张泽宾   更新日期: 2024年10月15日
工作单位   华南农业大学
邮政编码  510642
通讯地址  华南农业大学动物科学学院620
邮箱地址  zbzhang@scau.edu.cn
个人主页  https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=NUx7li0AAAAJ&hl=en
张泽宾,副教授,硕士生导师,华南农业大学引进突出人才(2023)。主要从事猪群体遗传学、适应性进化、杂种优势、性别冲突、遗传缺陷等遗传机理解析工作。近年来第一作者/通讯作者研究论文发表在 Molecular Biology  and  Evolution、New  Phytologist、GigaScience 等国际高水平期刊。iMeta、Frontiers in Genetics、Frontiers in Veterinary Science 编委,BMC genomics、Zoological Research 审稿人。
2023.03至今              华南农业大学 动物科学学院                                                  副教授
2022.07 – 2023.03    瑞典隆德大学(Lund University) 生物学院                              博后/讲师
2020.07 – 2022.06    瑞典乌普萨拉大学(Uppsala University) 进化生物学中心       博后
2018.08 – 2020.07    瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学 (Stockholm University) 动物学院         博后
2014年 – 2018年  中国农业大学,动物科技学院,动物遗传育种与繁殖专业   博士
2010年 – 2013年  石河子大学,   动物科技学院,动物遗传育种与繁殖专业   硕士
2005年 – 2009年  新疆农业大学,动物科学学院,动物科学专业                    学士
2023年 华南农业大学动物科学学院青年教师教学观摩比赛一等奖
2018年 中国农业大学优秀博士毕业生,中国农业大学
2017年 第十八次全国家禽学术讨论会优秀墙报奖,中国畜牧兽医学会家禽学分会
2016年 一等学业奖学金,中国农业大学
2015年 第十八次全国动物遗传育种学术讨论会优秀论文特等奖,中国畜牧兽医学会
2015年 吴常信动物遗传育种奖励基金,中国农业大学
1. Jianping Quan, Ming Yang, Xingwang Wang, Gengyuan Cai, Rongrong Ding, Zhanwei Zhuang, Shenping Zhou, Suxu Tan, Donglin Ruan, Jiajin Wu, Enqin Zheng, Zebin Zhang, Langqing Liu, ..., Zicong Li, Jie Yang, Wen Huang, Zhenfang Wu; Multi-omic characterization of allele-specific regulatory variation in hybrid pigs, Nature Communications, 15,1,5587,2024
2. Duan, Tianlin; Zhang, Zebin; Genete, Mathieu; Poux, Céline; Sicard, Adrien; Lascoux, Martin; Castric, Vincent; Vekemans, Xavier; Dominance between self-incompatibility alleles determines the mating system of Capsella allopolyploids, Evolution Letters, qrae011,2024
3. Liu, Yiyi; Zhang, Yuling; Zhou, Fuchen; Yao, Zekai; Zhan, Yuexin; Fan, Zhenfei; Meng, Xianglun; Zhang, Zebin; Liu, Langqing; Yang, Jie; Increased Accuracy of Genomic Prediction Using Preselected SNPs from GWAS with Imputed Whole-Genome Sequence Data in Pigs, Animals, 13,24,3871,2023
4. Zhou, Fuchen; Quan, Jianping; Ruan, Donglin; Qiu, Yibin; Ding, Rongrong; Xu, Cineng; Ye, Yong; Cai, Gengyuan; Liu, Langqing; Zhang, Zebin; Identification of Candidate Genes for Economically Important Carcass Cutting in Commercial Pigs through GWAS, Animals, 13,20,3243,2023
5. Zhou, Fuchen; Wang, Shenghui; Qin, Haojun; Zeng, Haiyu; Ye, Jian; Yang, Jie; Cai, Gengyuan; Wu, Zhenfang; Zhang, Zebin; Genome-wide association analysis unveils candidate genes and loci associated with aplasia cutis congenita in pigs, BMC genomics, 24,1,701,2023
6. Zhao, Chunfang; Han, Bo; Yi, Guoqiang; Jin, Sihua; Zhang, Zebin; Li, Shenghe; Epigenomics implication for economic traits in domestic animals, Frontiers in Genetics, 14,1252640,2023
7. Gu, Hongchang; Wang, Liang; Lv, Xueze; Yang, Weifang; Zhang, Li; Zhang, Zebin; Zhu, Tao; Jia, Yaxiong; Chen, Yu; Qu, Lujiang; Domestication affects sex-biased gene expression evolution in the duck, Royal Society Open Science, 10,4,221313,2023
8. Qiu, Yibin; Liu, Langqing; Huang, Min; Ruan, Donglin; Ding, Rongrong; Zhang, Zebin; Zheng, Enqin; Wang, Shiyuan; Deng, Shaoxiong; Cheng, Xinyan; Genomic and Phenotypic Consequences of Bi-Directional Introgression Between Chinese and European Pig Breeds, bioRxiv, 2023.12. 21.572727,2023
9. Zhang, Zebin; Kryvokhyzha, Dmytro; Orsucci, Marion; Glemin, Sylvain; Milesi, Pascal; Lascoux, Martin; How broad is the selfing syndrome? Insights from convergent evolution of gene expression across species and tissues in the Capsella genus, New Phytologist, 236,6,2344-2357,2022,
10. Brice, Claire; Zhang, Zebin; Bendixsen, Devin; Stelkens, Rike; Hybridization outcomes have strong genomic and environmental contingencies, The American Naturalist, 198,3,E53-E67,2021
11. Bendixsen, Devin P; Gettle, Noah; Gilchrist, Ciaran; Zhang, Zebin; Stelkens, Rike; Genomic evidence of an ancient East Asian divergence event in wild Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Genome Biology and Evolution, 13,2,evab001,2021
12. Gu, Hongchang; Qi, Xin; Jia, Yaxiong; Zhang, Zebin; Nie, Changsheng; Li, Xinghua; Li, Junying; Jiang, Zhihua; Wang, Qiong; Qu, Lujiang; Publisher Correction: Inheritance patterns of the transcriptome in hybrid chickens and their parents revealed by expression analysis, Scientific Reports,10,2020
13. Zhang, Zebin; Bendixsen, Devin; Janzen, Thijs; Nolte, Arne; Greig, Duncan; Stelkens, Rike; Recombining your way out of trouble: The genetic architecture of hybrid fitness under environmental stress, Molecular Biology and Evolution, msz211,2020
14. Wang, Qiong; Jia, Yaxiong; Wang, Yuan; Jiang, Zhihua; Zhou, Xiang; Zhang, Zebin; Nie, Changsheng; Li, Junying; Yang, Ning; Qu, Lujiang; Evolution of cis-and trans-regulatory divergence in the chicken genome between two contrasting breeds analyzed using three tissue types at one-day-old, BMC genomics, 20,,1-10,2019
15. Gu, Hongchang; Qi, Xin; Jia, Yaxiong; Zhang, Zebin; Nie, Changsheng; Li, Xinghua; Li, Junying; Jiang, Zhihua; Wang, Qiong; Qu, Lujiang; Inheritance patterns of the transcriptome in hybrid chickens and their parents revealed by expression analysis, Scientific reports,9,1,5750,2019
16. Zhang, Zebin; Jia, Y; Chen, Y; Wang, L; Lv, X; Yang, F; He, Y; Ning, Z; Qu, L; Genomic variation in Pekin duck populations developed in three different countries as revealed by whole‐genome data, Animal genetics, 49,2,132-136,2018
17. Zhang, Zebin; Jia, Yaxiong; Almeida, Pedro; Mank, Judith E; van Tuinen, Marcel; Wang, Qiong; Jiang, Zhihua; Chen, Yu; Zhan, Kai; Hou, Shuisheng; Whole-genome resequencing reveals signatures of selection and timing of duck domestication, Gigascience, 7,4,giy027,2018
18. Li, Xinghua; Nie, Changsheng; Zhang, Zebin; Wang, Qiong; Shao, Pingping; Zhao, Qingna; Chen, Yu; Wang, Dehe; Li, Yajie; Jiao, Wenjie; Evaluation of genetic resistance to Salmonella Pullorum in three chicken lines, Poultry science,97,3,764-769,2018
19. Zhu, Tao; Gu, HongChang; Zhang, Zebin; Chen, Yu; Jia, YaXiong; Lu, XueZe; Wang, Liang; Qu, LuJiang; SNP identification for specific molecular markers of different duck breeds., China Poultry,40,15,7-10,2018
20. Nie, Changsheng#; Zhang, Zebin#; Zheng, Jiangxia; Sun, Hongyan; Ning, Zhonghua; Xu, Guiyun; Yang, Ning; Qu, Lujiang; Genome-wide association study revealed genomic regions related to white/red earlobe color trait in the Rhode Island Red chickens, BMC genetics,17,1-7,2016
21. Huang, Jinming; Guo, Fang; Zhang, Zebin; Zhang, Yuanpei; Wang, Xiuge; Ju, Zhihua; Yang, Chunhong; Wang, Changfa; Hou, Minghai; Zhong, Jifeng; PCK1 is negatively regulated by bta‐miR‐26a, and a single‐nucleotide polymorphism in the 3′ untranslated region is involved in semen quality and longevity of Holstein bulls, Molecular Reproduction and Development,83,3,217-225,2016,
22. Zhang, Zebin; Nie, Changsheng; Jia, Yaxiong; Jiang, Runshen; Xia, Haijian; Lv, Xueze; Chen, Yu; Li, Junying; Li, Xianyao; Ning, Zhonghua; Parallel evolution of polydactyly traits in Chinese and European chickens, PLoS One,11,2,e0149010,2016
23. Fu, Dezhi; Zhang, Daixi; Xu, Guiyun; Li, Kaiyang; Wang, Qiong; Zhang, Zebin; Li, Junying; Chen, Yu; Jia, Yaxiong; Qu, LuJiang; Effects of different rearing systems on meat production traits and meat fiber microstructure of Beijing‐you chicken, Animal Science Journal,86,7,729-735,2015
24. Sun, Hongyan; Jiang, Runshen; Xu, Shengyou; Zhang, Zebin; Xu, Guiyun; Zheng, Jiangxia; Qu, Lujiang; Transcriptome responses to heat stress in hypothalamus of a meat-type chicken, Journal of animal science and biotechnology, 6,1-12,2015
25. Zhang, Zebin; Zhang, W; Li, RL; Li, JB; Zhong, JF; Zhao, ZS; Huang, JM; ovel splice variants of the bovine PCK1 gene, Genet Mol Res, 12,,4028-4035,2013
26. Wang, Xiuge; Huang, Jinming; Zhao, Lihong; Wang, Changfa; Ju, Zhihua; Li, Qiuling; Qi, Chao; Zhang, Yan; Zhang, Zebin; Zhang, Wei; The exon 29 c. 3535A> T in the alpha-2-macroglobulin gene causing aberrant splice variants is associated with mastitis in dairy cattle, Immunogenetics, 64,807-816,2012
1. 《生物统计附试验设计》
2. 《动物育种学》

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