姓 名 陈乐天 性 别
出生年月 1974年2月 籍贯 广东乐昌市
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中共党员
最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位
技术职称 教授 导师类别 博、硕导
行政职务 院长 Email lotichen@scau.edu.cn
工作单位 生物化学及分子生物学系 邮政编码 510642
单位电话 020-38294509

    发表论文28篇,其中以第一或通讯作者在国际权威刊物Annual Review of Plant Biology、Cell Host & Microbe、Plant Cell、Plant & Cell Physiology等发表高水平的SCI论文12篇,作为共作者在Nature Genetics、Plant Cell、Cell Research等发表SCI论文12篇,累积影响因子超206点,其中第一或通讯作者的论文影响因子大于90点,单篇第一作者最高影响因子28,发表论文总引用次数超1200 次。

2010年—至今 :华南农业大学,生命科学学院,教授、博导
博士 博士研究生 理学 生物学 日本奈良先端科学技术大学院大学 在职 2003-2010
博士 博士研究生 农学 作物遗传育种 华南农业大学 全日制 2000-2003
硕士 硕士研究生 理学 生化与分子生物学 暨南大学 全日制 1997-2000
学士 大学本科 理学 生物工程技术 暨南大学 全日制 1992-1996
广东省农业生物蛋白质功能与调控重点实验室副主任,亚热带农业生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室课题组长(PI)。担任广东省植物生理学会常务理事,国际期刊Frontiers in Plant-Microbe Interaction的编委。
(1)国家自然科学基金(31071646, 2010年)

(2)国家自然科学基金(31171350, 2011年)

(3)广东省高等学校人才引进专项基金〔粤财教(2011)68号, 2011年〕

(4)人力资源和社会保障部留学回国人员择优资助重点类〔人社厅函(2011)508号, 2011年〕

(5)教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”资助 (NCET-12-0642, 2012年)

(6)教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金(第45批, 2013年)

(7)广东省创新特色研究项目 (2014年)

(8)国家自然科学基金(31471564, 2014年)
1. Chen W, Zeng D, Shen R, Ma X, Zhang Q, Chen L, Liu Y-G, Zhu Q* (2016) Rapid in vitro splicing of coding sequences from genomic DNA by isothermal recombination reaction-based PCR. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment DOI: 10.1080/13102818.2016.1191374 (生物4区,IF-5Y2015 = 0.365)

2. Hu Y, Deng T, Chen L, Wu H*, Zhang S* (2016) Selection and validation of reference genes for qRT-PCR in Cycas elongate. PLoS One 11 (4): e0154384 (综合3区,IF-5Y2014 = 3.702)

3. Wang M, Wang Y, Wu H, Xu J, Li T, Hegebarth D, Jetter R, Chen L, Wang Z* (2016) Three TaFAR genes function in the biosynthesis of primary alcohols and the response to abiotic stresses in Triticum aestivum. Scientific Reports 6: 25008 (综合2区,IF-5Y2014 = 5.597)

4. Xie Y, Liu YG*, Chen L* (2016) Assessing protein-DNA interactions: pros and cons of classic and emerging techniques. Science China-Life Sciences 59 (4): 425-427.(生物4区,IF-5Y2014 = 1.535)

5. Xie Y, Zhang Y, Zhao X, Liu YG, Chen L* (2016) A CAPS-based DNA-binding assay provides semi-quantitative validation of protein-DNA interactions. Scientific Reports 6: 21030. (综合2区,IF-5Y2014 = 5.597)

6. 韩靖鸾,苏  菁,郑  朝,李楚良,李构思,王晓宇,王丰品,季艳蓉,陶  阳,朱小源*,陈乐天* (2016)利用分子标记提高筛选普感水稻抗病突变体的准确性,植物病理学报 46 (4): 521-528.

7. Ma X, Zhang Q, Zhu Q, Liu W, Chen Y, Qiu R, Wang B, Yang Z, Li H, Lin Y, Xie Y, Shen R, Chen S, Wang Z, Chen Y, Guo J, Chen L, Zhao X, Dong Z, Liu YG.*(2015) A robust CRISPR/Cas9 system for convenient, high-efficiency multiplex genome editing in monocot and dicot plants. Molecular Plant 8 (8): 1274-1284. (生物2区,IF-5Y2014 = 6.534)

8. Ma X, Chen L, Zhu Q, Chen Y, Liu YG.* (2015) Rapid decoding of sequence-specific nuclease-induced heterozygous and biallelic mutations by direct sequencing of PCR products. Molecular Plant 8 (8): 1285-1287.(生物2区,IF-5Y2014 = 6.534)

9. Zhu Q*, Yang Z, Zhang Q, Chen L, Liu YG* (2014) Robust multi-type plasmid modification based on isothermal in vitro recombination, Gene 548 (1): 39-42. (生物4区,IF-5Y2014 = 2.185)

10. 刘永振,李构思,王晓宇,韩靖鸾,苏 菁,朱小源,陈乐天* (2014)利用二代测序技术高通量分析水稻品种间抗病性差异的分子基础,西北植物学报34 (9): 1742-1748。

11. Tang H, Luo D, Zhou D, Zhang Q, Tian D, Zheng X, Chen L*, Liu YG* (2014) The rice restorer Rf4 for Wild-Abortive cytoplasmic male sterility encodes a mitochondrial-localized PPR protein that functions in reduction of WA352 transcripts. Molecular Plant, 7 (9): 1497-1500 (生物2区,IF-5Y2014 = 6.534)

12. Wang L, Shen R, Chen L* and Liu YG* (2014) Characterization of a novel DUF1618 gene family in rice. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 56 (2): 151-158 (生物3区,IF-5Y2014 = 3.353).

13. Chen L and Liu YG*. (2014) Male sterility and fertility restoration in crops. Annual Review of Plant Biology. 65: 579-606 (生物1区,IF-5Y2014 = 28.148).

14. Wu HB, Wang B, Chen Y, Liu YG, Chen L*. (2013) Characterization and fine-mapping of the rice premature senescence mutant ospse1. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 126: 1897-1907 (生物3区,IF-5Y2014= 3.986).

15. Niu B, He F, He M, Ren D, Chen L*, Liu YG*. (2013) The ATP-binding cassette transporter OsABCG15 is required for anther development and pollen fertility in rice. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 55 (8): 710-720 (生物3区,IF-5Y2014 = 3.353).

16. Luo D, Xu H, Liu Z, Guo J, Li H, Chen L, Fang C, Zhang Q, Bai M, Yao N, Wu H, Wu H, Ji C, Zheng H, Chen Y, Ye S, Li X, Zhao X, Li R & Liu YG*. (2013) A detrimental mitochondrial-nuclear interaction causes cytoplasmic male sterility in rice. Nature Genetics. 45: 573-577. (生物1区,IF-5Y2014 = 32.408).

17. Chen L*, Wang F, Wang X, Liu YG. (2013) Robust one-tube Ω-PCR strategy accelerates precise sequence modification of plasmids for functional genomics. Plant and Cell Physiology. 54 (4): 634-642 (生物2区,IF-5Y2014 = 5.156).

18. Chen Y, Liang H, Ma X, Lou S, Xie Y, Liu Z, Chen L, Liu YG*. 2013. An efficient rice mutagenesis system based on suspension-cultured cells. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 55 (2): 122-130. (生物3区,IF-5Y2014 = 3.353).

19. Zhou H, Liu Q, Li J, Jiang D, Zhou L, Wu P, Lu S, Li F, Zhu L, Liu Z, Chen L, Liu Y*, Zhuang C*. (2012) Photoperiod- and thermo-sensitive genic male sterility in rice are caused by a point mutation in a novel non-coding RNA that produces a small RNA. Cell Research 22: 649-660 (生物1区,IF-5Y2014 = 11.087).

20. Chen L, Shimamoto K*. (2011). Emerging roles of molecular chaperones in plant innate immunity Journal of General Plant Pathology. 77: 1-9 (生物4区,Cover story, IF-5Y2014 = 1.051)

1. Kawano Y, Chen L, Shimamoto K* (2010) The function of Rac Small GTPase and associated proteins in rice innate immunity, Rice 3: 112-121 (农学1区,IF-5Y2014 = 3.661).

2. Chen L, Hamada S, Fujiwara M, Zhu T, Thao NP, Wong HL, Krishna P, Ueda T, Kaku H, Shibuya N, Kawasaki T, Shimamoto K*. (2010) The Hop/Sti1-Hsp90 chaperone complex facilitates the maturation and transport of a PAMP receptor in rice innate immunity, Cell Host Microbe. 7 (3): 185-96. (生物1区,Featured Article, IF-5Y2014 = 13.126).

3. Chen L, Shiotani K, Togashi T, Miki D, Aoyama M, Wong HL, Kawasaki T, Shimamoto K*. (2010) Analysis of the Rac/Rop small GTPase family in rice: expression, subcellular localization and role in disease resistance. Plant and Cell Physiology. 51 (4): 585-595. (生物2区,IF-5Y2014 = 5.156).

4. Fujiwara T, Maisonneuve S, Isshiki M, Mizutani M, Chen L, Wong HL, Kawasaki T, Shimamoto K*. (2010) Sekiguchi lesion gene encodes a cytochrome p450 monooxygenase that catalyzes conversion of tryptamine to serotonin in rice. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 285: 11308-11313. (生物2区,IF-5Y2014 = 4.651).

5. Nakashima A†, Chen L†, Thao NP, Fujiwara M, Wong HL, Kuwano M, Umemura K, Shirasu K, Kawasaki T, Shimamoto K*. (2008) RACK1 functions in rice innate immunity by interacting with the Rac1 immune complex, Plant Cell 20: 2265–2279. (生物1区,IF-5Y2014 = 10.529).

6. Thao NP, Chen L, Nakashima A, Hara S, Umemura K, Takahashi A, Shirasu K, Kawasaki T, Shimamoto K*. (2007) RAR1 and HSP90 form a complex with Rac/Rop GTPase and function in innate-immune responses in rice. Plant Cell 19: 4035-4045. (生物1区,IF-5Y 2014= 10.529).

7. Wang Z, Zou Y, Li X, Zhang Q, Chen L, Wu H, Su D, Chen Y, Guo J, Luo D, Long Y, Zhong Y, Liu YG*. (2006) Cytoplasmic male sterility of rice with Boro II cytoplasm is caused by a cytotoxic peptide and is restored by two related PPR motif genes via distinct modes of mRNA silencing, Plant Cell 18: 676-687. (生物1区,IF-5Y2014 = 10.529).

8. 王春连,陈乐天,曾超珍,张群宇,刘丕庆,刘耀光,樊颖伦,章琦,赵开军*. (2006) 利用基因组文库加速Xa23基因定位的染色体步移 中国水稻科学.20 (4): 355-360.

9. Liu Y*, Liu H, Chen L, Qiu W, Zhang Q, Wu H, Yang C, Su J, Wang Z, Tian D, Mei M. (2002) Development of new transformation-competent artificial chromosome vectors and rice genomic libraries for efficient gene cloning. Gene 282: 247-255. (生物4区,IF-5Y2014 = 2.185).

10. 杨存义,陈乐天,陈方远,刘耀光*, (2002) 利用ZSP-1材料对细胞雄性不育恢复基因的定位. 华南农业大学学报 23: 30-33.
1)一种植物生长负调控顺式元件SE1及其在调控植物株高中的应用(陈乐天、谢勇尧、张雅玲、黄健乐、李元元、田庆玮、陈远玲、刘耀光),专利申请号:  201510969303.9,(申请日:2015-12-22)

2)一种调控水稻植株株高的方法(陈远玲、李日清、徐毅炜、陈水福、夏继星、刘耀光、陈乐天、毛润媛、刘鹏),专利申请号: 201510840714.8(申请日:2015-11-27)


4)OsPSE1基因在调节植物衰老中的应用 (陈乐天,刘耀光,吴海滨,韩靖鸾,谢勇尧,王斌,陈远玲),专利申请号:201510020028.6(申请日:2015-01-15)

5)水稻细胞质雄性不育恢复基因及其应用 (刘耀光,唐辉武,罗荡平,陈乐天,张群宇),专利申请号:201410090900.X(申请日:2014-03-13)

6)植物细胞质雄性不育恢复基因及其应用 (刘耀光,王中华,吴豪,张群宇,苏弟华,陈乐天),专利号: ZL02152010.0

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