姓 名 姚青 性 别
出生年月 1970年11月 籍贯 安徽全椒县
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中共党员
最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 农学博士
技术职称 教授 导师类别 博、硕导
行政职务 Email yaoqscau@scau.edu.cn
工作单位 果树学系 邮政编码 510642
通讯地址 广州市天河区五山483号
单位电话 020-85286902
个人主页 http://yy.scau.edu.cn/2018/0430/c2454a81876/page.htm
1. 2007年12月—现在:华南农业大学园艺学院  教授,博士研究生导师
2. 2003年12月—2007年11月:华南农业大学园艺学院  副教授,硕士研究生导师
3. 2003年9月—2005年4月:日本生物技术研究机构畜产草地研究所土壤生态研究室 博士后(日本学术振兴会JSPS资助)
4. 2000年11月—2003年11月:华南农业大学园艺学院  讲师
5. 2000年7月—2000年10月:华南农业大学园艺学院  助教
1. 1997年9月—2000年7月:中国农业大学资环学院植物营养专业 博士研究生
2. 1995年11月—1996年10月:日本爱媛大学农学部果树研究室 研修生(日本文部省资助)
3. 1993年9月—1997年7月:西南农业大学园艺系果树专业 硕士研究生
4. 1989年9月—1993年7月:安徽农业大学园艺系果树专业 本科生
5. “热带亚热带微生物资源的发掘、保护和共享利用”,获得2014年广东省科学技术奖一等奖,排名第二。
6. “丛枝菌根真菌生态生理及提高植物抗逆性研究”,获得2011年度广东省科学技术奖二等奖,排名第三。
7. “枇杷和柑橘苗木菌根化技术的推广应用”,获得2010年度广东省农业技术推广奖三等奖,排名第二。
8. “多效微生物制剂控制植物青枯病的研究”,2008年通过广东省科技厅成果鉴定,排名第二。
9. “AM真菌生物学效应和提高植物抗青枯病的机制研究”,获得2006年度广东省科学技术奖三等奖,排名第二。
10. “丛枝菌根真菌提高植物抗青枯病的机制研究”,2006年通过广东省科技厅成果鉴定,排名第二。
1. 广东省微生物研究所客座研究员:2003年—现在 2. 中国微生物学会会员:2002年—永久会员 3. 中国柑橘学会理事:2009年—现在
1. 重点研究领域:果园土壤管理与土壤微生物生态、农业微生物资源与利用、菌根生物学。
2. 其他研究领域:果树矿质营养与施肥、园艺植物专用生物有机肥研发、退化土壤修复。
1. 丛枝菌根真菌与产铁载体解磷细菌互作活化红壤铁磷的分子生态机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2024.1-2027.12,50万元。(主持)
2. 不同基因型大豆调控根际微生物驱动养分循环的分子生态机制,国家重点研发计划项目子课题,2023.1-2027.12,60万元。(主持)
3. 园艺作物抗逆与固碳的微生物组技术及应用,广东省农业农村厅“十四五”广东省农业科技创新十大主攻方向“揭榜挂帅”项目课题,2023.1-2025.12,135万元。(主持)
4. 广东国家地理标志农产品产地生态系统微生物科学观测研究站,广东省科技平台建设项目,2022.1-2024.12,300万元。(参加)
5. 果园生草体系中菌根真菌调控磷循环的微生物组解析与分子生态机制,广东省自然科学基金面上项目,2022.1-2024.12,10万元。(主持)
6. 脂类介导的丛枝菌根真菌对干旱胁迫的响应及脱落酸的调控机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2021.1-2024.12,57万元。(主持)
1.Yin X, Zhang W, Feng Z, Feng G, Zhu H*, Yao Q*. (2024) Improved observation of colonized roots reveals the regulation of arbuscule development and senescence by drought stress in the arbuscular mycorrhizae of citrus, Horticultural Plant Journal, 10(2): 425-436.
2.Wei Zhang#, Kaili Xia#, Zengwei Feng, Yongqiang Qin, Yang Zhou, Guangda Feng, Honghui Zhu*, Qing Yao*. (2024) Tomato plant growth promotion and drought tolerance conferred by three arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi is mediated by lipid metabolism. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 208: 108478.
3.Zengwei Feng, Chengxiang Pan, Yongqiang Qin, Xiaolin Xie, Xiaodi Liu, Meng Chen, Wei Zhang, Honghui Zhu*, Qing Yao*. (2024) Natural grass coverage enriches arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in subtropical citrus orchards through the regulation of Glomus on a regional scale. Applied Soil Ecology, 195: 105211.
4.Liu, X., Feng, Z., Zhang, W., Yao, Q*., & Zhu, H*. (2023). Exogenous myristate promotes the colonization of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in tomato. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14, 1250684.
5.Xia, K., Feng, Z., Zhang, X., Zhou, Y., Zhu, H*., & Yao, Q*. 2023. Potential Functions of the shared bacterial taxa in the citrus leaf midribs determine the symptoms of Huanglongbing. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14, 1270929.
6.Zengwei Feng#, Xiaolin Xie#, Peidong Wu, Meng Chen, Yongqiang Qin, Yang Zhou, Honghui Zhu*, Qing Yao*. Phenylalanine-mediated changes in the soil bacterial community promote nitrogen cycling and plant growth. Microbiological Research, 2023, 275, 127447.
7.Dong, H., Gao, R., Dong, Y., Yao, Q., & Zhu, H*. (2023). Bacillus velezensis RC116 Inhibits the Pathogens of Bacterial Wilt and Fusarium Wilt in Tomato with Multiple Biocontrol Traits. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(10), 8527.
8.Wang, C., Xiao, Y., Wang, Y., Liu, Y., Yao, Q., & Zhu, H*. (2023). Comparative genomics and transcriptomics insight into myxobacterial metabolism potentials and multiple predatory strategies. Frontiers in Microbiology, 14.
9.Gao, R., Dong, H., Liu, Y., Yao, Q., Li, H., & Zhu, H*. (2023). Sphingomonas lycopersici sp. nov., isolated from tomato rhizosphere soil. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 73(5), 005920.
10.Zhang, X., Feng, G., Liu, Y., Li, J., Deng, X., Yao, Q*., & Zhu, H*. (2023). Characterization of phytopathogen-preying Hyalangium versicolor sp. nov., and proposal for the reclassification of Cystobacter gracilis as Hyalangium gracile comb. Nov. Archives of Microbiology, 205(5), 198.
11.Chen, H., Zhou, Y., Yao, Q., Jiang, H*., & Zhu, H*. (2023). Tahibacter harae sp. nov., isolated from pig farm soil in Guangdong, PR China. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 73(4), 005852.
12.Dong, H., Gao, R., Dong, Y., Yao, Q., & Zhu, H*. (2023). Whole-genome sequencing of a biocontrol Myxococcus xanthus R31 isolate and comparative genomic analysis. Gene, 863, 147286.
13.Gao, H., Feng, G. D*., Feng, Z., Yao, Q., Li, J., Deng, X., Li X*, Zhu, H*. (2023). Pseudomonas citri sp. nov., a potential novel plant growth promoting bacterium isolated from rhizosphere soil of citrus. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 1-9.
14.Zengwei Feng#, Xiaodi Liu#, Yongqiang Qin, Guangda Feng, Yang Zhou*, Honghui Zhu*, Qing Yao*. Cooperation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and bacteria to facilitate the host plant growth dependent on soil pH. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2023, 14: 1116943.
15.Zengwei Feng#, Hui Sun#, Yongqiang Qin, Yang Zhou, Honghui Zhu*, Qing Yao*. A synthetic community of siderophore-producing bacteria increases soil selenium bioavailability and plant uptake through regulation of the soil microbiome. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 871: 162076.
16.Huai, B#., Wu, Y#., Liang, C., Tu, P., Mei, T., Guan, A., Yao Q, Li J*, Chen, J*. (2022). Effects of calcium on cell wall metabolism enzymes and expression of related genes associated with peel creasing in Citrus fruits. PeerJ, 10, e14574.
17.卓翊深, 陈猛, 曹凯, 杨俊泉, 陈杰忠, 姚青*. 广东省主要蓝莓品种叶片营养诊断与土壤养分关系分析. 广东农业科学, 2022, 3:49-56.
18.Wang, C., Lv, Y., Zhou, L., Zhang, Y., Yao, Q., & Zhu, H*. (2022). Comparative genomics of Myxococcus and Pyxidicoccus, including the description of four novel species: Myxococcus guangdongensis sp. nov., Myxococcus qinghaiensis sp. nov., Myxococcus dinghuensis sp. nov., and Pyxidicoccus xibeiensis sp. nov. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13.
19.He, D., Guo, Z., Shen, W*., Ren, L., Sun, D., Yao, Q., & Zhu, H*. (2022). Fungal communities are more sensitive to the simulated environmental changes than bacterial communities in a subtropical forest: the single and interactive effects of nitrogen addition and precipitation seasonality change. Microbial Ecology, 1-15.
20.Zhang, X#., Feng, G. D#., Zhen, X., Zhang, Y., Deng, X., Zhu, H*., & Yao, Q*. (2022). Microvirga terricola sp. nov. and Microvirga solisilvae sp. nov, isolated from forest soil. Archives of Microbiology, 204(7), 423.
21.Zhang, M., Li, A., Yao, Q., Xiao, B., & Zhu, H*. (2022). Pseudomonas oligotrophica sp. nov., a novel denitrifying bacterium possessing nitrogen removal capability under low carbon–nitrogen ratio condition. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13.
22.Li, Y#., Zhou, X#., Zhang, X., Xu, Z., Dong, H., Yu, G., Cheng P*, Yao Q*, Zhu, H*. (2022). A myxobacterial GH19 lysozyme with bacteriolytic activity on both Gram-positive and negative phytopathogens. AMB Express, 12(1), 1-10.
23.Liu, Y., Pei, T., Du, J., Yao, Q., Deng, M. R., & Zhu, H*. (2022). Comparative genomics reveals genetic diversity and metabolic potentials of the genus Qipengyuania and suggests fifteen novel species. Microbiology Spectrum, 10(3), e01264-21.
24.Song, Y., Li, A., Xu, S., Zhang, M., Yao, Q., Ma, L*., & Zhu, H*. (2022). Shewanella jiangmenensis sp. nov., isolated from aquaculture water. Archives of Microbiology, 204(3), 198.
25.Dong, H., Xu, X., Gao, R., Li, Y., Li, A., Yao, Q., & Zhu, H*. (2022). Myxococcus xanthus R31 suppresses tomato bacterial wilt by inhibiting the pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum with secreted proteins. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12, 4032.
26.Zhang, X. J., Feng, G. D., Liu, Y., Zhou, Y., Deng, X., Yao, Q*., & Zhu, H*. (2022). Corallococcus silvisoli sp. nov., a novel myxobacterium isolated from subtropical forest soil. Archives of Microbiology, 204(2), 141.
27.Wang, C., Lv, Y., Li, A., Yao, Q., & Zhu, H*. (2022). Parachryseolinea silvisoli gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from forest soil, and reclassification of Chryseolinea flava as Pseudochryseolinea flava gen. nov., comb. nov. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 72(10), 005523.
28.Yongqiang Qin, Zengwei Feng, Guangda Feng, Wei Zhang, Honghui Zhu*, Qing Yao*. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus differentially regulates P mobilizing bacterial community in rhizosphere and hyphosphere. Applied Soil Ecology, 2022, 170: 104294.
29.Feng, G. D., Li, J., Pan, M., Deng, X., Chen, M., Yao, Q*., & Zhu, H*. (2022). Sphingomonas folii sp. nov., Sphingomonas citri sp. nov. and Sphingomonas citricola sp. nov., isolated from citrus phyllosphere. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 72(8), 005492.
30.Pan, M. K., Feng, G. D., Yao, Q., Li, J., Liu, C*., & Zhu, H*. (2022). Erwinia phyllosphaerae sp. nov., a novel bacterium isolated from phyllosphere of pomelo (Citrus maxima). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 72(4), 005316.
31.XJ Zhang, GD Feng, F Yang, H Zhu*, Q Yao*. Chitinophaga rhizophila sp. nov., isolated from rhizosphere soil of banana. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 71(11): 005118.
32.Liu, Y., Pei, T., Yi, S., Du, J., Zhang, X., Deng, X., Yao, Q., Deng, M.R., Zhu, H*. (2021). Phylogenomic Analysis Substantiates the gyrB Gene as a Powerful Molecular Marker to Efficiently Differentiate the Most Closely Related Genera Myxococcus, Corallococcus, and Pyxidicoccus. Frontiers in microbiology, 12.
34.Zhou, Y., Yi, S., Zang, Y., Yao, Q*., Zhu, H*. (2021). The Predatory Myxobacterium Citreicoccus inhibens gen. nov. sp. nov. Showed Antifungal Activity and Bacteriolytic Property against Phytopathogens. Microorganisms, 9(10), 2137.
35.Zhang, M., Li, A., Xu, S., Chen, M., Yao, Q., Xiao, B., Zhu, H*. (2021). Sphingobacterium micropteri sp. nov. and Sphingobacterium litopenaei sp. nov., isolated from aquaculture water. International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology, 71(11), 005091.
36.Wenjuan Yan, Xiaomin Lin, Qing Yao, Chen Zhao, Zhixiang Zhang*, Hanhong Xu*. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi improve uptake and control efficacy of carbosulfan on Spodoptera frugiperda in maize plants. Pest Management Science, 2021, 77(6): 2812-2819.
37.Xu, S., Li, A., Zhang, M. X., Yao, Q., & Zhu, H*. (2021). Lysobacter penaei sp. nov., isolated from intestinal content of a Pacific white shrimp (Penaeus vannamei). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 71(3), 004593.
38.Zengwei Feng#, Peidong Wu#, Xiaolin Xie, Yang Zhou, Honghui Zhu*, Qing Yao*. Feather-based compost drastically regulates soil microbial community and lettuce growth in a subtropical soil: the possible role of amino acids. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2021, 21: 709-721.
1. 《果树栽培学实验实习指导(南方本)》(第三版),全国统编教材,参编,中国农业出版社,2022
2. 《果树栽培学各论(南方本)》(第四版),全国统编教材,副主编,中国农业出版社,2011。
3. 《常绿果树生殖生理及调控技术》, 参编,中国农业出版社,2011。
1.一种利用废弃羽毛生产氨基酸液肥的生物制方法(专利号:ZL 201910020373.8)(排名5)
2.一株新型耐盐脱氮菌及其应用(专利号:ZL 201911252392.X)(排名5)
3.一株粘细菌及其应用(专利号:ZL 202010469601.2)(排名3)
4.一种粘细菌培养基及培养方法(专利号:ZL 202010468460.2)(排名3)
5. 一种脱氮菌及其应用(专利号:ZL 202011220377.X)(排名7)
6.一种基于高通量测序的促生菌株筛选方法(专利号:ZL 202010748500.9)(排名1)
7.一株有促生作用的蓝莓内生真菌及其应用(专利号:ZL 201711480555.0)(排名1)
8.一株杜鹃花类菌根真菌功能菌株及其应用(专利号:ZL 201711489762.2)(排名1)
9. 一种家禽羽毛氨基酸生物有机肥及其制备方法(申请号:201510407746) (排名2)
10. 一种利用微生物发酵食用菌渣和家禽羽毛生产有机肥的方法(专利号:ZL 2014 1 0033557.5)(排名3)
11. 一株假单胞菌Pseudomonas otitidis H3及其应用(专利号:ZL 2013 1 0716497.2)(排名1)
12. 一株蜡状芽孢杆菌Bacillus cereus J2及其应用(专利号:ZL 2013 1 0716495.3)(排名1)
13. 一株金黄杆菌Chryseobacterium ureilyticum R1及其应用(专利号:ZL 2013 1 0716511.9)(排名1)
14. 一株枯草芽孢杆菌Bacillus subtilis 3-2及其应用(专利号:ZL 2013 1 0716496.8)(排名1)
15. 一种芽孢八叠球菌及其应用(专利号:ZL 2011 1 0371310.0)(排名1)
16. 暗蓝色链霉菌及其应用(专利号:ZL 2009 1 0036920.8)(排名4)
17. 耐辐射微杆菌及其应用(专利号:ZL 2009 1 0036921.2)(排名5)
18. 广州芽孢杆菌及其应用(专利号:ZL 2009 1 0036919.5)(排名3)
19. 评价培养基分离回收微生物类群能力的快速检测方法(专利号:ZL 2005 1 0037264.5)(排名3)
20. 建立丛枝菌根真菌与番茄毛状根共生关系的方法(专利号:ZL 2004 1 0026858.1)(排名2)
1. 本科生课程:科技论文写作、观光园艺规划与管理,等
2. 研究生课程:高级果树栽培学、科技论文写作与设计、园艺学前沿理论与方法、果树生理学、园艺植物生态生理,等