姓 名 朱国辉 性 别
出生年月 1976年8月 籍贯 湖南沅江市
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中共党员
最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位
技术职称 教授 导师类别 博、硕导
行政职务 副院长 Email ghzhu@scau.edu.cn
工作单位 生物化学与分子生物学教研室 邮政编码 510642
通讯地址 生物化学及分子生物学系
单位电话 020-38297712
个人主页 http://life.scau.edu.cn/nav-staff-30002278.asp
朱国辉,1976年生,博士,硕士生导师。2004年毕业于华南农业大学生命科学学院植物学专业,获理学博士学位。分别于2008年在香港浸会大学、2013年在美国普渡大学做访问学者。主要研究方向为植物逆境生理与分子生物学。在J Exp Bot、Plant Cell Physiol等SCI杂志发表研究论文10余篇,其中第一或通讯作者论文7篇。主持国家自然科学基金项目3项,省部级课题3项。
博士 博士研究生 理学 植物学 华南农业大学 全日制 1999-2004
学士 大学本科 农学 茶学 湖南农业大学 全日制 1995-1999
1.Cai S, Jiang G, Ye N, Chu Z, Xu X, Zhang J, Zhu G*. 2015. A Key ABA Catabolic Gene, OsABA8ox3, Is Involved in Drought Stress Resistance in Rice. PLoS ONE 10(2): e0116646. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0116646 (*Corresponding author)
2.Liu R, Liu Y, Ye N, Zhu G, Chen M, Jia L, Xia Y, Shi L, Jia W, Zhang J. 2015. AtDsPTP1 acts as a negative regulator in osmotic stress signalling during Arabidopsis seed germination and seedling establishment. Journal of Experimental Botany 66(5): 1339-1353.
3.Hu X, Wu L, Zhao F, Zhang D, Li N, Zhu G, Li C, Wang W. 2015. Phosphoproteomic analysis of the response of maize leaves to drought, heat and their combination stress. Frontiers in plant science, 2015, 6: 298. 10.3389.
4.Ye N, Li H, Zhu G, Liu Y, Liu R, Xu W, Jing Y, Peng X, Zhang J. Copper Suppresses Abscisic Acid Catabolism and Catalase Activity, and Inhibits Seed Germination of Rice. Plant and Cell Physiology, 2014, 55(11): 2008-2016.
5.Wang X, Duan C-G, Tang K, Wang B, Zhang H, Lei M, Lu K, Mangrauthia SK, Wang P, Zhu G, Zhao Y, Zhu JK. 2013. RNA-binding protein regulates plant DNA methylation by controlling mRNA processing at the intronic heterochromatin-containing gene IBM1. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110, 15467-15472.
6.Ye N, Zhu G, Liu Y, Zhang A, Li Y, Liu R, Shi L, Jia L, Zhang J. 2012. Ascorbic acid and reactive oxygen species are involved in the inhibition of seed germination by abscisic acid in rice seeds. Journal of Experimental Botany 63(5):1809-1822.
7.Zhu G, Liu Y, Ye N, Liu R, Zhang J. 2011. Involvement of the abscisic acid catabolic gene CYP707A2 in the glucose-induced delay in seed germination and post-germination growth of Arabidopsis. Physiologia Plantarum 143,375-384.
8.Zhu G, Ye N, Yang J, Peng X, Zhang J. 2011. Regulation of expression of starch synthesis genes by ethylene and ABA in relation to the development of rice inferior and superior spikelets. Journal of Experimental Botany 62,3907–3916.
9.Ye N*, Zhu G*, Liu Y, Li Y, Zhang J. 2011. ABA controls H2O2 accumulation through the induction of OsCATB in rice leaves under water stress. Plant and Cell Physiology 52,689-698. (*Co-first author)
10.Zhu G, Ye N, Zhang J. 2009. Glucose-induced delay of seed germination in rice is mediated by the suppression of ABA catabolism rather than an enhancement of ABA biosynthesis. Plant and Cell Physiology 50,644-651.
11.Zhu G, Zhang J, Chen J, Peng X. 2008. Characterization of a rice metallothionein type 3 gene with different expression profiles under various nitrogen forms. Biologia Plantarum 52,668-673.
12.Zhang J, He Z, Tian H, Zhu G, Peng X. 2007. Identification of aluminium-responsive genes in rice cultivars with different aluminium sensitivities. Journal of Experimental Botany 58, 2269-2278.
13.Zhu GH, Zhuang C-X, Wang Y-Q, Jiang L-R, Peng X-X. 2006. Differential expression of rice genes under different nitrogen forms and their relationship with sulfur metabolism. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 48, 1177-1184.
14.Wang YQ, Zhang JJ, Zhu GH, Peng XX. 2006. Differential expression of proteins in rice leaves cultivated with different forms of nitrogen nutrients. Journal of plant physiology and molecular biology 32, 403-410.
15.Xu HW, Ji XM, He ZH, Shi WP, Zhu GH, Niu JK, Li BS, Peng XX. 2006. Oxalate accumulation and regulation is independent of glycolate oxidase in rice leaves. Journal of Experimental Botany 57, 1899-1908.
16.蔡珊兰,廖炳创,潘丽朴,朱国辉*.2013. 基因芯片分析水稻灌浆期籽粒淀粉合成相关基因的表达. 华南农业大学学报 34(2), 187-191.
17.朱国辉. 2013. 不同氮素营养对干旱胁迫下水稻的影响. 中国科技论文在线.
18.朱国辉, 徐慰盈, 吴丹, 张乾毅. 2010. 拟南芥ABA生物合成基因NCED6对葡萄糖诱导其种子萌发延迟的作用. 植物生理学通讯 46,139-142.
19.朱国辉, 黄卓烈. 2009. 生物化学验证性实验与设计性实验结合教学的实践. 生物学杂志 26,95-96.
20.朱国辉, 罗思施, 李守思, 梁计南, 谢君. 2008. 重金属污染土壤能源甘蔗品种筛选及蔗汁发酵的研究. 可再生能源 26,60-63.
21.朱国辉, 黄卓烈. 2008. mRNA 差异显示技术分离水稻铵态氮营养诱导表达基因. 中国水稻科学 22,261-265.