jianmin; KEGLEY, Elizabeth B; POWELL, Jeremy. Nasal microbiome biomarkers for predicting the onset of bovine respiratory disease.