邢斯程   更新日期: 2025年3月10日
工作单位   群体微生物研究中心/植物保护学院
通讯地址  科技楼411-3
单位电话  02085288229
邮箱地址  scxing@scau.edu.cn
邢斯程,女,1990年12月出生,云南省昆明市人,博士,副研究员,硕士研究生导师,《农业环境科学学报》、《中国家禽》首届青年编委,中国农业工程学会畜牧工程分会理事。主要从事畜禽养殖废弃物的无害化处理及资源化利用、畜禽粪肥施用对植物细菌病害的防治效果,研究方向主要包括畜禽粪肥对植物抗青枯病的影响、植物根际微生物与植物跨界调控对抗青枯病的影响、土壤污染物对植物生长及抗病性影响等,近五年以第一作者或通讯作者在国际知名期刊Microbiome, Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Hazardous Materials等刊发论文20余篇。攻读博士学位期间于2018年-2019年赴美国爱荷华州立大学农业工程学系进行联合培养,2020年-2022年在华南农业大学动物科学学院从事博士后工作,并于2022年10月作为华南农业大学“突出人才”引进,就职群体微生物研究中心。
2020.03-2022.08, 华南农业大学 博士后
2022.09-至今, 华南农业大学 突出人才引进 副研究员
2009.09-2013.06, 西南大学 获得学士学位
2013.09-2019.12, 华南农业大学 获得博士学位(硕博连读)
2018.09-2019.08, 美国爱荷华州立大学 联合培养
1. 十四五国家重点研发计划子课题,主持,基于氨回收藻蛋白制备技术及装备研发(2023YFD1701703-03),165万,2023.12-2027-12.

2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,主持,粪源抗生素复合微塑料对蔬菜和土壤的影响及其微生物学机制 (32002221),24万,2021.01-2023.12.

3. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,主持,含抗生素粪肥施用对土壤微塑料生物膜形成及相关微生物的影响 (2021M691074),8万,2021.06-2022.11.

4. 国家蛋鸡产业技术体系粪污处理与资源化利用岗位成员(CARS-40-K23),275万,2021.01-2025.12.

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,参与,耐药基因在‘鸡粪-黑水虻-蛋鸡’食物链中的传递规律及影响机制 (32072783),58万,2021.01-2024.12.

6. 筠诚生物科技项目,主持,不同透气透水率膜堆肥在不同通风量下堆体含水率及臭气排放评估 (2021M691074),32.5万,2020.06-2021.12.

7. 温氏集团产业重大攻关/前沿研究项目子课题 (H20230169),主持,养殖废水通过藻类转化成畜禽饲用产品的关键技术研究与示范,325.2万,2023.03-2025.12.
1. Si-Cheng Xing#, Chun-Bo Huang#, Rui-Ting Wu, Yi-Wen Yang, Jing-Yuan Chen, Jian-Dui Mi, Yin-Bao Wu, Yan Wang, Xin-Di Liao*. Breed differences in the expression levels of gga-miR-222a in laying hens influenced H2S production by regulating methionine synthase genes in gut bacteria, Microbiome, 2021, 9:177. (IF5-year 19.813,中科院大类一区TOP)

2. Si-Cheng Xing, Shuo Liu, Shi-Hua Niu, Lin-Fei Li, Wei-Kang Deng, Xin-Di Liao*. The migration and residual regularity of doxycycline and antibiotic resistance genes at different depths of sandy loam with the influence of an oversized microplastic contamination layer, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 137449. (IF5-year 14.610,中科院大类一区TOP)

3. Shuo Liu#, Wei-Kang Deng#, Shi-Hua Niu, Chun-Hao Mo, Xin-Di Liao, Si-Cheng Xing*. Doxycycline combined manure microbes to enhances biofilm formation of the soil plastisphere and increases the surface bio-risk of microplastics vehicle, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 140530. (IF5-year 14.610,中科院大类一区TOP)

4. Shuo Liu, Shi-Hua Niu, Lei Xiang, Xin-Di Liao, Si-Cheng Xing*. Effects of the oversized microplastic pollution layer on soil aggregates and organic carbon at different soil depths, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 450: 131014. (IF5-year 12.984,中科院大类一区TOP)

5. Jing-Yuan Chen, Shuo Liu, Wei-Kang Deng, Shi-Hua Niu, Xin-Di Liao, Si-Cheng Xing*. The effect of manure-borne doxycycline combined with different types of oversized microplastic contamination layers on carbon and nitrogen metabolism in sandy loam, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 456: 131612. (IF5-year 12.984,中科院大类一区TOP)

6. Jing-Yuan Chen, Shi-Hua Niu, Hai-Yang Li, Xin-Di Liao, Si-Cheng Xing*.Multiomics analysis of the effects of manure-borne doxycycline combined with oversized fiber microplastics on pak choi growth and the risk of antibiotic resistance gene transmission, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 475: 134931. (IF5-year 12.984,中科院大类一区TOP)

7. Wei-Kang Deng, Jun-Liang He, Yi-heng Deng, Jing-Yuan Chen, Yin-Bao Wu, Xin-Di Liao, Si-Cheng Xing*, Biosafety assessment of laying hens fed different treatments of black soldier flies (Hermetia illucens) under doxycycline stress, Poultry Science, 2024, 103:103965. (IF5-year 4.1,中科院大类一区TOP)

8. Si-Cheng Xing#, Rui-Ting Wu#, Ying-Xi Chen, Zeng-Wen Cheng, Shuo Liu, Yi-Wen Yang, Xin-Di Liao*. Elimination and analysis of mcr-1 and blaNDM-1 in different composting pile layers under semipermeable membrane composting with copper-contaminated poultry manure, Bioresource Technology, 2021, 332: 125076. (IF5-year 11.139,中科院大类一区TOP)

9. Rui-Ting Wu, Jing-Yuan Chen, Shuo Liu, Shi-Hua Niu, Xin-Di Liao, Si-Cheng Xing⁎. Cyclic AMP and biofilms reveal the synergistic proliferation strategy of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli under the costimulation of high concentrations of microplastics and enrofloxacin, Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 838: 156470. (IF5-year 10.237,中科院大类一区TOP)

10. Yi-Wen Yang, Lin-Fei Li, Feng Huang, Xin-Wen Hu, Xin-Wei Cao, Jian-Dui Mi, Xin-Di Liao, Si-Cheng Xing*. The fate of antibiotic resistance genes and their association with bacterial and archaeal communities during advanced treatment of pig farm wastewater, Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 851: 158364. (IF5-year 10.237,中科院大类一区TOP)
1. 邢斯程,廖新俤,吴芮庭,米见对,一种转动式多层级土壤采集装置,中国实用新型专利,ZL202020158319.8.
2. 邢斯程,廖新俤,吴芮庭,米见对,一种土壤采样装置,中国实用新型专利,ZL202020158430.7.
3. 邢斯程,陈靖源,廖新俤,一种便携式除菌空气采集及微生物驯化培养一体装置,中国实用新型专利,ZL202122696758.1.