1.应用小鼠干细胞和敲除小鼠进行基因功能研究:熟练掌握的技术包括动物组织样品的收集,冷冻切片制备,各种分子手段(包括PCR、Real-time PCR、免疫荧光、原位杂交、流式细胞仪等方法) 检测基因的表达,小鼠不同干细胞(胚胎/滋养层干细胞)的培养和分化,表观遗传修饰的检测,包括流式细胞仪检测阳性细胞和应用ChIP- qPCR检测组蛋白修饰水平的检测等。
2. 对影响猪重要经济性状的基因的挖掘和功能研究。其中,重点对猪肌肉形成的表观遗传调控机制进行研究,从H3K27me3、m6A、3D基因组测序数据进行联合分析和数据挖掘,进而通过WB、MeRIP、共聚焦显微镜和基因编辑等技术在细胞和活体上进行功能研究。
2008/9-2013/12 华中农业大学,动物科学技术学院,动物遗传育种与繁殖 博士;
2004/9-2008/7 华中农业大学,动物科学技术学院,动物科学 学士
2. 2019年度华南农业大学动物科学学院“青年教师教学观摩比赛”一等奖
3. 2019年度华南农业大学动物科学学院“优秀班主任”
4. 2018年度华南农业大学动物科学学院“青年教师教学观摩比赛”二等奖
5. 2017年度华南农业大学动物科学学院 “优秀班主任”
6. 2015年湖北省优秀博士论文;
7. 2013年全国畜牧学博士生论坛最佳展示奖;
8. 华中农业大学2013年研究生学术年会优秀报告人三等奖
9. 2011-2013年“国家建设高水平大学”奖学金 (加拿大UBC联培2年);
10. 2012年博士生国家奖学金;
11. 第十六次全国动物遗传育种学术讨论会暨纪念吴仲贤先生诞辰100周年大会优秀学术论文奖;
12. 华中农业大学2008届“优秀毕业生”;
2. 动物肌肉发育的表观遗传调控
1. 组蛋白H3K27me3对猪胚胎骨骼肌发育调控作用的研究,国家自然科学基金项目(2018.08 ~ 2021.12),编号:31802036,24万,主持,结题。
2. 调控克隆猪胎盘葡萄糖转运的关键印记基因鉴定及调控机制研究,广东省科学基金(2020.1-2023.12),20万,主持,结题。
3. 组蛋白H3K27甲基化对猪胚胎骨骼肌发育调控作用的研究,广东省自然科学基金(2017.6 ~ 2020.04),编号:2017A030310001,10万,主持,在结题。
4. miR-27b对猪骨骼肌生长发育调控及分子机制,广东省自然科学基金博士启动项目(2014.12 ~ 2018.01),编号:2014A030310068,10万,主持,结题。
6. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,开始时间:2025.1,20万,主持,在研。
2. Zang X, Zhang D, Wang W, Ding Y, Wang Y, Gu S, Shang Y, Gan J, Jiang L, Meng F, Shi J, Xu Z, Huang S, Li Z, Wu Z, Gu T*(顾婷), Cai G*, Hong L*.Cross-Species Insights into Trophoblast Invasion During Placentation Governed by Immune-Featured Trophoblast Cells. Adv Sci (Weinh). 2024 Nov;11(42):e2407221. doi: 10.1002/advs.202407221(IF=14.3).
3. Xiao L#, Qiao J#, Huang Y, Tan B, Hong L, Li Z, Cai G, Wu Z, Zheng E, Wang S*, Gu T*(顾婷). RASGRP1 targeted by H3K27me3 regulates myoblast proliferation and differentiation in mice and pigs. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai). 2024 Feb 28. doi: 10.3724/abbs.2024011(IF=3.3).
4. Tan B#, Xiao L#, Wang Y, Zhou C, Huang H, Li Z, Hong L, Cai G, Wu Z, Gu T(顾婷).Comprehensive Analysis of Placental DNA Methylation Changes and Fetal Birth Weight in Pigs.Int J Mol Sci. 2024 Jul 13;25(14):7702. doi: 10.3390/ijms25147702(IF=4.9).
5. Baohua Tan#, Chen Zhou#, Xupeng Zang, Xinming Zhao, Liyao Xiao, Jiekang Zeng, Linjun Hong, Zhenfang Wu*, Ting Gu*(顾婷),Integrated Analysis of DNA Methylation and Gene Expression in Porcine Placental Development. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Mar 8;24(6):5169(IF=6.208).
6. Baohua Tan # , Jiekang Zeng # , Fanming Meng , Shanshan Wang , Liyao Xiao , Xinming Zhao , Linjun Hong , Enqin Zheng , Zhenfang Wu ,Zicong Li* , Ting Gu*(顾婷),Comprehensive analysis of pre-mRNA alternative splicing regulated by m6A methylation in pig oxidative and glycolytic skeletal muscles. BMC Genomics.2022,23(1): 804(IF=4.547).
7. Shanshan Wang#, Baohua Tan#, Liyao Xiao, Jiekang Zeng, Xinming Zhao, Linjun Hong, Zicong Li, Gengyuan Cai, Enqing Zheng, Ting Gu*(顾婷), Zhenfang Wu*, Long non-coding RNA Gm10561 promotes myogenesis by sponging miR-432.Epigenetics. 2022, 17(13): 2039-2055(IF=4.861).
8. Shanshan Wang#, Baohua Tan#, Liyao Xiao,Xinming Zhao, Jiekang Zeng, Linjun Hong, Jie Yang, Gengyuan Cai, Enqing Zheng, Zhenfang Wu* ,Ting Gu*(顾婷), Comprehensive Analysis of Long Noncoding RNA Modified by m6A Methylation in Oxidative and Glycolytic Skeletal Muscles. Int J Mol Sci.2022 Apr 21; 23(9):4600(IF=6.208).
9. Junson Shi#, Liyao Xiao#, Baohua Tan, LVhua Luo, Zicong Li, Linjun Hong, Jie Yang, Gengyuan Cai, Enqin Zheng, Zhenfang Wu*, Ting Gu*(顾婷).Comparative evaluation of production performances of cloned pigs derived from superior Duroc boars. Anim Reprod Sci., 2022 sep;244:107049.
10. Baohua Tan#, Sheng Wang#, Shanshan Wang, Jiekang Zeng, Linjun Hong, Zicong Li, JieYang, Gengyuan Cai, Enqin Zheng, Zhenfang Wu* and Ting Gu(顾婷)*. Genome-wide analysis of H3K27me3 in porcine embryonic muscle development. Front Cell Dev Biol, 2021, Nov 5;9:739321. doi: 10.3389.IF=6.684.
11. Jiaxin Qiao#, Shanshan Wang# , Jian Zhou , Baohua Tan , Zicong Li , Enqin Zheng , Gengyuan Cai , Zhenfang Wu , Linjun Hong* , Ting Gu (顾婷)*. ITGB6 inhibits the proliferation of porcine skeletal muscle satellite cells. Cell Biol Int. 2021 Sep 13.
12. Pingping Xing#, Linjun Hong#, Guanhao Yan, Baohua Tan, Jiaxin Qiao, Shanshan Wang, Zicong Li, JieYang, Enqin Zheng, Gengyuan Cai, Zhenfang Wu, Ting Gu(顾婷). Neuronatin gene expression levels affect foetal growth and development by regulating glucose transport in porcine placenta. Gene. 2022 Jan 30;809:146051.
13. Xupeng Zang #, Ting Gu #(顾婷), Wenjing Wang , Chen Zhou , Yue Ding , Shengchen Gu , Zhiqian Xu , Yanshe Xie , Zicong Li , Gengyuan Cai , Bin Hu, Linjun Hong *, Zhenfang Wu *. Integrated Insight into the Molecular Mechanisms of Spontaneous Abortion during Early Pregnancy in Pigs. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Jun 21;22(12):6644.
14. Xupeng Zang# , Ting Gu# (顾婷), Qun Hu , Zhiqian Xu , Yanshe Xie , Chen Zhou , Enqin Zheng , Sixiu Huang , Zheng Xu , Fanming Meng , Gengyuan Cai , Zhenfang Wu* , Linjun Hong*. Global Transcriptomic Analyses Reveal Genes Involved in Conceptus Development During the Implantation Stages in Pigs. Front Genet. 2021 Feb 24;12:584995.
15. Tan B, Hong L, Qiao J, Zhou J, Xing P, Yan G, Zheng E, Cai G, Huang S, Wu Z*, Gu T(顾婷)*. Identification and Expression Pattern of EZH2 in Pig Developing Fetuses. Biomed Res Int. 2020; 5315930.
16. Shi J#, Tan B#, Luo L, Li Z, Hong L, Yang J, Cai G, Zheng E, Wu Z*, Gu T(顾婷)*. Assessment of the Growth and Reproductive Performance of Cloned Pietrain Boars. Animals (Basel). 2020, 10(11):2053.
17. Zheng Ao#, Ting Gu(顾婷)#, Huaxing Zhao, Junsong Shi, Enqin Zheng, Gengyuan Cai, Zhenfang Wu*, Zicong Li*. The Pathophysiological Changes Associated With Neonatal Death of Cloned Pigs.Reproduction,2020;IF=3.125
18. Gu Ting(顾婷)#, Xu Guli#, Jiang Chengfeng, Hou Lianjie, Wu Zhenfang, Wang Chong. PRDM16 represses the pig white lipogenesis through promoting lipolysis activity. Biomed reserch international (2314-6133),2019;IF=2.19
19. Gu Ting(顾婷)#, Shi Junsong#, Luo Lvhua, Li Zicong, Yang Jie, Cai Gengyuan, Zheng Enqin, Hong Linjun, Wu Zhenfang. Study on Hematological and Biochemical Characters of Cloned Duroc Pigs and Their Progeny.animals,2019;IF=1.832
20. Gu Ting(顾婷)#, Shi Junsong#, Luo Lvhua, Li Zicong, Zheng Enqin, Cai Gengyan, Hong Linjun, Wu Zhenfang. Comparison of carcass traits, meat quality and chemical composition of tissues from progeny derived from cloned and non-cloned pigs. cellular reprogramming,2019;IF=1.453
21. Hong L#, Gu T(顾婷)#, He Y, Zhou C, Hu Q, Wang Xingwang, Zheng Enqin, Huang Sixiu, Xu Zheng, Yang Jie, Yang Huaqiang, Li Zicong, Liu Dewu, Cai Gengyuan*, Wu Z*. Genome-Wide Analysis of Circular RNAs Mediated ceRNA Regulation in Porcine Embryonic Muscle Development. Front Cell Dev Biol,2019;IF=5.206
22. Bogutz AB, Oh-McGinnis R, Jacob KJ, Ho-Lau R, Gu T(顾婷), Gertsenstein M, Nagy A, Lefebvre L. Transcription factor ASCL2 is required for development of the glycogen trophoblast cell lineage. PLoS Genet. 2018 Aug 10;14(8):e1007587.IF=5.5
23. Gu T(顾婷), Zhu M, Schroyen M, Long Q, Nettleton D, Kuhar D, Lunney J, Zhao S, Tuggle C. Endometrial gene expression profiling in pregnant Meishan and Yorkshire breeds at peri- implantation to characterize the prolific nature of pigs. BMC Genomics, 2014; 15:156. IF= 4.4
24. Gu T(顾婷), Su X, Zhao S, Li C. Methylation differences of the neuronatin gene promoter region in liver between normal and cloned pigs. Animal Genetics. 2014,45(1):122-124; IF= 2.6
25. Gu T(顾婷), Su X, Zhou Q, Li X, Yu M, Ding Y, Zhao S, Li C. Molecular characterization of the Neuronatin gene in the porcine placenta. PLoS One. 2012; 7(8):e433-435. IF= 3.7
26. Gu T(顾婷), Zhao S, Li C. NAP1L5 is imprinted in porcine placenta. Animal Genetics. 2011;42(5): 568- 569.IF=2.6
27. 乔佳鑫,周健,邢萍萍,谭宝华,严冠豪,洪林君,郑恩琴,杨杰,蔡更元,吴珍芳,黄思秀*,顾婷*.影响猪肉系水力的主要因素及相关机制研究进展,中国畜牧杂志,2021.7.27
28. 邢萍萍,严冠豪,谭宝华,乔佳鑫,王珊珊,洪林君,郑恩琴,黄思秀,顾婷*.猪Neuronatin基因在pTr2细胞内葡萄糖转运中的功能研究,中国畜牧杂志,2021.11.16
29. 甘炎民,周健,全绒,洪林君,李紫聪,郑恩琴,刘德武,吴珍芳,蔡更元*,顾婷*,组蛋白H3K27me3对骨骼肌发育调控研究进展, 遗传, 2019.
30. 钟翠丽,李国玲,王豪强,莫健新,全绒,张献伟,李紫聪,吴珍芳,顾婷*,蔡更元*,大载体转染猪胎儿成纤维细胞的电转条件优化,中国农业科学,2019.
31. 陈智成,邢萍萍,周健,谭宝华,乔佳鑫,严冠豪,洪林君,郑恩琴,黄思秀,顾婷*,“人造肉”的发展及面临的挑战,畜牧产业,2020.
1. 一种与猪初生重性状相关的分子标记及应用,李长春,顾婷,李小平,苏曦,赵书红,余梅,李新云,曹建华
2. 一种针对组织的自然染色质免疫沉淀处理方法, 吴珍芳,顾婷,甘炎民,周健,邢萍萍,谭宝华,蔡更元,李紫聪,洪林君,杨杰,郑恩琴
3. 一种影响猪日增重性状的分子标记及其应用,吴珍芳,杨杰,全建平,蔡更元,刘德武,郑恩琴,顾婷
4. 一种影响猪肌内脂肪性状的分子标记及其应用,吴珍芳,杨杰,杨林雪,蔡更元,刘德武,李紫聪,郑恩琴,顾婷
5. 一种影响猪饲料转化率性状的分子标记及其应用,杨杰,吴珍芳,丁荣荣 ,刘德武, 蔡更元, 顾婷,郑恩琴