姓 名 张玲华 性 别
出生年月 1973年3月 籍贯 宁波
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中共党员
最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位
技术职称 教授 导师类别 博导
行政职务 Email lhzhang@scau.edu.cn
工作单位 微生物学教研室 邮政编码
单位电话 020-85281389
张玲华,女,华南农业大学教授,博士生导师,广东省千百十培养对象。2006年至今已在Vaccine、 Molecular Immunology、Developmental and Comparative Immunology等国际知名期刊发表20余篇论文,累积影响因子118.998,8项发明专利授权。作为学科带头人,积极推动学院“211”学科建设,协助组织并顺利通过了生化与分子生物学广东省重点学科中期评估。此外还兼任广东省科技咨询专家、教育部“博士后基金”评审专家等。
 2006/1 - 至今,华南农业大学,生命科学学院,教授
 2007/9 - 2009/7,华南理工大学,发酵工程,博士,
 1996/9 - 1999/7,华南理工大学,发酵工程,硕士,
 1992/9 - 1996/7,华南理工大学,生物化工,学士
获得国家基金,省攻关,省基金,市重点攻关项目等 多项项目支助。
(1) Shen H.K., Zhao Z.T., Zhao Z.J., Chen Y.Y., Zhang, L.H.* (张玲华) (2022). Native and Engineered Probiotics: Promising Agents against Related Systemic and Intestinal Diseases. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23;594 DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms23020594 (*通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 5.6,中科院SCI期刊分区:2区,JCR分区:Q1)
(2) Weixiong Pan , Zengjue Zhao , Jiahui Wu , Qin Fan , Haobin Huang , Rongxiao He , Haokun Shen , Zitong Zhao , Saixiang Feng , Guanhua Gan , Zhiyang Chen , Miaopeng Ma , Chongjun Sun , Linghua Zhang*(张玲华)(2022) LACpG10-HL Functions Effectively in Antibiotic-Free and Healthy Husbandry by Improving the Innate Immunity, International Journal of Molecular Sciences(*通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 5.6,中科院SCI期刊分区:2区,JCR分区:Q1)
(3) 贾军皓,曹丁,陈勉华,赵培静,明飞平,梁倩怡,李嘉怡,樊钦,邓锦波,张淑霞,马苗鹏,张玲华*,(2022)菌丝霉素在酪丁酸梭菌中的表达研究, 食品工业科技(*通讯作者,2022复合影响因子2.561,北大核心),
(4) 潘伟雄,陈钰怡,赵锃珏,冯赛祥,仇微红,叶贺佳,张玲华*,(2022)高效赤红球菌协同CpGODN增强鸡禽流感疫苗的免疫效力,畜牧兽医学报(*通讯作者,2022复合影响因子 1.46,北大核心)
(5) Zhao. Z.J., He. R.X., Chu P.P., Cai H.M., Shen H.K., Zhao Z.T., Feng S.X., Cao D., Liao M., Gan G.H., Ye H.J., Chen Z.Y., Qiu W.H., Deng J.B., Ming F.P., Ma M.P., Jia J.H., Wu J.H., Huang H.B., Sun C.J., Li J.Y., Zhang, L.H.*(张玲华) (2021). YBX has functional roles in CpG-ODN against cold stress and bacterial infection of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 118: 72–84  DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fsi.2021.08.018 (*通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 4.7,中科院SCI期刊分区:2区,JCR分区:Q1)
(6) Ma M.P., Zhao Z.T., Liang Q.Y., Shen H.K., Zhao Z.J., Chen Z.Y., He R.X., Feng S.X., Cao D., Gan G.H., Ye H.J., Qiu W.H., Deng J.B., Ming F.P., Jia J.H., Sun C.H., Li J.Y., Zhang L.H.*(张玲华). (2021) Overexpression of pEGF improved the gut protective function of Clostridium butyricum partly through STAT3 signal pathway. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 105: 5973–5991 DOI: 10.1007/s00253-021-11472-y. (*通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 5.0,中科院SCI期刊分区:2区,JCR分区:Q1)
(7) Sun C.J., Shen H.K., Cai H.M., Zhao Z.J., Gan G.H., Feng S.X., Chu P.P., Zeng M., Deng J.B., Ming F.P. Ma M.P., Jia J.H., He R.X., Cao D., Chen Z.Y., Li J.Y., Zhang L.H.*(张玲华).(2021) Intestinal guard: Human CXCL17 modulates protective response against mycotoxins and CXCL17-mimetic peptides development. Biochemical Pharmacology. 188: 114586 DOI: 10.1016/j.bcp.2021.114586 (*通讯作者,2023SCI Impact factor, 5.8,中科院SCI期刊分区:2区,JCR分区:Q1)
(8) 李美娣,赵锃珏,刘汉清, 傅嘉莉,张玲华*,武力,(2021)肠道免疫相关的猪富含半胱氨酸肠蛋白2三维建模、分子特征及mRNA表达的组织分布,畜牧兽医学报 (*通讯作者,2022复合影响因子 1.46,北大核心)
(9) Liang Q.Y., Liu J., Wei J.T., Jia J.H., Shen H.K., Chen W.L., Liang W.J., Gao B., Xu Z. H.*, Zhang L.H.* (张玲华).(2020)The effect of Clostridium tyrobutyricum Spo0A overexpression in the intestine of mice. Beneficial Microbes. 2020; 11(6): 573-589 (*通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 5.4,中科院SCI期刊分区:4区,JCR分区:Q1)
(10) Li J.Y., Shen H.K., Zhao Z.J., Cao D., Zeng M., Cai H.M., Wei J.T., Fan Q., Deng J.B., Ming F.P., Ma M.P., Liang Q.Y., Jia J.H., Zhang S.X., Zhang L.H.*(张玲华).(2020)Protective effects of Clostridium butyricum against oxidative stress induced by food processing and lipid-derived aldehydes in Caco-2 cells. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 104:9343-9361 (*通讯作者,2023SCI Impact factor, 5.0,中科院SCI期刊分区:2区,JCR分区:Q1)
(11) Li, J.Q., Fan, Q., Cai, H.M., Deng, J.B., Ming, F.P., Li, J.Y., Zeng, M., Ma, M.P., Zhao, P.J., Liang, Q.Y., Jia, J.H., Zhang, S.X., Zhang L.H.*(张玲华). (2020). Identification of RBP4 from bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) / silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and effects of CpG ODN on RBP4 expression under A. hydrophila challenge. Fish & Shellfish Immunology https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fsi.2020.03.036. (*通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 4.7,中科院SCI期刊分区:2区,JCR分区:Q1)
(12) Cai, H.M., Wei, J.T., Shen, H.K., Li, J.Y., Fan, Q., Zhao, Z.Z., Deng, J.B., Ming, F.P., Zeng, M., Ma, M.P., Zhao, P.J., Liang, Q.Y., Jia, J.H., Zhang, S.X., Zhang L.H.*(张玲华). (2020). Molecular cloning, characterization and expression profiles of Annexin family (ANXA1~A6) in yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco) and ANX regulation by CpG ODN responding to bacterial infection. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 99, 609-630.( *通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 4.7,中科院SCI期刊分区:2区,JCR分区:Q1)
(13) Deng J.B., Li J.Q., Ma M.P., Zhao P.J., Ming F.P., Lu Z.P., Shi J.Q., Fan Q, Liang Q.Y., Jia J.H., Li J.Y., Zhang S.X., Zhang L.H.*(张玲华).(2020)Co-expressing GroEL-GroES, Ssa1-Sis1 and Bip-PDI chaperones for enhanced intracellular production and partial-wall breaking improved stability of porcine growth hormone. Microb Cell Fact. 19,35.( *通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 6.4,中科院SCI期刊分区:2区,JCR分区:Q1)
(14) Zhang S.X., Wu L., Chen J.W., Wei J.T., Cai H.M., Ma M.P., Zhao P.J., Ming F.P., Jia J.H., Li J.Y., Fan Q., Liang Q.Y., Deng J.B., Zeng M., Zhang L.H.*(张玲华).(2019) Effects of porcine IL-17B and IL-17E against intestinal pathogenic microorganism. Molecular Immunology.116:151-159( *通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 3.4,中科院SCI期刊分区:3区,JCR分区:Q3)
(15) Zhang S.X, Cai H.M., Cao D, Deng J.B., Jia J.H., Li J.Q., Ming F.P., Zhao P.J., Ma M.P., Liang Q.L., Zeng M., Zhang L.H.(张玲华)*. (2019) Recombinant plasmids containing CpG with porcine host defense peptides (PR-39/pBD-1) modulates the innate and adaptive intestinal immune responses (including maternal-derived) in piglets. Int. Immunopharmacol. 70, 467-476 ( *通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 5.6,中科院SCI期刊分区:2区,JCR分区:Q1)
(16) Cai H.M., Deng J.B., Li J.Q., Ma M.P., Huang C, Zhao P, Ming F.P., Liang Q.Y., Jia J.H., Zhang S.X., Zeng M., Zhang, L.H. (张玲华)* (2019) Modulating the 3’ end-DNA and the fermentation process for enhanced production and biological activity of porcine interferon-gamma. PLoS ONE 14(3), e0214319. ( *通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 3.2,中科院SCI期刊分区:3区,JCR分区:Q2)
(17) Yang, J., Cai, H.M., Liu, J., Z, Zeng. M., Cheng, Q.M, Zhang, L.H. (张玲华)*. (2018) Controlling AOX1 promoter strength in Pichia pastoris by manipulating poly (dA:dT) tracts. Scientific Reports, 8:1401-1412. ( *通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 4.6,中科院SCI期刊分区:3区,JCR分区:Q2)
(18) Cai, H.M., Chen, J.W., Liu, J., Ming, F.P., Lu, Z.P., Cheng, Q.M., Yang, J., Zhang, L.H. (张玲华)*. (2017) CRIP1, a novel immune-related protein, activated by Enterococcus faecalis in porcine gastrointestinal epithelial cells. Gene, 598, 84-96. ( *通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 3.5,中科院SCI期刊分区:3区,JCR分区:Q2)
(19) Yang, J., Lu, Z.P., Chen, J.W., Chu, P.P., Cheng, Q.M., Liu, J., Ming, F.P., Huang, C.Y., Xiao, A.J., Cai, H.M., Zhang, L.H. (张玲华)*. (2016) Effect of cooperation of chaperones and gene dosage on the expression of porcine PGLYRP-1 in Pichia pastoris. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 100:5453–5465. (*通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 5.0,中科院SCI期刊分区:2区,JCR分区:Q1)
(20) Cai, H.M., Kuang Z.S., Huang K.Y., Shi, J.Q., Zhao X.J., Chu, P.P., Huang, C.Y., Ming, F.P., Xia, F.G., Yang, J., Zhang, L.H. (张玲华)*. (2014) CpG oligodeoxynucleotide protect neonatal piglets from challenge with the enterotoxigenic E. coli , Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 161, 66–76  (*通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 1.8,中科院SCI期刊分区:3区,JCR分区:Q2)
(21) Ming, F.P., Yang, J., Chu, P.P., Ma, M.P., Shi, J.Q., Cai, H.M., 参与人, Li, H.Z., Jiang, Z.G., Wang, W.F., Zhang, S.Q., Zhang L.H.(张玲华)*. (2013) Immunization of Aged Pigs with Attenuated Pseudorabies Virus Vaccine Combined with CpG Oligodeoxynucleotide Restores Defective Th1 Immune Responses, PLOS ONE,  8(6), 65536-65536 ( *通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 3.2,中科院SCI期刊分区:3区,JCR分区:Q2)
(22) Ma, M.P., Wang, L.L., Yang, J., Cai, H.M., Shi, J.Q., Huang, Z.F., Zhang, S.Q., Zhang L.H.(张玲华)*. (2012) Age-related impaired Th1 responses to PRV vaccine in vivo in aged pigs, Molecular Immunology, 52, 217-222 ( *通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 3.4,中科院SCI期刊分区:3区,JCR分区:Q3)
(23) Yang, J., Mao, M.P., Huang Z.F., Zhang, S.Q., Chen, S.F., Li, H.Z., Jiang, Z.G., Cao, G.J., Cao, D., Wang, X.F., Zhang L.H.(张玲华)*. (2012)  Innate defence regulator peptide synergizes with CpG ODN for enhanced innate instestinal immune responses in neonate piglets. Int. Immunopharmacol. 12(2), 415–424 (  *通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 5.6,中科院SCI期刊分区:2区,JCR分区:Q1)
(24) Cao, D., Li, H.Z., Jiang, Z.G, Cheng, Q., Yang, Z.H., Xu, C.C., Cao, G.J., Zhang L.H.(张玲华)*. (2011) CpG oligodeoxynucleotide synergizes innate defense regulator peptide for enhancing the systemic and mucosal immune responses to pseudorabies attenuated virus vaccine in piglets in vivo.  Int. Immunopharmacol. 11, 748–754 (  *通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 5.6,中科院SCI期刊分区:2区,JCR分区:Q1)
(25) Cao, D., Li, H.Z., Jiang, Z.G, Xu, C.C., Cheng, Q., Yang, Z.H., Cao, G.J., Zhang L.H.(张玲华)*. (2010) Synthetic innate defence regulator peptide enhances in vivo immunostimulatory effects of CpG-ODN in newborn piglets. Vaccine. 28, 6006–6013. ( *通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 5.5,中科院SCI期刊分区:3区,JCR分区:Q2)
(26) Cheng, Q., Xu, C.C., Zhang L.H.(张玲华)*, Li, J.Q., Cao, T., Zhang, M.R. (2010) Administered CpG Oligodeoxynucleotide Induces mRNA expression of CXC and CC Chemokines at the Intestinal Mucosa and PBMCs in Piglets. Int. Immunopharmacol. 10, 611-618  (  *通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 5.6,中科院SCI期刊分区:2区,JCR分区:Q1)
(27) Cheng, Q., Jiang, Z.G.,  Xu, C.C., Li, H.Z., Cao, D., Yang, Z.H., Cao, G.J., Zhang L.H.(张玲华)* (2010)  CpG oligodeoxynucleotide promotes protective immunity in the enteric mucosa and suppresses enterotoxigenic E. coli in the weaning piglets. Int. Immunopharmacol.   10, 1249–1260 (  *通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 5.6,中科院SCI期刊分区:2区,JCR分区:Q1)
(28) Zhang L.H.(张玲华)*, Tian, X.S., Zhou, F.Z. (2008a) In vivo oral administration effects of variousoligodeoxynucleotides containing synthetic immunostimulatory motifs in the immune response to pseudorabies attenuated virus vaccine in newborn piglets. Vaccine. 26, 224-233. (  *通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 5.5,中科院SCI期刊分区:3区,JCR分区:Q2)
(29) Zhang L.H.(张玲华)*, Zhang, M.R., Li, J.Q., Cao, T., Tian, X.S., Zhou, F.Z. (2008b) Enhancement of mucosal immune responses by intranasal co-delivery of Newcastle disease vaccine plus CpG oligonucleotide in SPF chickens in vivo.  Research in Veterinary Science. 85,  495–502. ( *通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 2.4,中科院SCI期刊分区:3区,JCR分区:Q1)
(30) Zhang L.H.(张玲华)*, Tian, X.S., Zhou, F.Z. (2007a)  In vivo immunostimulatory effects of CpG ODN in newborn piglets. Molecular Immunology. 44, 1238–1244. ( *通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 3.4,中科院SCI期刊分区:3区,JCR分区:Q3)
(31) Zhang L.H.(张玲华)*, Tian, X.S., Zhou, F.Z. (2007b) In vivo effects of oligodeoxynucleotides containing synthetic immunostimulatory motifs in the immune response to swine streptococcic septicemia vaccine in weaned piglets. Molecular Immunology. 44, 1141–1149. ( *通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 3.4,中科院SCI期刊分区:3区,JCR分区:Q3)
(32) Zhang L.H.(张玲华)*, Tian, X.S., Zhou, F.Z. (2007c) Vaccination with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome killed virus vaccine and immunostimulatory oligodeoxynucleotides induces specific immunity in piglets. Vaccine. 25, 1735–1742. (  *通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 5.5,中科院SCI期刊分区:3区,JCR分区:Q2)
(33) Zhang L.H.(张玲华)*, Tian, X.S., Zhou, F.Z. (2007d) Vaccination with Newcastle disease vaccine and CpG oligodeoxynucleotides induces specific immunity and protection against Newcastle disease virus in SPF chicken. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology. 115, 216–222. (*通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 1.8,中科院SCI期刊分区:3区,JCR分区:Q2)
(34) Zhang L.H.(张玲华)*, Tian, X.S., Zhou, F.Z. (2007e) Intranasal administration of CpG oligonucleotides induces mucosal and systemic Type 1 immune responses and adjuvant activity to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome killed virus vaccine in piglets in vivo. International Immunopharmacology. 7(13), 1732–1740. (  *通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 5.6,中科院SCI期刊分区:2区,JCR分区:Q1)
(35) Zhang L.H.(张玲华)*, Tian, X.S., Zhou, F.Z. (2007f) CpG oligodeoxynucleotides augment the immune responses of piglets to swine Pasteurella multocida living vaccine in vivo. Research in Veterinary Science. 83(2),171-181. (*通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 2.4,中科院SCI期刊分区:3区,JCR分区:Q1)
(36) Zhang L.H.(张玲华)*, Guo, Y., Tian, X.S., Zhou, F.Z. (2006a) Co-administration of porcine-specific CpG oligodeoxynucleotide enhances the immune responses to pseudorabies attenuated virus vaccine in newborn piglets in vivo. Developmental and Comparative Immunology. 30(6), 589-596. ( *通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 2.9,中科院SCI期刊分区:3区,JCR分区:Q1)
(37) Zhang L.H.(张玲华)*, Tian, X.S., Guo, Y., Zhou, F.Z. (2006b) Effects of CpG ODN on CD4+ and CD8+ T subpopulations in the immune response to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome killed virus vaccine. Vaccine. 24(11), 1874-1879 . ( *通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 5.5,中科院SCI期刊分区:3区,JCR分区:Q2)
(38) Zhang L.H.(张玲华)*, Tian, X.S., Zhou, F.Z. (2006c) The efficacy of CpG oligodinucleotides, in combination with conventional adjuvants, as immunological adjuvants to swine streptococcic septicemia vaccine in piglets in vivo. International Immunopharmacology. 6(8), 1267-1276. (*通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 5.6,中科院SCI期刊分区:2区,JCR分区:Q1)
(39) Zhang L.H.(张玲华)*, Tian, X.S., Zhou, F.Z. (2006d) In vivo effects of oligodeoxynucleotides containing synthetic immunostimulatory motifs in weaned piglets. International Immunopharmacology. 6(10),1623-1631. (*通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 5.6,中科院SCI期刊分区:2区,JCR分区:Q1)
(40) Zhang L.H.(张玲华)*, Guo, Y., Tian, X.S., Zhou, F.Z. (2006e) CpG oligodinucleotides induce strong humoral and cellular responses to swine streptococcic septicemia vaccine in piglets in vivo. International Immunopharmacology. 6(3), 342-350. (*通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 5.6,中科院SCI期刊分区:2区,JCR分区:Q1)
(41) Zhang L.H.(张玲华)*, Tian, X.S., Guo, Y., Zhou, F.Z. (2006f) The effect of transgenic expression of porcine interleukin-6 gene and CpG sequences on immune responses of the newborn piglets inoculated with pseudorabies attenuated vaccine. Research in Veterinary Science. 80, 281-286. (*通讯作者,2023 SCI Impact factor, 2.4,中科院SCI期刊分区:3区,JCR分区:Q1)
(2)邝哲师,田兴山,张玲华,陈薇,李健雄,“有益微生物制剂稳定化后处理工艺”, 2006.8,中国, ZL200310117511.3
(3)邝哲师,张玲华,徐志宏,“一种微生物转化菠萝渣为生物饲料的制备方法”, 2008.1,中国, ZL200610033024.2
(4)张玲华,李华周,姜增固。“一种高效CpG制剂及其制备方法和应用”, 2014.6,中国,ZL201210090979.7
(6)张玲华,蔡海明,马苗鹏,周洁安,“一种高效抗炎性PB ODN序列及其应用”,专利号:ZL 20151043403.5