姓 名 肖杰 性 别
出生年月 1985年10月 籍贯 赤峰市
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中共党员
最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 名誉博士
技术职称 教授 导师类别 博、硕导
行政职务 副主任 Email xiaojieacademic@163.com
工作单位 华南农业大学 食品学院 邮政编码 08901
通讯地址 广州市天河区五山路483号
肖杰,女,华南农业大学食品学院教授,博士生导师。毕业于美国罗格斯大学,现为广东省“珠江人才计划”引进创新创业团队“功能食品递送增效技术创新研究团队”带头人、广东省青年珠江学者、广东省功能食品活性物重点实验室常务副主任、广州生物技术学会副秘书长。致力于食品功能因子的递送增效技术及健康效应调控理论研究,旨在通过稳态、定向、协同增效的技术手段最大化食品功能因子的健康效应,并推进相关理论与技术在健康食品开发中的应用。在食品胶体与界面行为、食品功能因子的稳态增效递送体系构建与健康效应调控领域具有良好的研究基础。发表130余篇SCI论文(其中独立第一/通讯作者SCI论文54篇,4篇为ESI高被引论文,H指数36)。入围全球2%顶尖科学家榜单。第一发明人授权专利18件,其中PCT专利3件 。 受邀在ACS、IFT等国际会议上做大会口头报告30余次。主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划项目子课题、广东省基础与应用基础研究重大项目、广东省特色创新项目、广州市民生科技攻关项目等纵向课题7项,主持广东省高水平大学建设高层次人才引进项目、广东省青年珠江学者岗位计划项目2项。中国食品工业协会科学技术奖特等奖(第一完成人)。
• 广东省功能活性物重点实验室            副主任 (2018-至今)
• 广东省天然活性物工程技术中心         主任 (2018-至今)
• 华南农业大学食品学院                     教授 (2017-至今)
• 华农(潮州)食品研究院                  客座研究员(2018-至今)
• 美国化学会国际学生分会                  主席 (2015-2016)
• Food Hydrocolloids;J. Agric. Food Chem.;Food Biophysics; Cellulose; Mat. Sci. Engi. C 等期刊审稿人

• 北京新东方     托福阅读讲师(2012.4-2012.9)
2012.9-2016.10 博士 美国罗格斯大学 食品科学系

2009.9-2012.7 硕士 中国科学院过程工程研究所 生化工程国家重点实验室

2005.9-2009.7 学士 北京林业大学 食品科学与工程系
• 华南农业大学2023年“七一”表彰优秀共产党员;华南农业大学建党100周年优秀共产党员,2021
• 广东省珠江人才引进海外青年英才团队核心带头人,2019-至今
• 广东省食品科学青年珠江学者, 2019-至今
• 美国化学会农业及食品部科研贡献旅行奖, 2016
• 广东省食品科学青年珠江学者, 2019-至今 • 广东省功能活性物重点实验室 副主任 (2018-至今) • 华农(潮州)食品研究院 客座研究员(2018-至今) • 美国化学会国际学生分会主席, 2015, 2016 • Food Hydrocolloids;J. Agric. Food Chem.;Food Biophysics; Cellulose; Mat. Sci. Engi. C 等期刊审稿人 • 美中食品协会会员 2015-至今 • 美国化学学会会员 2014-至今 • 美国国际食品科技学会会员 2012-至今
➢ 递送增效体系对功能食品因子健康效应的调控研究
➢ 酚类抗氧化物在皮克林乳液界面处的分配及调控机理研究
➢ 皮克林双乳液基营养素共递送体系的构建及应用
➢ 结肠靶向递送制剂的应用基础研究
近三年发表:                                                                                                                                     1.Wenni Tian, Yushu Huang, Lang Liu, Yuanshan Yu, Yong Cao,  Jie Xiao *. Tailoring the oral sensation and digestive behavior of konjac glucomannan - gelatin binary hydrogel based bigel: Effects of Composition and Ratio. Int J Biol  Macromol, 2024, 256:127963, IF=8.2, 发表日期: 2023.11.10
2. Chujing Wang, Wenni Tian, Zengliu Song, Qun Wang, Cao Yong, Jie Xiao*. Effects of solid lipid ratio in curcumin loaded emulsions on its gastrointestinal fate:  colloidal stability and mucus absorption efficiency. Food Res Int. 2024, 175: 113631, IF=8.1发表日期: 2023.10.26
3. Ziyan Zhou, Meimiao Chen, Zhibin Chen, Wenbo Wang, Yong Cao, Jie Xiao*. Formation and Properties of Zein Particle-GMS Co-Stabilized Pickering Emulsions: Insights into the Complex Interface. Food Hydrocolloid. 2024, 149: 109518,  IF=10.7发表日期: 2023.11.23
4. Qize Zhou, Wenbo Wang, Zhuo Jiang, Yong Cao, Jie Xiao*. Enhancing Stability of Pickering Emulsions: Insights into the Interfacial Dynamics of Zein-MCT Composite Nanoparticles. Food Hydrocolloid. 2024, 148: 109504,  IF=10.7发表日期: 2023.11.02
5. Wenni Tian, Yushu Huang, Zengliu Song, Abdullah, Yuanshan Yu, Jia Liu, Yong Cao,  Jie Xiao*. Flexible Control of Bigel Microstructure for Enhanced Stability and Flavor Release during Oral Consumption. Food Res Int. 2023, 174: 113606引用次数:0(Scopus)发表日期: 2023.10.18
6. Zhibin Chen, Zijun Zhao, Wenbo Wang, Qianyi Ye, Jie Xiao *. Simulating the behavior of antioxidant to explore the mechanisms of oxidative stability in Pickering emulsion, Food Chemistry. 2024, 138291,10.1016/j.foodchem.2023.138291
7. Zhibin Chen, Wenbo Wang*, Jie Xiao*. Computer Simulation Reveals Interfacial Distribution Behaviors of Gallic Acid in Zein Particle and Tween 20 Co-Stabilized Pickering Emulsions: Impact on Oxidative Stability, Food Hydrocolloid. 2023, 147, 109316 IF= 10.578,发表日期:2023.09.26
8. Qun Wang,  Zhaomei Wang, Jun Song, Kangjie Xu,  Wenni Tian, Xu Cai, Jiamei Mo, Yong Cao, Jie Xiao*. Homogalacturonan enriched pectin based hydrogel enhances 6-gingerol’s colitis alleviation effect via NF-κB/NLRP3 axis. Int. J Biol Macromol. 2023. 245: 125282. IF= 8.151,发表日期:2023.06.17,总引:0 web of science;他引:0 web of science. 引用次数:0(Scopus)ESI 高被引论文
9. Zhibin Chen, Wenbo Wang, Wenxu Zheng, Yong Cao, Jie Xiao*. A combined experimental and computational study on the interfacial distribution behavior in colloidal particle-surfactant co-stabilized Pickering emulsions. Food Research International. 2023, 112752 If=7.425
10. Qun Wang, Kangjie Xu, Xu Cai, Chujing Wang, Yong Cao, Jie Xiao Rosmarinic acid restores colonic mucus secretion in colitis mice by regulating gut microbiota-derived metabolites and the activation of inflammasomes J Agric. Food Chem. 2023,  71, 11, 4571–4585  10.1021/acs.jafc.2c08444  封面文章
11. Lang Liu, Abdullah, Wenni Tian, Μeimiao Chen, Yushu Huang, Jie Xiao*. Oral sensation and gastrointestinal digestive profiles of bigels tuned by the mass ratio of konjac glucomannan to gelatin in the binary hydrogel matrix. Carbohydrate Polymer. 2023. 10.1016/j.carbpol.2023.120765  IF:10.723
12.Wuhui Lu, Zengliu Song, Jiyang Cai, Yong Cao, Jie Xiao*. Formation of phenolic compound-loaded zein films at the air-liquid interface and their controlled release profiles: effects of the polarity of phenolic compounds. Food Chemistry. 2023, 413:135636  IF=9.231
5. Jiyang Cai, Wuhui Lu, Yunqi Li, Yong Cao, Jie Xiao*. Hierarchically Porous Films Architectured by Self-Assembly of Prolamins at the Air-Liquid Interface. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2022. 14, 42, 47345-47358,IF=10.383; 封面文章; 发表日期: 2022.09.24
6. Haonan Wang, Wenni Tian, Yuan Li, Yu Yuan, Muwen Lv, Yong Cao, Jie Xiao*. Intervention effects of multilayer core-shell particles on the colitis amelioration mechanisms of capsaicin. J Control Release. 2022, 351:324-340. IF=11.467; 发表日期: 2022.09.19
7. Abdullah, Jieping Fang, Liu Xidong, Hafiz Umer Javed, Jiyang Cai, Qize Zhou, Qingrong Huang, Jie Xiao*. Recent advances in self-assembly behaviors of prolamins and their applications as functional delivery vehicles. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutri. 2022 DOI:10.1080/10408398.2022.2113031,IF: 11.208; 发表日期: 2022.08.12
8. Jie Xiao *, Wenni Tian, Abdullah, Haonan Wang, Meimiao Chen, Qingrong Huang, Man Zhang, Muwen Lu, Mingyue Song, Yong Cao. Updated design strategies for oral delivery systems: maximized bioefficacy of dietary bioactive compounds achieved by inducing proper digestive fate and sensory attributes. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutri. 2022, DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2022.2109583, IF: 11.208; 发表日期: 2022.08.25
9.Wenni Tian, Haonan Wang, Ying Zhu, Qun Wang, Mingyue Song, Yong Cao, Jie Xiao*. Intervention effects of delivery vehicles on the therapeutic efficacy of 6-gingerol on colitis. J Control Release. 2022, IF:11.6
10.Abdullah, Lang Liu, Hafiz Umer Javed,  Jie Xiao* Engineering Emulsion Gels as Functional Colloids Emphasizing Food Applications: A Review. Frontiers in Nutrition, 2022, 9:890188.  IF:6.576  发表日期:2022.03.25  Doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.890188
11.Qun Wang; Ling Wang,Abdullah, Wenni Tian, Mingyue Song, Yong Cao, Xiao, Jie * , Co-delivery of EGCG and lycopene via a pickering double emulsion induced synergistic hypolipidemic effect. FOOD & FUNCTION, 13,6, 3419-3430 发表日期:2022.03.12. DOI:10.1039/d2fo00169a. IF: 5.396
12. Wang, Q, Wang, CJ, Abdullah, Tian, WN, Qiu, ZY, Song, MY, Cao, Y, Xiao, J*.  Hydroxytyrosol Alleviates Dextran Sulfate Sodium-Induced Colitis by Modulating Inflammatory Responses, Intestinal Barrier, and Microbiome. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 70-7-2241-2252. 发表日期:2022-04-14 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.1c07568 IF:5.279
13. Li, W., Wang, W., Yong, C., Lan, Y., Huang, Q., & Xiao, J*. (2022). Effects of the Distribution Site of Crystallizable Emulsifiers on the Gastrointestinal Digestion Behavior of Double Emulsions. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 70, 5515-5125.发表日期:2022.04.19  
14. Li, W., Chen, Z., Wang, W., Lan, Y., Huang, Q., Cao, Y., & Xiao, J. *  (2022). Modulation of the spatial distribution of crystallizable emulsifiers in Pickering double emulsions. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 69, 28-41. IF=9.976
15. Meimiao Chen, Jie Xiao*, Wantong Li, Wenbo Wang, Yong Cao, Yaqi Lan, Qingrong Huang. Effects of gelation on the stability, tribological properties and time-delayed release profile of double emulsions. Food Hydrocolloids. 2022, 131, 107753  IF=11.7
16. Meimiao Chen, Jie Xiao*, Abdullah, Wenbo, Wang. Regulation Effects of Beeswax in the Intermediate Oil Phase on the Stability, Oral Sensation and Flavor Release Properties of Pickering Double Emulsions. Foods. 2022, 11,1039
17. Jiyang Cai, Wuhui Lu, Qixin kan, Xia Chen, Yong Cao, Jie Xiao*. Volatile composition changes of fruits in a biopolymer-coated polyethylene active packaging: effects of modified atmosphere and packaging-shaped bacterial community. Food Research International. 2022, 152: 110843.
18. Jiyang Cai, Jie Xiao*, Xia Chen, Lejun Xu, Yong Cao. Spatial distribution of lipids modulated by phase separation in emulsified films and the effects on structure-function relationships. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 2020, 69(1):102590.
19. Jiyang Cai, Jie Xiao*, Xia Chen, Hongsheng Liu. Essential oil loaded edible films prepared by continuous casting method: effects of casting cycle and loading position on the release properties. Food Packag. Shelf Life. 2020,(26):100555
20. Xia Chen, Jie Xiao *, Jiyang Cai, Hongsheng Liu *, Phase Separation Behavior in Zein-Gelatin Composite Film and Its Modulation Effects on Retention and Release of Multiple Bioactive Compounds. Food Hydrocolloid. 2020, (109):106105 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2020.106105. IF: 7.053
21. Zijun Zhao , Wenbo Wang, Jie Xiao*, Yunjiao Chen, Yong Cao. Interfacial Engineering of Pickering Emulsion Co-Stabilized by Zein Nanoparticles and Tween 20: Effects of the Particle Size on the Interfacial Concentration of Gallic Acid and the Oxidative Stability. Nanomaterials. 2020, 10(6):1068.
22. Zijun Zhao, Muwen Lu, Zhu Mao, Jie Xiao*, Qingrong Huang, Xuechun Lin, Yong Cao. Modulation of interfacial phenolic antioxidant distribution in Pickering emulsions via interactions between zein nanoparticles and gallic acid. Int. J. Biol. Macromal. 2020, 152: 223–233.
23. Ling Wang, Mingyue Song, Zijun Zhao, Xia Chen, Jiyang Cai, Yong Cao, Jie Xiao*. Lactobacillus acidophilus loaded Pickering double emulsion with enhanced viability and colon-adhesion efficiency.  LWT.  2019, 121: 108928.                                                                                                            24.Xia Chen, Feihe Cui, Hua Zi, Yichen Zhou, Hongsheng Liu*, Jie Xiao*. Development and characterization of a hydroxypropyl starch/zein bilayer edible film. Int. J. Biol. Macromal.  2019, 141: 1175–1182.
Encyclopedia of Food Chemistry, Book Section
1. 肖杰,刘倩茹,王文博,罗敏娜,王玲.一种易挤爆且贮存稳定的爆珠卷嘴卷烟滤嘴,实用新型, ZL201820589768.0,授权时间2018-12-21,专利申请国别:中国
2. 肖杰,陈霞,罗敏娜.一种单向阻湿的多层可食性膜及其制备方法,发明专利,ZL201811066402.1,授权时间:2018.06.15,专利申请国别:中国
3. 肖杰,罗敏娜,王文博,欧杰财.一种控释型烟用香精膜及其制备方法和应用,发明专利, 申请号:201810295392.7 申请日期:2018.04.04;授权号: ZL201810295392.7,授权时间2020-08-07,专利申请国别:中国
4. 肖杰,罗敏娜,陈霞,王玲.一种缓释精油的可食性抗菌膜及其制备方法,授权发明专利,ZL201810295393.1, 申请日: 2018.04.04 ZL 2018102953931)申请时间:2018-04-04,授权时间2020-12-11, 专利申请国别:中国
5. 肖杰,刘倩茹,罗敏娜,王文博,王玲.一种固载皮克林乳液抑菌膜及其制备方法和应用,发明专利,申请号:201810421480.7,授权号ZL 201810421480.7,申请时间2018-05-04,授权日期:2021-03-30,专利申请国别:中国
6. 肖杰,陈霞,蔡济洋,刘宏生,王文博. 一种梯度缓释型的活性复合膜及其制备方法,发明专利,ZL. 201910472015. 0申请时间: 2019-05-31 授权日期:2021-04-23,专利申请国别:中国;PCT国际申请号;PCT/CN2020/100484),申请时间2019-05-31,国际申请时间:2020-07-06,专利申请国别:中国
7. 肖杰,蔡济洋,陈霞. 一种脂质-蛋白可食性双层活性膜及其制备方法,发明专利,ZL202010230316.5,申请时间2020-03-27; 授权时间:2021.05.25 专利申请国别:中国
8. 肖杰,赵梓军,陈霞,王文博,王玲. 一种醇溶蛋白-酚型抗氧化剂纳米粒子及其制备的皮克林乳液,ZL202010475634.8, 申请时间2020-05-29,授权时间:2021.06.15专利申请国别:中国
9. 肖杰,王玲,王文博,罗敏娜,陈霞. 一种基于双乳液结构的益生菌液态制剂及其制备方法,授权发明专利,专利号:ZL201810897303.6,申请时间2018-08-08,授权时间:2021.08.03专利申请国别:中国.                     10. 肖杰,王玲,王文博,罗敏娜,赵梓军. 一种细菌纤维素稳定的皮克林双乳液及其制备方法,发明专利,授权号:ZL201810897311.0; CN108851019A,申请时间2018-08-08,授权时间2022-09-06,专利申请国别:中国
11. 肖杰,王玲,王文博,罗敏娜,陈霞. 一种基于双乳液结构的益生菌液态制剂及其制备方法.发明专利,授权号:ZL 201810897303.6,申请时间2018-08-08,授权时间:2021.08.03,专利申请国别:中国
12. 肖杰,李宛潼,王浩楠,曹庸.界面由固体脂稳定的皮克林双乳液及其制备和应用. 发明专利,授权号:ZL 202011182445.8,申请时间2020-10-29,授权时间2022-12-16,专利申请国别:中国
13. 肖杰,李宛潼,曹庸. 三元特征向量方法表征双乳液体系中脂肪晶体分布位点的方法.发明专利,授权号:ZL 202110253156.0,申请时间2021-03-03,授权时间:2022.03.04,专利申请国别:中国
14. 肖杰,赵梓军,陈霞,王文博,王玲. 一种醇溶蛋白-酚型抗氧化剂纳米粒子及其制备的皮克林乳液,ZL202010475634.8, 申请时间2020-05-29,授权时间:2021.06.15专利申请国别:中国
15. 肖杰,王浩楠,陆午辉. 一种核壳比可控的结肠靶向凝胶微球及其制备和应用.发明专利,授权号:ZL 202110656529.9,申请时间2021-06-11,授权时间:2022.08.16,专利申请国别:中国
16. 肖杰,郭燕琼. 一种消化道环境响应型纳米结构脂质载体及其制备和应用,发明专利,授权号:ZL 202111333976.7, 申请时间2021-11-11,授权时间2023-01-06,专利申请国别:中国                                   17. 肖杰,蔡济洋,陈霞. 一种提高精油释放效率的可食性膜及其制备方法,发明专利,(申请号:2019113276544;国际申请号;PCT/CN2020/100485),申请时间2019-12-20,国际申请时间:2020-07-06,专利申请国别:中国
18. 肖杰,陆午辉,蔡济洋. 一种消化道环境响应型纳米结构脂质载体及其制备和应用.发明专利,申请号:202111333976.7, 申请时间2021-11-11,专利申请国别:中国
19. 肖杰,黄榆舒,赵梓军. 一种模拟塑性脂肪、口腔质构可控的双凝胶制品及其在健康食品中的应用.发明专利,申请号:202111434454.6, 申请时间2021-11-29,专利申请国别:中国
20. 肖杰,林敏慧,郭燕琼. 一种留香型调味油微胶囊粉剂及其制备方法与应用.申请号:202310505576.2  申请时间2023-05-06,专利申请国别:中国
      Emerging concepts and technologies in food science (博士全英课)  
博士后:王群, Abdullah  
         王浩楠,李宛潼                                                                                                                                                                             陈美妙,陈志彬,陆午辉,郭燕琼,林敏慧,黄榆舒
1. 科研意愿强(自主性强)、
2. 技能获得意愿高(勤奋高效)、
3. 责任感强、
4. 尊师重道
