陈芳   更新日期: 2022年2月22日
工作单位   动物科学学院
邮箱地址  chenfang1111@scau.edu.cn
陈芳,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。研究方向为猪营养与饲料科学。毕业于中国农业大学,美国德州农工大学联合培养博士。2020-2021年耶鲁大学客座副教授。近十年来围绕母-仔猪营养一体化,母猪营养需要量及仔猪断奶应激营养调控等领域先后主持及参加国家重点研究计划,国家自然科学基金青年基金,国家自然科学基金面上基金及广东省自然科学基金等省部级项目和技术开发项目共计 20 余项,发表论文 50 余篇,主编及副主编著作 2 部,参编教材 1 部。担任中国高科技产业化 研究会饲料分会理事,广东省“千百十”人才工程和广东省科技特派员。并担任 Journal of Agricultural and Food chemistry,Journal of Animal Science,Food and Functions,Frontiers in Immunology,Frontiers in Microbiology,Animals, Scientific Reports,Livestock Science,Animal Nutrition,Genomics,Food Bioscience 等杂志 审稿人。
2018/12 - 至今,华南农业大学,动物科学学院,副教授
2020/1-2021/1,   美国耶鲁大学,医学院,客座副教授
2013/07 - 2018/12,华南农业大学,动物科学学院,讲师
2007/09 - 2013/06,中国农业大学,动物科技学院,硕博连读
2010/10 - 2011/10,美国德州农工大学,兽医生物技术学院,联合培养博士
担任中国高科技产业化 研究会饲料分会理事,广东省“千百十”人才工程和广东省科技特派员。并担任 Journal of Agricultural and Food chemistry,Journal of Animal Science,Food and Functions,Frontiers in Immunology,Frontiers in Microbiology,Animals, Scientific Reports,Livestock Science,Animal Nutrition,Genomics,Food Bioscience 等杂志 审稿人。
1. 妊娠期母猪赖氨酸需要量研究(国家重点研发计划)
2. 妊娠后期及泌乳期日粮中添加超营养剂量硒对母猪生产性能的影响及其作用机理 (国家重点研发计划)
3. 亮氨酸对妊娠后期胎猪蛋白质沉积的影响及机理研究 (国家自然科学基金)
4. 亮氨酸对母猪乳腺催乳素分泌的影响及作用机制 (广东省自然科学基金面上项目)
5. 帝斯曼摄生素对断奶仔猪抗生素替代作用的评估试验 (技术开发)
6. 赛乐硒对猪乳腺上皮细胞硒蛋白转录组及抗氧化能力的影响(技术开发)
7. 妊娠后期和泌乳期饲粮中添加豆油单双甘油酯对母猪生产性能、乳成分和免疫状况的影响 (技术开发)
8. 妊娠后期亮氨酸对胎猪蛋白质代谢的影响 (技术开发)

1. 长链脂肪酸调节母猪乳脂合成的分子机制 国家自然科学基金委 面上基金 31872364
2. 呕吐毒素损伤猪肠道干细胞发育的机制及营养干预  国家自然科学基金委 面上基金 31872389)
3. 不同种类和加工工艺的油脂对肠道稳态和肠道微生物菌群定植的影响  国家重点研发计划 2017YFD0500500
4. TOR信号通路介导亮氨酸调控鸽乳蛋白合成的分子机制. 国家自然科学基金委 青年基金,31501969
5. LSD1调控仔猪脂肪代谢/沉积的表观遗传机制国家自然科学基金委 青年基金 31802068)
6. ACE2介导的断奶仔猪肠道色氨酸转运途径解析  国家自然科学基金委 青年基金 31501959
7. 猪肠道上皮特异转录因子CDX2基因克隆及其对靶基因的调控 广东省科技厅博士启动 2015A030310524
8. FAK信号通路调控猪骨骼肌卫星细胞迁移和粘附的分子机制  广东省自然科学基金
9. 妊娠后期和哺乳饲料中补充OxC-β添加剂对经产母猪繁殖性能和免疫状况及新生仔猪生长性能的影响  横向课题 h2017259
10. 不同发酵豆粕的营养价值及其在仔猪日粮中应用效果的比较研究  横向课题  h2017341
11. 发酵豆粕在猪回肠末端氨基酸标准消化率的测定. 横向课题h018349
12. 在养猪生产中筛选出抗生素生长促进剂的替代方案 横向课题 h2016512
13. 应激综合控制与肉质改善技术体系构建及其应用 横向课题 h2015659
1. Leucine supplementation during late gestation globally alters placental metabolism and nutrient transport via modulation of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway in sows. Chang Cui, Caichi Wu, Jun Wang, Xiaoyu Zheng, Ziwei Ma, Pengwei Zhu, Wutai Guan, Shihai Zhang, Fang Chen*, Food Function, 2022.
2. Dietary Yucca Schidigera Extract Supplementation in Gestating and Lactating Sows Improves Animal Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, and Manure Ammonia emission. Chen F, Lv YT, Cui C, Wu CC, Chen J, Zhang SH, Guan WT*. [J] Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 10.3389/fvets.2021.676324.2021
3. Metabolic Transition of Milk Triacylglycerol Synthesis in Response to Varying Levels of Three 18-Carbon Fatty Acids in Porcine Mammary Epithelial Cells. Lv YT , Chen F (并列一作), Zhang SH, Chen J, Zhang YZ, Tian M and Guan WT* [J].. 22, 1294 2021.
4. Regulation of amino acid transporters in the mammary gland from late pregnancy to peak lactation in the sow. Chen F, Zhang SH, Deng ZX, Zhou QQ, Chen L, Kim SW, Chen J, Guan WT*. [J]. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 9(1): 35, 2018.
5. Leucine Promotes the Growth of Fetal Pigs by Increasing Protein Synthesis through the mTOR Signaling Pathway in Longissimus Dorsi Muscle at Late Gestation. Chen F, Zhang WF, Zhang SH, Shi K, Song HQ, Wang YJ, Kim SK, Guan WT* [J] Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 66(15), 2018.
6. Metabolic transition of milk lactose synthesis and up-regulation by AKT1 in sows from late pregnancy to lactation. Chen F, Chen B, Guan W*, Chen J, Lv Y, Qiao H, Wang C, Zhang Y. [J]. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics, 75(1): 131-138, 2017.
7. Proteome Differences in Placenta and Endometrium between Normal and Intrauterine Growth Restricted Pig Fetuses. Chen F, Wang TJ, Feng CP, Lin G, Zhu YH, Wu GY, Johnson G, Wang JJ*.. Plos One. November 10, 2015, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0142396
8. Soybean-derived b-conglycinin affects proteome expression in pig intestinal cells in vivo and in vitro. Chen F, Hao Y, Piao XS, Ma X, Wu GY, Qiao SY, Li DF, and Wang JJ*. Journal of Animal Science, 89(3), 743-753, 2011
9. Effects of Selenomethionine on Cell Viability, Selenoprotein Expression and Antioxidant Function in Porcine Mammary Epithelial Cells. Chen J; Zhang Yz; Lv Yt; Tian M; You Jinming; Chen F; Zhang h; Guan, WT* Frontiers in Nutrition, 8: 665855, 2021
10. Effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product on the nutrient digestibility and ileal digesta characteristics of cannulated growing pigs fed corn- or barley-sorghum-based diets. Chen, Jun; Wang, Yijiang; You, Jinming; Chen, Jiaming; Tian, Min; Chen, F; Zhang, Shihai; Guan, Wutai* Animal Feed Science and Technology, 274: 114887. 2021.
11. Effects of maternal supplementation with fully oxidised beta-carotene on the reproductive performance and immune response of sows, as well as the growth performance of nursing piglets. Chen, Jun; Chen, Jiaming; Zhang, Yinzhi; Lv, Yantao; Qiao, Hanzhen; Tian, Min; Cheng, Lin; Chen F; Zhang, Shihai; Guan, Wutai* British Journal of Nutrition, 125(1): 62-70, 2021.
12. Effect of replacing inorganic trace minerals at lower organic levels on growth performance, blood parameters, antioxidant status, immune indexes, and fecal mineral excretion in weaned piglets. Zhang, Wen-Fei; Tian, Min; Song, Jun-Shuai; Chen F; Lin, Gang; Zhang, Shi-Hai*; Guan, Wu-Tai* Tropical Animal Health and Production, 53(1): 121,2021.
13. Fat Encapsulation Reduces Diarrhea in Piglets Partially by Repairing the Intestinal Barrier and Improving Fatty Acid Transport. Tian, Min; Chen, Jiaming; Wu, Zhihui; Song, Hanqing; Yang, Fei; Cui, Chang; Chen F; Zhang, Shihai*; Guan, Wutai* Animals, 11(1): 28, 2021.
14. Regulation of the JAK2-STAT5 Pathway by Signaling Molecules in the Mammary Gland. Tian, Min; Qi, Yingao; Zhang, Xiaoli; Wu, Zhihui; Chen, Jiaming; Chen F; Guan, Wutai*; Zhang, Shihai* FRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY. DOI: 10.3389/fcell.2020.604896, 2020.
15. Palm oil encapsulated by homogenizing and spray drying enhances nutrient digestibility and attenuates diarrhoea of piglets. Ren, C. X.; Wang, Y. J.; Lin, X. F.; Yang, F.; Chen, J.; Song, H. Q.; Shi, K.; Song, J. S.; Chen, F.; Zhang, S. H.; Guan, W. T.* Animal Feed Science and Technology, 266: 114503, 2020.
16. Combined yeast culture and organic selenium supplementation during late gestation and lactation improve preweaning piglet performance by enhancing the antioxidant capacity and milk content in nutrient-restricted sows. Zhang, Shihai; Wu, Zhihui; Heng, Jinghui; Song, Hanqing; Tian, Min; Chen F; Guan, Wutai* ANIMAL NUTRITION, 6(2): 160-167. 2020,
17. Selenium and vitamin E in sow diets: I. Effect on antioxidant status and reproductive performance in multiparous sows. Chen, J, Han, JH, Guan WT*, Chen F, Wang CX, Zhang YZ, Lin G. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 221: 111–123, 2016
18. Selenium and vitamin E in sow diets: II. Effect on selenium status and antioxidant status of the progeny. Chen, J, Han JH, Guan WT*, Chen F, Wang CX, Zhang YZ, Lin G. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 221: 101–110, 2016.
19. Developmental changes in polyamines and autophagic marker levels in normal and growth-restricted fetal pigs. Zhu YH, Lin G, Dai ZL, Zhou TJ, Yuan TL, Feng CP, Chen F, Wu GY, and Wang JJ*. Journal of Animal Science, 93:3503-3511, 2015
20. Veterinary medicine and omics (Veterinomics): metabolic transition of milk triacylglycerol synthesis in sows from late pregnancy to lactation. Lv YT, Guan WT*, Qiao HZ, Wang CX, Chen F, Zhang YZ, and Liao ZC. Omics: a Journal of Integrative Biology. 19(10): 602-616, 2015.
21. Ferrous bisglycinate increased iron transportation through DMT1 and PepT1 in pig intestinal epithelial cells compared with ferrous sulphate. Liao ZC, Guan WT*, Chen F, Hou DX, Wang CX, Lv YT, Qiao HZ, Chen J, and Han JH. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 23(2): 153-159, 2014.