许小霞   更新日期: 2024年12月22日
工作单位   植物保护学院
邮政编码  510642
通讯地址  华南农业大学资源环境学院539
邮箱地址  xuxiaoxia111@scau.edu.cn
许小霞,女,汉族,中共党员,安徽黄山人,理学博士,教授,博士/硕士研究生导师。2011年12月留在华南农业大学资源环境学院/教育部生物防治工程中心从事科研教学工作;“绿色农药全国重点实验室”主要成员。主要从事烟草、水稻等病虫害绿色防控工作,主要集中在害虫与植物/微生物互作及协同进化和生物农药开发等。研究方向为烟草生态栽培、病虫害绿色防控及免疫诱抗剂的创制;目前主持国家自然科学基金2项,国家重点研发计划项目红火蚁防控关键技术研究与集成示范”项目(2021YFD1000500)的子课题1项,广东省自然科学基金3项,广州市民生科技攻关计划项目1项,精准农业体系岗位体系项目1项,博士后基金各1项,广东省科技计划项目1项。第一参加国家自然科学基金1项,广东省科技创新战略专项基金(重点领域研发计划)1项,国家重点研发计划“双减项目”3项。现已在《Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 》,《International Journal of Biological Macromolecules》,《Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry》,《Environmental pollution》,《Management of Pest Science》,《Frontiers in Immunology》,《Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety》,《Frontiers in Microbiology》等国内外杂志上发表相关论文43篇,申请国家发明专利40项,获得授权国家发明专利28项,约稿英文专著1部。
联系方式: E-mail: xuxiaoxia 111@scau.edu.cn, 华南农业大学植物保护学院539,13560177128
2007.09 - 2011.12   华南农业大学资源环境学院                 博士后
2010.03 - 2011.12   美国University of Missouri Kansas City         博士后
2016.01 - 2017.01   美国University of Missouri Kansas City         访问学者
2008.12- 2011.12    华南农业大学资源环境学院                 副教授
2011.12 - 2020.07   华南农业大学农学院                       副教授
2020.07 - 2022.1    华南农业大学植物保护学院                 副教授
2022.12- 至今      华南农业大学植物保护学院                教授
1997.06-2001.06  安徽农业大学    学士学位

2001.09-2004.06  华南农业大学   硕士学位

2004.09-2007.06  中山大学        博士学位
1)昆虫免疫外界刺激的信号传导机制及抗菌肽表达调控的 RNAi 研究
  探索调控害虫免疫系统的非编码RNAs(microRNA, LncRNA ,circRNA),利用转基因技术或工程菌的方法调控非编码RNAs的表达,使害虫免疫系统发生紊乱,而不能免疫防御外界致病菌而死亡,从而达到生物防治害虫的目的
(1)中国烟草总公司湖南省公司,天敌昆虫纹彩猎蝽的繁育与应用技术研究(湘烟科〔2024〕59 号),2024/10-2026/12,80万,主持
(3)国家自然科学基金,LnRNA竞争miRNA介导小菜蛾多酚氧化酶基因表达的分子机制,32172498, 2022.01-2025.12,58万,主持
(5)广东省省级农业科技创新及推广项目,病虫害综合防控岗位专家, 2019KJ147,2019/05-2023/04,25万元,主持
(7)广东省科技创新战略专项基金(重点领域研发计划),热带亚热带农业微生物种质资源研究与选育(2018B020205003), 2018/05-2021/04,14万元,在研,参加
(9)国家自然科学基金,miR-308-3p靶向PGRP-LB调控小菜蛾抗菌肽表达的分子机制,31972345, 2020.01-2023.12,58万元,第一参加
(16)有害生物控制与资源利用国家重点实验室访问学者基金,SKLBC13F02, βGRPs介导小菜蛾免疫的RNAi研究,2013/01-2015/12,2万元,结题,主持
① Ruonan Zhang, Zehong Kang, Shengzhang Dong, Duanwen Shangguan, Rana Fartab Shoukat,Jie Zhang, Junaid Zafar,Hongxin Wu, Xiao-Qiang Yu, Xiaoxia Xu,Fengliang Jin. Boosting the efficacy of fungal biocontrol: miRNA339-5p-mediated mosquito immunity regulation. Pest Manag Sci. 2024 . doi: 10.1002/ps.8572
②  Ruonan Zhang , Jielai Zhong , Yanjun Lia , Mengge Li , Jie Zhang, Qihao Hu , Liang Wen , Xiaoxia Xu , Fengliang Jin , Wanying Yangc, Yuzhen Lu , Michael R. Strand , and Xiao-Qiang Yu. A myeloid differentiation–like protein in partnership with Toll5 from the pest insect Spodoptera litura senses baculovirus infection. PNAS. 2024 121(44) e2415398121 https: // doi.org/10.1073/ pnas. 2415398121
③ Zhanpeng Zhu , Hongxin Wu , Liangjie Lin, Ao Li, Zehong Kang, Jie Zhang, Fengliang Jin * and Xiaoxia Xu*. Comparative Analysis of PGRP Family in Polymorphic Worker Castes of Solenopsis invicta .International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024, 25, 12289. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms252212289
④ Xuemei Wang, Junaid Zafar, Xiaotong Yang , Surajit De Mandal , Yingying Hong , Fengliang Jin *, Xiaoxia Xu *.Gut bacterium Burkholderia cepacia (BsNLG8) and immune gene Defensin A contribute to the resistance against Nicotine-induced stress in Nilaparvata lugens (Stål),Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 277 (2024) 116371.
⑤ Junaid Zafar †, Rana Fartab Shoukat †, Zhanpeng Zhu, Dongran Fu, Xiaoxia Xu * and Fengliang Jin *Two-Sex Life Table Analysis for Optimizing Beauveria bassiana Application against Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)J. Fungi 2024, 10, 469. https://doi.org/10.3390/jof10070469
⑥ Zhang J, Tang T, Zhang R, Wen L, Deng X, Xiaoxia Xu, Yang W, Jin F, Cao Y, Lu Y, Yu XQ. Maintaining Toll signaling in Drosophila brain is required to sustain autophagy for dopamine neuron survival[J]. iScience. 2024;27:108795.
⑦ Zhantao Zhang †, Fengliang Jin †, Junlin Huang, Surajit De Mandal, Lu Zeng, Junaid Zafar and Xiaoxia Xu. MicroRNA Targets PAP1 to Mediate Melanization in Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus) Infected by Metarhizium anisopliae.International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024 ,25(2):1140. doi: 10.3390/ijms25021140.
⑧ Jie Zhang, Mingyou Liu , Liang Wen , Yanyan Hua , Ruonan Zhang,huZhong Li, Junaid Zafar, Rui Pang, Xiao-Qiang Yu, Xiaoxia Xu*, Fengliang Jin*.MiR-2b-3p downregulated PxTrypsin-9 expression in the larval midgut to decrease Cry1Ac susceptibility of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) J Agric Food Chem. 2024, 2(4):2263-2276. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.3c07678. 
⑨ Bo Zhang,Rong-Rong Yang ,Xing-Chuan Jiang ,, Xiao-Xia Xu,, Bing Wang,,* and Gui-Rong Wang. Genome-Wide Analysis of the Odorant Receptor Gene Family in Solenopsis invicta, Ooceraea biroi, and Monomorium pharaonis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).International Journal of Molecular Sciences.2023, 24, 6624.https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms24076624
⑩ Jie Zhang, JinRong Kong, Junaid Zafar,Fei Wang, Xuehua Shao, Ruonan Zhang, Rui Pang, Hanhong Xu, Xiaoxia Xu*,Fengliang Jin*.MicroRNA-mediated host immune genes manipulation benefits AcMNPV proliferation in Spodoptera frugiperda. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2023 ,71(45):17175-17187.
⑪ Gu Gong , Yingying Hong , Xuemei Wang , Surajit De Mandal , Junaid Zafar, Ling Huang , Fengliang Jin, Xiaoxia Xu.Nicotine perturbs the microbiota of brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens stål Hemiptera: Delphinidae). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 264 (2023) 115383 (IF=6.8 )
⑫ Wu Hongxin, Yating Xu, Junaid Zafar, Surajit De Mandal, Liangjie Lin, Yongyue Lu, Fengliang Jin, Rui Pang*, Xiaoxia Xu*. Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals the Impact of the Biopesticide Metarhizium anisopliae on the Immune System of Major Workers in Solenopsis invicta. Insects. 2023, 14(8):701.(IF=3.0 )
⑬ Junaid Zafar, Hongxin Wu,Yating Xu, Liangjie Lin, Zehong Kang, Jie Zhang, Yuonan Zhang, Yonyyue Lu, Fengliang Jin and Xiaoxia Xu*. Transcriptomic Analysis of Metarhizium anisopliae-Induced Immune-Related Long Non-Coding RNAs in Polymorphic Worker Castes of Solenopsis invicta. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 24, 13983.
⑭ Junaid Zafar, Junlin Huang, Xiaoxia Xu, Fengliang Jin *. Recent Advances and Future Potential of Long Non-Coding RNAs in Insects.International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2023, 24, 2605.(IF=6.208, Q1)
⑮ Xuemei Wang, Rongrong Yang, Junaid Zafar, Cheng Peng, Xuewei Zhang, Yinying Hong , Surajit De Mandal , Wenqing Zhang, Fengliang Jin,Xiaoxia Xu * .Symbiotic and Antagonistic Functions of the Bacterium Burkholderia cepacia BsNLG8, from the Nilaparvata lugens (Stal). Agriculture. 2022, 12, 2106.(IF=3.408, Q1)
⑯ Xiaoxia Xu, Surajit De Mandal, Hongxin Wu, Shaojie Zhu, Jinrong Kong,Sisi Lin, Fengliang Jin *. Effect of Diet on the Midgut Microbial Composition and Host Immunity of the Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda. Biology 2022,11(11):1602.
⑰ Junaid Zafar , Junlin Huang, Xiaoxia Xu,Fengliang Jin *.Analysis of Long Non-Coding RNA-Mediated Regulatory Networks of Plutella xylostella in Response to Metarhizium anisopliae Infection. Insects 2022, 13, 916.
⑱ Zhantao Zhang , Shaojie Zhu , Surajit De Mandal, Yanfu Gao, Jing Yu, Lu Zeng, Junlin Huang, Junaid Zafar, Fengliang Jin *, Xiaoxia Xu *.Combined transcriptomic and proteomic analysis of developmental features in the immune system of Plutella xylostella during larva-to-adult metamorphosis,Genomics,2022,114,110381.
⑲ Junaid Zafar , Yuxin Zhang , Junlin Huang , Shoaib Freed , Rana Fartab Shoukat , Xiaoxia Xu,and Fengliang Jin. Spatio-Temporal Profiling of Metarhizium anisopliae-Responsive microRNAs Involved in Modulation of Plutella xylostella Immunity and Development. J. Fungi 2021, 7, 942.https://doi.org/10.3390/jof7110942.(IF=5.169,Q1)
⑳ Surajit De Mandal, Amrita Kumari Panda, Chandran Murugan, Xiaoxia Xu, N. Senthil Kumar, and Fengliang Jin*.Antimicrobial Peptides: novel source and biological function with a spatial focus on entomopathogenic nematode/bacterium (EPN/EPB) symbiotic complex. Frontiers in microbiology,2021,12:555022.doi:10.3389/fmicb.2021.555022(IF=5.640,Q1)
21 Shuzhong Li, Xiaoxia Xu, Muhammad Shakeel, Surajit De Mandal, Dongran Fu, Fengliang Jin *, Gut microbiota mediate Plutella xylostella susceptibility to Bt Cry1Ac protoxin associated with host immune response, Environmental Pollution,2021(IF=8.071,Q1)
22 Surajit De Manda, Boda Lin, Miaojun Shi, Yapeng Li, Xiaoxia Xu*, FengliangJin*.iTRAQ-Based comparative proteomic analysis of larval midgut from the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) challenged with  the entomopathogenic bacteria Serratia marcescens. Fontiers in Physiology, 2020 (IF=4.319,Q2)
23 Shuzhong Li, Surajit De Mandal, Xiaoxia Xu and Fengliang Jin *, The Tripartite Interaction of Host Immunity–Bacillus thuringiensis Infection–Gut Microbiota, Toxins, 2020.8. (IF=3.531,Q2)
24 Junaid Zafar, Rana Fartab Shoukat, Yuxin Zhang, Shoaib Freed, Xiaoxia Xu, Fengliang Jin*,Metarhizium anisopliae challenges immunity and demography of Plutella xylostella. Insects.2020, (IF=2.319,Q2)
25 Rana Fartab Shoukat , Muhammad Shakeel† , Syed Arif, Hussain Rizvi , Junaid Zafar , Yuxin Zhang, Shoaib Freed , Xiaoxia Xu , Fengliang Jin* .Larvicidal, ovicidal, synergistic, and repellent activities of Sophora alopecuroides and its dominant constituents against Aedes albopictus.Insects.2020,11(4). pii: E246. doi: 10.3390/insects11040246.  (IF=2.319,Q2)
26 8.Rana Fartab Shouka, Junaid Zafar, Muhammad Shakeel, Yuxin Zhang , Shoaib Freed, Xiaoxia Xu, FengliangJin*.Assessment of Lethal, Sublethal, and Transgenerational Effects of Beauveria Bassiana on the Demography of Aedes Albopictus (Culicidae: Diptera).Insects. 2020 ,11(3). pii: E178.(IF=2.319,Q2)
27 Zhantao Zhang, Jinrong Kong, Surajit De Mandal, Shuzhong Li, Zhihua Zheng, FengliangJin*, Xiaoxia Xu*. An immune-responsive PGRP-S1 regulates the expression of antibacterial peptide genes in diamondback moth,Plutella xylostella(L.), International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 142:114-124.(IF=5.136,Q2)
28 Chengxing Wang, Fengliang Jin, Surajit De Manda, Lu Zeng, Yuxin Zhang, Yanyan Hua, Yingying Hong, Can Zhao, Junzhai Li, Dunsong Li,Xiaoxia Xu.Insights into the venom protein components of the eggparasitoid Anastatus japonicus (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae),Pest Management Science,2020 doi: 10.1002/ps.5750. (IF=3.255, Q1)
29 Rana Fartab Shouka, Babar Hassan, Muhammad Shakeel, Junaid Zafar, Shuzhong Li, Shoaib Freed, Xiaoxia Xu, Fengliang Jin*.Pathogenicity and Transgenerational Effects of Metarhizium anisopliae on the Demographic Parameters of Aedes albopictus (Culicidae: Diptera), Journal of Medical Entomology, 2020,57(3):677-685. (IF=1.925, Q1).
30 Xiaoxia Xu, Anqiao Zhong,Yansheng Wang, Boda Lin, Peng Li, Xiaojia Zhu, Jing Yu, Wenyan Ju, Surajit De Mandal,Fengliang Jin*.Molecular identification of a Moricin family antimicrobial peptide (Px-Mor) from Plutella xylostella with activities against the opportunistic human pathogen Aureobasidium pullulans, Frontiers in microbiology,2019,10:2211. (IF=4.2,Q2)
31 Munmun Chowdhury, Jie Zhang, Xiaoxia Xu, Zhen He, Yuzhen Lu, Xusheng Liu,Yufeng Wang, Xiaoqiang Yu. An in vitro study of NF-κB factors cooperatively in regulation of Drosophila melanogaster antimicrobial peptide genes. Developmental and Comparative Immunology. 2019,95:50-58. (IF=2.91,Q3)
32 Surajit De Mandal, Muhammad Shakeel, Vasantha Srinivasan Prabhakaran, Sengodan Karthi, Xiaoxia Xu, Fengliang Jin*. Alternative splicing and insect ryanodine receptor, Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 2019;e21590. (IF= 1.536,Q2)
33 Muhammad Shakeel, Xiaoxia Xu, Surajit De Mandal, Fengliang Jin*.Role of serine protease inhibitors in insect-host-pathogen interactions. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 2019;e21556. (IF=1.536,Q2)
34 Shuzhong Li, Xiaoxia Xu, Zhihua Zheng, Jinlong Zheng, Muhammad Shakeela, Fengliang Jin*.MicroRNA expression profiling of Plutella xylostella after challenge with Bacillus thuringiensis, Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2019 93:115-124. (IF=2.9,Q3).
35 Shuzhong Li, Xiaoxia Xu, Muhammad Shakeel, Jin Xu, Zhihua Zheng,  Jinlong Zheng, Xiaoqiang Yu, Qian Zhao, Fengliang Jin*. Bacillus thuringiensis suppresses the humoral immune system to overcome defense mechanism of Plutella xylostella, Fontiers in Physiology, 2018,9:1478.(IF=4.2,Q2)
36 Muhammad Shakeel, Xiaoxia Xu, Jin Xu, Shuzhong Li, Xianqiang zhou, Jialin Yu, Xiaojing Xu, Qiongbo Hu, Xiaoqiang Yu, Fengliang Jin*. Genome-wide identification of destruxin A-responsive immunity-related microRNAs in diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella. Frontiers in Immunology, 2018,9:185. (IF=6.428,Q2)
37 Jin Xu, Xiaoxia Xu, Shuzhong Li,Shuang Wang, Xiaojing Xu, Xianqiang zhou, Jialin Yu, Xiaoqiang Yu , Muhammad Shakeel, Fengliang Jin*.Genome-wide profiling of Plutella xylostella immunity-related miRNAs after Isaria fumosorosea infection, Frontiers in physiology, 2017,8:1054. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2017.01054. (IF=4.2,Q2)
38 Jin Xu, Xiaoxia Xu, Muhammad Shakeel, Shuzhong Li,Shuang Wang, Xianqiang zhou, Jialin Yu, Xiaojing Xu, Xiaoqiang Yu,Fengliang Jin*. The entomopathogenic fungi Isaria fumosorosea plays a vital role in suppressing the immune system of Plutella xylostella: RNA-Seq and DGE analysis of immunity-related genes, Frontiers in microbiology, 2017,8:1421. (IF=4.1,Q2)
39 Muhammad Shakeel, Xiaoxia Xu, Jin Xu, Shuzhong Li, Xianqiang zhou, Jialin Yu, Xiaojing Xu, Qiongbo Hu, Xiaoqiang Yu, Fengliang Jin*. Plutella xylostella has the potential to clear the infection of fungal peptide destruxin A: RNA-Seq and DGE analysis of immunity-related genes at genomic level. Scientific Reports, 2017,7(1):10966. (IF=4.28,Q2)
40 Gang Gao, Xiaoxia Xu, Shoaib Freed, Jing Yu, Linmiao Li, Wenyan Ju, Fengliang Jin*,Identification and molecular characterization of two serine proteases and their potential involvement in prophenoloxidase activation in Plutella xylostella, Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, 2016, 93(1):25-39 . (IF=1.91,Q2)
41 Xiaoxia Xu, Yuqing Zhang, Shoaib Freed, Jing Yu, Yanfu Gao, Shuang Wang, Lina Ouyang, Wenyan Ju and Fengliang Jin*, An anionic defensin from Plutella xylostella with activity against Bacillus thuringiensis , Bulletin of Entomological Research,2016, 106(6):790-800(IF=1.72,Q3)
42 Xiaoxia Xu, Fengliang Jin*, Yangsheng Wang, Shoaib Freed, Qiongbo Hu, Shunxiang Ren.Molecular cloning and characterization of gloverin from the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. and its interaction with bacterial membrane.World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2015,31(10):1529-41. (IF=1.66,Q3)
43 Lina Ouyang, Xiaoxia Xu, Shoaib Freed, Yanfu Gao, Jing Yu, Shuang Wang, Wenyan Ju, Yuqing Zhang, Fengliang Jin*, Cecropins from Plutella xylostella and their interaction with Metarhizium anisopliae, Plos ONE, 2015, 10(11):e0142451(IF=3.2,Q2)
44 Wanjun Huang, Xiaoxia Xu, Shoaib Freed, Zhihua Zheng, Shuang Wang, Shunxiang Ren, Fengliang Jin*, Molecular cloning and characterization of a β-1,3-glucan recognition proteins from Plutella xylostella (L.). New Biotechnol., 2015, 32(2): 290-299(IF=3.813,Q3)
45 Qiang Sun, Xiaoxia Xu,Shoaib Freed ,Wanjun Huang,Zhihua Zheng, Shuang Wang, Shunxiang Ren,Fengliang Jin*. Molecular characterization of a short peptidoglycan recognition protein (PGRP-S) from Asian corn borer (Ostrinia furnacalis) and its role in triggering proPO activity, World J Microbiol Biotechnol,  2014, 30(1):263-70 (SCI=1.779,Q2)
46 Xiang Meng, Junjie Hu, Xiaoxia Xu, Zeqing Wang, Qiongbu Hu, Fengliang Jin*, Shunxiang Ren. Toxic Effect of Destruxin A on Abnormal Wing disc-like (SLAWD) in Spodoptera litura Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). PLOS ONE, 2013(28),(SCI=3.2,Q2)
47 Xiaoxia Xu, Xue Zhong, Huiyu Yi ,Xiaoqiang Yu*. Manduca sexta gloverin binds microbial components and is active against bacteria and fungi. Developmental and Comparative Immunology . 38:275-28, 2012( IF=3.268,Q2)
48 Xue Zhong, Xiaoxia Xu, Huiyu Yi, Christopher Lin, Xiaoqiang Yu*. A Toll-Spätzle Pathway in the Tobacco Hornworm, Manduca sexta. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,42:514-524, 2012. ( IF= 4.018,Q2)
49 XiangJun Rao, Xiaoxia Xu, XiaoQiang Yu*. Functional analysis of two lebocin-related proteins from Manduca sexta. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,2012, 42: 231-239 ( IF=4.018)
50 Fengliang Jin*, Qiang Sun, Xiaoxia Xu, Linmiao Li, Gang Gao, yingjie Xu, Xiaoqiang Yu, Shunxiang Ren*. cDNA cloning and characterization of the antibacterial peptide cecropin 1 from the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. Protein expression and purification, 85:230-238, 2012. (IF=1.563,Q4)
51 XiangJun Rao, Xiaoxia Xu, Xiao-Qiang Yu*. Manduca sexta moricin promoter elements can increase promoter activities of Drosophila melanogaster antimicrobial peptide genes. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,2011, 41: 982-992 (IF=4.018,Q2)
52 Xiang Meng, Xiaoxia Xu , Junjie Hu, Fengliang Jin,Qiongbo Hu,Qiang Sun , Xiaoqiang Yu ,Shunxiang Ren*. Toxicity and differential protein analysis following destruxin A treatment of Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) SL-1 cells . Toxicon, 58: 327–335, 2011 ( IF=2.508,Q3)
53 Fengliang Jin ,Xiaoxia Xu ,Xiaoqiang Yu ,Shunxiang Ren .Expression and characterization of antimicrobial peptide CecropinAD in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris,Process Biochemistry (SCI=2.444,Q3)
54 Fengliang Jin, Xiaoxia Xu, Xiaoqiang Yu ,Shunxiang Ren.High-level expression of active recombinant ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase of Drosophila melanogaster in Pichia pastoris.Protein Expr Purif. 2009 65(2):115-21.
55 Fengliang Jin, XiaoLin Dong, Xiaoxia Xu ,Shunxiang Ren. cDNA cloning and recombinant expression of the general odorant binding protein II from Spodoptera litura. Sci China Ser C-Life Sci,2009,51(1) :80-8736 
56 彭琛,李昂,许小霞,等. 烟草甲抗菌肽基因Defensin的鉴定及响应细菌的表达模式分析 [J]. 环境昆虫学报, 2024, 46 (05): 1181-1192.
57 付东冉, 许小霞, 冯淑杰, 金丰良. 小菜蛾肠道成团泛菌PxG45的分离鉴定及其抗真菌活性[J].昆虫学报. 2023,44(06):1528-1540
58 张展滔,林晓菊,辜晓婷,叶凯翔,张伟钊,金丰良,许小霞*.苦瓜素Ⅰ对斜纹夜蛾几丁质酶基因( SlCht) 和几丁质合成酶基因( SlCHS-A) 表达及其生长发育的影响.昆虫学报ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SINICA,2022,65( 12) : 1668-1677
59 许亚婷,杨荣蓉,吴洪鑫,陆永跃,金丰良,许小霞.红火蚁Toll受体家族免疫响应绿僵菌表达模式的研究[J].环境昆虫学报. 2022,44(06):1528-1540
60 吴洪鑫,许亚婷,康泽泓,杨荣蓉,陆永跃,金丰良,许小霞.红火蚁Serpin家族基因鉴定及其在绿僵菌侵染下的表达模式分析[J]. 环境昆虫学报, 2022,44(06):1542-1552
61 曹苗苗,鞠雯燕,郑锦龙,张展滔,金丰良,李林妙,许小霞.斜纹夜蛾GNBP1基因的克隆及诱导表达模式的研究[J].环境昆虫学报,2018,40(06):1316-1327.
62 郑锦龙,许小霞,余静,等. 小菜蛾整合素integrin β1 基因的克隆及其功能分析[J]. 环境昆虫学报,2018,40 ( 4) : 880-893.
63 高延富,李俊俊,余静,许小霞. 小菜蛾Cactus 基因的克隆及表达模式研究[J]. 环境昆虫学报,2018,40 ( 1) : 161- 173.
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(5)许小霞,金丰良,洪莹莹,李树忠,林博达,鞠雯燕,曾路,张雨欣,花艳艳,曹苗苗. 一种靶向沉默害虫模式识别蛋白GNBP3基因表达的重组真菌及在害虫防治中的应用,中国,2021-07-09,ZL201910855074.6
(6)许小霞,洪莹莹,金丰良,张茂新,凌冰.一种用于刺吸式口器昆虫胃毒的毒力测定装置.2020-06-12,中国, ZL201921602184.3
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3)靶向抑制害虫酚氧化酶的重组dsRNA   绿僵菌的技术标准
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本科生课程: 《生物防治》,《分子生物学》,《植物保护专业英语》,《科技文献与论文写作》,《免疫与健康》,《害虫生物防治与基因工程》,《转基因植物与安全性》,《城市与卫生害虫》
培养本科生:蔺良杰,颜仕伟,魏秋希,张希维,沈欢,陈麒, 杨婷珺,魏瑶,秦家鲜,林博达,叶凯翔,张伟钊,梦元广
张展滔 2019   PxSerpin-7调控小菜蛾免疫与发育的分子机制 优秀硕士论文
王成兴 2020 结合转录组和蛋白质组深入探索卵寄生蜂-荔枝蝽平腹小蜂的毒液蛋白组分 优秀硕士论文
      2013年开始与加拿大University of Western Ontario(西安大略大学)生物化学系的 Shawn Li 教授进行免疫蛋白磷酸化和糖基化对信号传导的启动机制及免疫蛋白晶体结构解析的研究。