姓 名 吴鸿 性 别
出生年月 1963年2月 籍贯 陕西西安市
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 农工
最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位
技术职称 教授 导师类别 博、硕导
行政职务 主任 Email wh@scau.edu.cn
工作单位 植物学教研室 邮政编码 510642
通讯地址 广州天河区五山路483号华南农业大学
单位电话 020-85288393
吴鸿 ,博士,教授,博士生导师。1963年02月出生。现任广东省兽用中药与天然药物工程技术研究中心主任、华南农业大学药用植物研究中心主任、“千百十工程”省级学术骨干。
电话: 020- 85288393(实验室) E-mail:wh@scau.edu.cn
1997: 陕西省科技进步三等奖,油松树脂道的形态发生和松科植物树脂道比
2018-2022年教育部大学生物学课程教学指导委员会委员 中国植物学会常务理事 中国植物学会植物结构与生殖生物学专业委员会副主任委员 广东省植物学会副理事长 广东省生态文明促进会常务副会长 广东省中药材种植行业协会专家委员会主任委员 国家南药科技创新联盟专家委员会主任委员 全国中药材生态种植技术协作组成员 中国农业绿色发展研究会道地中药材绿色技术分会副主任委员 广东省南药(广陈皮)产业技术体系创新团队首席专家 新会陈皮国家现代农业产业园智库首席科学家 中国植物学会植物细胞生物学专业委员会委员 中国细胞生物学学会细胞结构与功能分会理事 广东省学位委员会学科评议组成员 广东省兽用中药与天然药物工程技术研究中心主任 华大生命科学研究院农业基因组学国家重点实验室学术委员会副主任委员 中国科学院华南植物园发展规划与战略咨询委员会委员 重庆市中药材产业化扶贫工程专家委员会专家 深圳中国科学院仙湖植物园学术委员会委员 湛江市科技兴湛高级顾问团顾问 江西萍乡市政府决策咨询委员会委员 Medicinal Plant Biology副主编,Plants(Morphogenesis and Aaccumulation of Active Ingredients in Plants),Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (Manipulation/Regulation of Secondary Metabolites in Medicinal Plants)专题编委,Global Journal of Analytical Chemistry,《植物学报》、《热带亚热带植物学报》、《西北植物学报》、《植物科学进展》、《生命世界》杂志编委,《高校生物学教学研究》常务编委
1. 南药道地性高品质生产与功能开发技术。“十四五”广东省农业科技创新十大主攻方向“揭榜挂帅”项目(The Open Competition Program of Ten Major Directions of Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation for the 14th Five-Year Plan of Guangdong Province,2022SDZG07)。2022.08-2025.07
2. 根系微生物与南药广陈皮道地性关联性研究。岭南现代农业科学与技术
广东省实验室科研项目(Laboratory of Lingnan Modern Agriculture Project ,NZ2021024)。2021,10-2023,9
3. 广藿香等6种岭南中药材新品种培育研究。广东省重点领域研发计划项目(Key realm R&D Program of Guangdong Province)。2019,11-2023,11(项目批准号:2020B020221001)
4. 两面针新品种系统选育研究。华润三九医药股份有限公司。(HXKJHT20211217)。2020,1-2024,12
5. 广东省现代农业产业技术体系创新团队建设专项资金(Guangdong Provincial Special Fund for Modern Agriculture Industry Technology Innovation Teams)。2019,1-2023,12(项目编号:2019KJ125)
6. 柑橘属果实分泌囊细胞程序死亡的细胞和分子调控机制研究。国家自然科学基金,2019,1-2022,12(项目批准号:31870172)
7. 国家级一流本科课程《植物学》线下一流课程建设。教育部,2020,11-2023,12
8. 广东省联合培养研究生示范基地,广东省教育厅,2022,1-2024,12
1. Jianmu Su†, Yayu Wang†, Mei Bai†, Tianhua Peng, Huisi Li, Huijuan Xu, Guifang Guo, Haiyi Bai, Ning Rong, Sunil Kumar Sahu, Hanjun He, Xiangxiu Liang, Cai zhi Jin, Wei Liu, Mikael Lenz Strube, Lone Gram, Yongtao Li, Ertao Wang, Huan Liu*, Hong Wu*. Soil conditions and the plant microbiome boost the accumulation of monoterpenes in the fruit of Citrus reticulata ‘Chachi’. Microbiome. 2023,11:61 DOI : 10.1186/s40168-023-01504-2 (1区, IF:16.837)  
2. Ren WK, Ban JF, Xia YY, Zhou F, Yuan CH, Jia HH, Huang HL, Jiang MM, Liang MJ, Li ZD, Yuan YY, Yin YL*, Wu H*. Echinacea purpurea-derived homogeneous polysaccharide exerts anti-tumor efficacy via facilitating M1 macrophage polarization. The Innovation. 2023,4(2): 100391(IF:32.1)
3. 武晓艳,叶钰怡,任文凯,李兆栋,印遇龙*,吴鸿*。植物多糖研究进展:功能活性及潜在机制。中国科学。2023,53,doi:10.1360/SSV-2022-0071
4. Ma XS, Xie XL, He ZD, Wang F, Fan RX, Chen QX, Huang ZQ, Wu H*, Zhao MM*, Li JG*. A LcDOF5.6-LcRbohD regulatory module controls the ROS-mediated fruitlet abscission in litchi. Plant Journal.2023,doi: 10.1111/tpj.16092(1区, IF:7.091)
5. Yang Y, He J, Liu YX, Zeng JX, He RL, Guiang MM, Li YQ, Wu H*. Assessment of Chinese suitable habitats of Zanthoxylum nitidum in different climatic conditions by Maxent model, HPLC, and chemometric methods. Industrial Crops & Products.2023,196:116515(IF:5.9)
6. Xing HL, Lin JH, Li XH, Huang JY, Liang XX, Li YQ, Bai M, He HJ, Lin F, Xu HH, Zhang ZX*, Wu H*.Changes in dopamine and octopamine levels caused disordered behavior in red imported fire ants exposed to cinnamon essential oils. Industrial Crops & Products.2023, 199:116101 (IF:5.9)
7. Liang S, Hu ML, Lin HC, He HJ, Ning XP, Peng PP, Lu GH, Sun SL, Wang XJ, Wang YQ*, Wu H*. Transcriptional regulations of pollen tube reception are associated with the fertility of the ginger species Zingiber zerumbet and Zingiber corallinum. Frontiers in Plant Science.2023, 14:1099250.(IF:5.6)
8. Huai B, Liang MJ, Lin JJ, Tong PP, Bai M, He HJ, Liang XX, Wu H* . Involvement of Vacuolar Processing Enzyme CgVPE1 in acuole Rupture in the Programmed Cell Death during the Development of the Secretory Cavity in Citrus grandis‘Tomentosa’ Fruits. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.2023, 24:11681(IF:5.6)
9. Bai M, Gao H, Yang Y, Wu H*. Changes in the content of pollen total lipid and TAG in Arabidopsis thaliana DGAT1mutant as11.AoB Plants.2023,15:1-16. (IF:3.138)
10. Bai M, Tong PP, Luo Q, Shang N, Huai B, Wu H*. CgPG21 is involved in the degradation of the cell wall during the secretory cavity formation in Citrus grandis‘Tomentosa’ fruits. Plant Cell Reports.2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/ s00299-023-03032-7 (IF: 6.5)
11. Yang Y, Li YQ, Amoroso V, Acma F, Guiang MM, Wu H*. Comparison of production of bioactive components inZanthoxylum nitidumtaproots from different regions insouthern China. Biomedical Chromatography.2023;e5602. (IF:10911)
12. Cai XY, Chen JH, Chen JY, Li AQ, Li QY, Bai LY, Zhang QY, Wu H*, Liu W*. Identification and quality evaluation of Citrus reticulata cv. Chachiensis varieties based on SNP markers. Arabian Journal of Chemistry.2023,16:104948((IF: 6.0))
13. Shang N, Ye P, Tong PP, Su JM, Bai M*, Wu H*.Crc1,6RhaT regulates the synthesis of hesperidin, the main bioactive substance in the Citrus reticulata ‘Chachiensis’ fruit. Horticultural Plant Journal.2023, (1区,IF: 5.7)
14. Lin XJ, Lai ZSY, Luo Q, Kong M, Liang MJ, Wu h*, Bai M*.Correlation between Polyphenol Contents and Antioxidant Activities in Different Echinacea Purpurea Varieties. Current Medical Science.2023, DOI10.1007/s11596-022-2647-8 (IF: 2.4)
15. Kong DX, Li CY, Xue WC,……..Wu H, Liu Q, Wang HY*. UB2/UB3/TSH4-anchored transcriptional networks regulate early maize inflorescence development in response to simulated shade. The Plant Cell.2023,35:717-737. (1区,IF: 12.085)
16. Su JM, Peng TH, Bai M, Bai HY, Li HS, Pan HM, He HJ, Liu H*, Wu H*.Transcriptome and Metabolome Analyses Provide Insights into the Flavonoid Accumulation in Peels of Citrus reticulata ‘Chachi’.Molecules.2022,27:6476(IF: 4.927)
17. Guo L, Yao H, Chen WK, Wang XM, Ye P, Xu ZC, Zhang SS, Wu H*. Natural Products of Medicinal Plants: Biosynthesis and Bioengineering in Post-Genomic Era, Horticulture Research. 2022, https://doi.org/10.1093/hr/uhac223. (1区,IF: 8.6)
18. Xian L , Sahu SK, Huang LY, Fan YN, Lin JH, Su JM, Bai M , Chen YW, Wang SJ, Ye P, Wan g F, Luo Q, Bai HY, Lin XJ, Yuan CH, Geng XD, Liu H*, Wu H*. The draft genome and multi -omics analyses reveal new insights into geo-herbalism properties of Citrus grandis ‘Tomen tosa’. Plant Science.2022. PSL111489(IF: 5.364)
19. Huai B, Liang MJ, Bai M, He HJ, Wu H*. Localization of CgVPE1 in secondary cell wall formation during tracheary element differentiation in the pericarp of Citrus grandis‘Tomentosa’ fruits.Planta.2022, 256:89. (IF: 4.54)
20. Xing HL, Hu YQ, Yang LP, Lin JH, Bai M,Li YQ, Tanvil R,Li L,Zhang ZX, Xu HH*, Wu H*. Fumigation activity of essential oils of Cinnamomum loureirii toward red imported fire ant workers. Journal of Pest Science, 2022,6 DOI : 10.1007/s10340-022-01540-1(1区,IF: 5.742)
21. Liang SJ, Wen ZJ, Tang TX, Liu YF, Dang FL, Wu H*. Study on flavonoid and bioactivity features of the pericarp of Citri Reticulatae ‘chachi’ during storage. Arabian  Journal  of  Chemistry.2022,15:3, 103653 https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.arabjc.2022.103653(IF: 6.0)
22. Liang SJ*, Zhang JP, Liu YF, Wen ZJ, Liu XX, Dang FL, Xie TX, Wang JX, Wang ZQ, Wu H*.Study on Flavonoids and Bioactivity Features of Pericarp of
Citrus reticulata “Chachi” at Different Harvest Periods. Plants.2022, 11, 3390. (IF: 4.658)
23. Liu Y, Wang SB, Li LZ…….Wu H…..Liu H, Zhang SZ.The Cycas genome and the early evolution of seed plants. Nature Plants.2022,8:389(1区,IF 17.353)高被引论文
24. Huang RH,Liu ML, Gong GP, Wu PZ, Bai M, Qin HT, Wang GH, Liao HM,Li YQ, Wu H, Wang XJ, Yang CW, Schubert D, Zhang SC. BLISTER promotes seed maturation and fatty acid biosynthesis by interacting with WRINKLED1 to regulate chromatin dynamics in ArabidopsisThe Plant Cell, 2022,34: 2242-2265. (1区,IF: 12.085)
25. Zhang YY, Yin Q, Qin WQ, Gao H, Du JG,Chen JJ, Li HL, Zhou GK, Wu H, Wu AM. The Class II KNOX family members KNAT3 and KNAT7 redundantly
participate in Arabidopsis seed coat mucilage biosynthesis. Journal of Experimental Botany.2022,73: 3477-3495(1区,IF: 7.378)
26. Liu J,Li K,Chen YL,Du H, Wu HL, Gao YF, Huang SC, Wu H, Kong DX, Yang ZH*, Hu Y*.Active and smart biomass film containing cinnamon oil and curcumin for meat preservation and freshness indicator. Food Hydrocolloids. 2022,133:107909(1区,IF: 11.504)
27. Liu J, Song FX, Chen RY, Deng GT, Chao YX, Yang ZH*, Wu H, Bai M, Zhang P, Hu Y*. Effect of cellulose nanocrystal-stabilized cinnamon essential oil Pickering emulsions on structure and properties of chitosan composite films. Carbohydrate Polymers.2022,274:118704(1区,IF: 10.723)
28. Li X, Gao YF, Li YZ, Li YQ, Liu HT, Yang ZH, Wu h,Hu Y*.Formation of cinnamon essential oil/xanthan gum/chitosan composite microcapsules basing on Pickering emulsions.Colloid and Polymer Science. 2022,DOI10.1007 /s00396- 022-05019-4.(IF:2.434)
29. Ma XS,Ying PY,He ZD,Wu H,Li JG,Zhao ML. The LcKNAT1-LcEIL2/3 Regulatory Module Is Involved in Fruitlet Abscission in Litchi. Frontiers in Plant Science.2022,12: 802016(IF:5.6)
30. Yue XC, Gu DZ, Geng XD, Wu SM, Xian YT, Kong DX, Wu H*, Li YQ*, He HJ*. Correlation analysis of chlorogenic acid and luteoloside biosyntheses with transcription levels of HQTs and FNSs in Lonicera species.Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality.2021, 94:213 - 219(IF: 1.451)
31. Liang MJ, Bai M*, Wu H*.Zn2+Dependent Nuclease Is Involved in Nuclear Degradation during the Programmed Cell Death of Secretory Cavity Formation in Citrus grandis ‘Tomentosa’ Fruits.Cells.2021, 10, 3222. https://doi.org/10.3390 /cells10113222(IF: 7.666)
32. Bai M, Jin X, Cen ZY, Yu K, Yu HC, Xiao RZ, Deng J, Lai ZW, Wu H*, Li YQ*. GC-MS and FTIR spectroscopy for the identification and assessment of essential oil components of five cinnamon leaves. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY.2021,44:525-535. (IF: 1.296)
33. Li Y, Tan B, Cen Z, Fu Y, Zhu X, He H, Kong* D, Wu H*, The variation in essentialoils  composition,  phenolic  acids  and  flavonoids  is  correlated  with  changes  in  antioxidant  activity  during Cinnamomum  loureirii bark growth, Arabian  Journal  of  Chemistry.2021,14:103249 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.arabjc.2021.103249(IF: 6.0)
34. Wu H, Hu ML, Yang M. Nymphaea colorata, another basal angiospermspecies with bidirectional cytokinesis inmicrosporogenesis. Plant Signaling & Behavior.2021, https://doi.org/10.1080/15592324.2021.1913308(IF:2.247)
35. Zeyu Cen,Jiahua Du, Jun Deng, Ziwen Lai,Hangchen Yu, Dingze Gu,  Xiaodie Geng, Hong Wu*Yanqun Li*. Volatile Oil Variation and Morphology of Cinnamon Twigsfrom Different Regions of China. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia.2021,4doi.org/10.1007/s43450-021-00148-3(IF: 1.407)
36. He HJ, Xie W, Liang ZX, Wu H*,Bai M*. The expansion of mesophyll cells is coordinated with the division of chloroplasts in diploid and tetraploid Arabidopsis thaliana Planta.2021,253(3):64(IF: 4.54)
37. Hu ML, Bai M, Yang M*, Wu H*.Cell polarity, asynchronous nuclear divisions, and bidirectional cytokinesis in male meiosis in Magnolia denudate. Protoplasma.2021, DOI: 10.1007/s00709-020-01604-y.258:621-632(IF:3.356)
38. Huai B, Bai M, Tong PP, He HJ, Liang MJ, Chen CY, Wu H*. CgPBA1 may be involved in nuclear degradation during the secretory cavity formation by programmed cell death in Citrus grandis ‘Tomentosa’ fruits". Plant Physiology and Biochemistry.2021,160:306-314(IF: 5.437)
39. Kong DX, Pan Xuan, Jing YF……Wu H, Wei HB, Wang HY*. ZmSPL10/14/26 are required for epidermal hair cell fate specification on maize leaf. New Phytologist.2021,230: 1533-1549(1区,IF: 10.323)
40. Wang BB, Lin ZC, Li X, Zhao YP, Zhao LP, Wu GX, Ma XJ, Wang H, Xie YY, Li QQ, Song GS, Kong DX, Zheng ZG, Wei HB,  Shen RX, Wu H, Chen CX, Meng ZD, Wang TY, Li Y, Li XH, Chen YH, Lai JS, Hufford MB, Ross-Ibarra J, He H, Wang HY*.Genome-wide selection and genetic improvement during modern maize breeding. Nature Genetics.2020,52:565-571 https://doi.org/10.1038/ s41588- 020-0616-3(1区,IF:38.33)
41. Li KK, Wang S, Wu H*, Wang H*. Protein Levels of Several Arabidopsis Auxin Response Factors Are Regulated by Multiple Factors and ABA Promotes ARF6 Protein Ubiquitination. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.2020, 21, 9437; doi:10.3390/ijms21249437.(IF:5.923)
42. Li HF,Liang XQ,Zhou BJ,Chen XP,Hong YB,Zhou R, Li SX, Liu HY, Lu Q, Wu H*. A proteomic analysis of peanut seed at different stages of under ground development to understand the changes of seed proteins. Plos One. 2020,15(12): https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0243132(IF:2.74)
43. Tong PP, Huai B, Chen Y, Bai M*, Wu H*. CisPG21 and CisCEL16 are involved in the regulation of the degradation of cell walls during secretory cavity cell programmed cell death in the fruits of Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck.Plant Science.2020,297:110540https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plantsci.2020.297 110540 (IF: 5.364)
44. Bai M, Liang MJ, Huai B, Gao H, Tong PP, Shen RX, He HJ, Wu H*.Ca2+-dependent nuclease is involved in DNA degradation during the formation of the secretory cavity by programmed cell death in fruit of Citrus grandis ‘Tomentosa’.Journal of Experimental Botany. 2020, 71(16):4812-4827doi:10.1093/ jxb/ eraa199(IF:6.992 )
45. Bai M, Xie HF, Xin HL, Kong DX, Pan X, Li YQ*, Wu H*. Changes of Phenolic Acids and Antioxidant Activities in Diploid and Tetraploid Echinacea purpurea at Different Growth Stages. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia. 2020, 30(4):510-518 DOI: 10.1007/s43450-020-00069-7(IF:1.407)
46. Li YQ, Kong DX, Fu Y, Sussman MR, Wu H*. The effect of developmental and environmental factors on secondary metabolites in medicinal plants. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2020, 148: 80-89(IF 4.27)
47. Li HY, Bai M, Jiang XS, Shen RX, Wang HN, Wang HY*, Wu H*. Cytological evidence of BSD2 functioning in both chloroplast division and dimorphic chloroplast formation in maize leaves.BMC Plant Biology.2020, 20(1): DOI: 10.1186/s12870-019-2219-7(IF 4.215)
48. Wang HL, Li YQ,Wang SB, Kong DX, Sahu SK, Bai M, Li HY, Li LZ, Xu Y, Liang HP, Liu H*, Wu H*. Comparative transcriptomic analyses of chlorogenic acid and luteolosides biosynthesis pathways at different flowering stages of diploid and tetraploid Lonicera japonica.PEER J. 2020,8:10.7717/peerj. 8690(IF 2.984)
49. Li YZ, Liu JM, He XF, Kong DX, Zhou C, Wu H , Yang ZM, Yang ZH, Hu Y.Preparation of Cinnamon Oil-Loaded Antibacterial Composite Microcapsules by In Situ Polymerization of Pickering Emulsion Templates. Macromolecular  Materials and Engineering.2020,DOI: 10.1002/mame.201900851(IF:3.038)
50. Li CQ, Zhao ML, Ma XS, Wen ZX, Ying PY, Wu H﹡, Li JG﹡. The HD-Zip transcription factor LcHB2 regulates litchi fruit abscission through the activation of two cellulase genes. Journal of Experimental Botany.2019, 70: 5189–5203. (﹡通讯作者SCI收录,生物二区)(IF:6.992 )
51. Li YQ, Kong DX, Bai M, He HJ, Wang HY﹡,Wu H﹡.Correlation of the temporal and spatial expression patterns of HQT with the biosynthesis and accumulation of chlorogenic acid in Lonicera japonica flowers. Horticulture Research . 2019,6:73 DOI: 10.1038/s41438-019-0154-2(﹡通讯作者SCI收录,农学一区)(IF:6.793)
52. Zhang F,Zhang YC,Liao JY,Yu Y,Zhou YF, Feng YZ,Yang YW,Lei MQ,Bai M,Wu H,Chen YQ.The subunit of RNA N6-methyladenosine methyltransferase OsFIP regulates early degeneration of microspores in rice.Plos Genetics.2019,15:DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1008120(IF:5.917)
53. Ma XS, Li CQ, Huang XM, Wang HC, Wu H, Zhao ML, Li JG.Involvement of HD-ZIP I transcription factors LcHB2 and LcHB3 in fruitlet abscission by promoting transcription of genes related to the biosynthesis of ethylene and ABA in litchi.Tree Physiology.2019,39:1600-1613.(IF:3.477)
54. Dong SS, Zhao CX , Zhang S,  Zhang L, Wu H,  Liu H,  Zhu RL, Jia Y, Goffinet B, Liu Y.Mitochondrial genomes of the early land plant lineage liverworts (Marchantiophyta): conserved genome structure, and ongoing low frequency recombination.BMC Genomics. 2019,20:1DOI: 10.1186/s12864-019- 6365-y(IF:3.501)
55. Dong SS, Zhao CX, Zhang SZ ,Wu H , Mu WX, Wei T , Li N, Wan T, Liu H , Cui J, Zhu RL , Goffinet B , Liu Y.The Amount of RNA Editing Sites in Liverwort Organellar Genes Is Correlatedwith GC Content and Nuclear PPR Protein Diversity.Genome Biology and Evolution. 2019,11: 3233-3239 (IF:3.726)
56. Wang WG, Lang XA, Yang LL, Wu H, Zhang SZ.Begonia zhongyangiana, a new species of Begonia (Begoniaceae) from western China Phytotaxa,2019,407:51- 58(IF:1.168)
57. He HJ, Bai M,Tong PP, Yang M﹡, Wu H﹡. CELLULASE 6 and MANNANASE 7 affect cell differentiation and silique dehiscence in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology.2018,176:2186-2201(﹡通讯作者SCI收录,生物学一区)(IF:8.34)
58. Yang G, Li KK, Liu C, Peng PP, Bai M, Sun JQ, Li QL, Yang ZH, Yang YS, Wu H﹡. A comparison of the immunostimulatory effects of polysaccharides from tetraploid and diploid Echinacea purpurea. Biomedicine Research International. 2018 ,DOI: 10.1155/2018/8628531(﹡通讯作者SCI收录)(IF:3.411)
59. Li YQ, Kong DX, Wu H﹡.Comparison of the alkaloid content and essential oil composition of Mahonia species as measured by HPLC and GC-MS methods. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY.2018,41: 765-774(﹡通讯作者SCI收录)(IF:0.881)
60. Li YQ, Kong DX, Liang HL, Wu H﹡. Alkaloid content and essential oil composition of Mahonia breviracema cultivated under different light environments. Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality. 2018,91:171-179.  (﹡通讯作者SCI收录)(IF:1.115)
61. Li YQ, Kong DX, Wu H﹡. Comprehensive chemical analysis of the flower buds of five Lonicera species by ATR-FTIR, HPLC-DAD, and chemometric methods. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia. 2018,28: 533–541(﹡通讯作者SCI收录)(IF:1.596)
62. Hu ML,Bai M, Ye W, Wang YL, Wu H﹡. Variations in Volatile Oil Yield and Composition of "Xin-yi" (Magnolia biondii Pamp. Flower Buds) at Different Growth Stages. Journal of Oleo Science.2018,67:779-787. (﹡通讯作者SCI收录)(IF:1.076)
63. Dong SS, Zhao CX, Chen F, Liu YH, Zhang SZ, Wu H, Zhang LS, Liu Y. The complete mitochondrial genome of the early flowering plant Nymphaea colorata is highly repetitive with low recombination. BMC Genomics. 2018,19:DOI: 10. 1186/s12864-018- 4991-4(IF:3.501)
64. Dong SS, Xue JY, Zhang SZ , Zhang L, Wu H, Chen ZD, Goffinet B , Liu Y. Complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Anthoceros angustus: conservative evolution of the mitogenomes in hornworts.Bryologist.2018,121:14-22.(IF:1.27)
65. Yao ZX, Yang JF, Liu Y, Dong SS, Wu H, Zhang SZ.The complete chloroplast genome of Magnolia sinostellata (Magnoliaceae), a rare and endangered species of China.Mitchondrial DNA Part B-Resources.2018,3:742-743. (IF:0.561)
66. Wang JG, Li X, Chen MJ, Chen ZM, Wu H, Zhang P,Yuan T, Yang ZH, Hu Y.Fabrication of sustained-release and antibacterial citronella oil-loaded composite microcapsules based on Pickering emulsion templates.2018,Journal of applied polymer science.2018,135: DOI: 10.1002/app.46386(IF:2.188)
67. Wang JG, Li YZ, Gao YF, Xie ZF, Zhou MH, He YY, Wu H, Zhou WY, Dong XM, Yang ZH, Hu Y.Cinnamon oil-loaded composite emulsion hydrogels with antibacterial activity prepared using concentrated emulsion templates.2018, Industrial Crops and Products.112:281-289(IF:5.645)
68. Li QL, Jiang WZ, Ren Y, Chen R, Li XL, Yang YS﹡, Wu H﹡. In vitro cloning potential and phytochemical evaluations of aneuploid individuals produced from reciprocal crosses between diploid and triploid in Echinacea purpureaL. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae.2017,9DOI:10.5586/asbp.3556(﹡通讯作者SCI收录)(IF:0.917)
69. Ning XP, Tang TX, Wu H﹡. Relationship between the morphological structure of floral nectaries and the formation, transport, and secretion of nectar in lychee. Trees-Structure and Function 2017,31:1-14 (﹡通讯作者SCI收录,农林二区)(IF: (IF:2.529))
70. Kong DX, Li YQ, Bai M, He HJ, Liang GX, Wu H﹡. Correlation  between  the  dynamic  accumulation  of  the  main  effective components  and  their  associated  regulatory  enzyme  activities  at different  growth  stages  in  Lonicera  japonica  Thunb. Industrial Crops and  Products. 2017,96:16-22(﹡通讯作者SCI收录,农林一区)(IF:6.449)
71. Kong DX, Li YQ, Bai M, Deng YL, Liang GX, Wu H﹡.A comparative study of the dynamic accumulation of polyphenol components and the changes in their antioxidant activities in diploid and tetraploidLonicera japonica. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry.2017,112:87-96. (﹡通讯作者SCI收录,生物学三区)(IF: 4.27)
72. Yang WY, Cai YP, Hu L, Wei Q,Chen GJ,Bai M, Wu H, Liu JX, YU YX. PhCESA3 silencing inhibits elongation and stimulates radial expansion in petunia. Scientific Reports.2017,7: DOI: 10.1038/srep41471(IF:4.259)
73. Yang LL, Li HL, Wei L, Yang T, Kuang DY, Li MH, Liao YY, Chen ZD﹡,
Wu H﹡, Zhang SZ﹡. A supermatrix approach provides a comprehensive genus-level phylogeny for Gentianales. Journal of Systematics and  Evolution.2016,54:400-415. (﹡通讯作者SCI收录)(IF:4.098)
74. Li HL, Wang W, Li RQ, Zhang JB, Sun M, Naeem R, Su JX, Xiang XG, Mottimer TE, Li DZ, Hyde KD, Xu JC, Soltis DE, Soltis PS, Li JH, Zhang SZ, Wu H, Chen ZD, Lu AM. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 2016,54: 392-399. (SCI收录)(IF:4.04)
75. Jiang XS, He HJ, Wang T, Wang XJ﹡, Wu H﹡.  Gene Expression Profile Analysis Indicate SEPALLATA3and AGL15 Potentially Involved in Arabidopsis Silique Dehiscence by Regulating Glycosyl Hydrolase.Journal of Plant Biology.2016,59:133-142.(﹡通讯作者SCI收录,生物学四区)(IF:1.208)
76. Kong DX, Li YQ,Wang ML, Bai M, Zou R, Tan H, Wu H﹡. Effects of irradiance on leaf photosynthetic characteristics, chloroplast structure, and alkaloid content of Mahonia bodinieri Gagnep. Acta Physiologia Plantarum. 2016,38. DOI: 10.1007/s11738-016-2147-1(﹡通讯作者SCI收录,生物学四区)(IF:1.584)
77. Li YQ, Kong DX,Lin XM, Xia ZH,Bai M,Huang SS,Nian H, Wu H﹡.   Quality Evaluation for Essential Oil of Cinnamomum verum Leaves at Different Growth Stages Based on GC–MS. Food analytical Methods. 2016,9:202-212 (﹡通讯作者SCI收录,农林二区)(IF:1.802)
78. Hu YT, Deng T, Chen LT, Wu H﹡, Zhang SZ﹡. Selection and Validation of Reference Genes for qRT-PCR in Cycas elongate. PLoS One.2016, 11:4.  e0154384 (﹡通讯作者SCI收录,综合类三区)(IF:3.234)
79. Chen XP, Yang QL, Li HF, Li HY, Hong YB, Pan LJ, Chen N, Zhu FH, Chi XY, Zhu W, Chen MN, Liu HY, Yang Z, Zhang EH, Wang T, Zhong N, Wang M, Liu H, Wen SJ, Li XY, Zhou GY, Li SX, Wu H, Varshney R, Liang XQ﹡, Yu SL﹡. Transcriptome-wide sequencing provides insights into geocarpy in peanut (Arachis hypogaeaL.). Plant Biotechnology Journal.2016,14:1215-1224. (SCI收录,生物学二区)(IF:13.263)
80. Chen MJ, Hu Y, Zhou J, Xie YR, Wu H, Yuan T, Yang ZH. Facile fabrication of tea tree oil-loaded antibacterial microcapsules by complex coacervation of sodium alginate/quaternary ammonium salt of chitosan. RSC Advances. 2016, 6:13032-13039. (SCI收录)(IF:3.289)
81. Li QL, Yang YS, Wu H. In Vitro Segregation of Tetraploid and Octoploid Plantlets from Colchicine-induced Ploidy Chimeras in Echinacea purpurea L. Hortscience. 2016,51:549-557.(SCI收录)(IF:0.943)
82. Chen R, Yang YS, Wu H. A comparative study on rooting of in vitro regenerated shoots in haploid, diploid and tetraploid purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea L.).2016,30:44-48. Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment. (SCI收录)(IF:0.622)
83. Chen R, Jiang WZ, Li QL, Chen XL, Yang YS, Wu H. Comparison of seven colchicine-induced tetraploid clones with their original diploid clones in purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea L.).Euphytica.2016,207:387-399. (SCI收录)(IF:1.618)
84. Jiang WZ, Li QL, Chen XL, Ren Y, Chen R, Wu H,Yang YS. A C-banded karyotype of mitotic chromosomes in diploid purple coneflower (Echinacea purpureaL.).Hereditas.2016,153:14 DOI 10.1186/s41065-016-0016-y(SCI收录)
85. Hu ML,Li YQ, Bai M,Wang YL, Wu H﹡. Variations in volatile oil yields and compositions of Magnolia zenii Cheng flower buds at different growth stages. Trees-Structure and Function 2015,29:1649-1660. (﹡通讯作者SCI收录,农林二区)(IF: (IF:2.529))
86. Yang XD, Bai M, Ning XP.Ouyang HB,Zhang SZ,Yang M, Wu H﹡.    Spatiotemporal features of microsporogenesis in the cycad species Macrozamia communis L. A. S. Johnson (Zamiaceae).American Journal of Botany.2015 ,102:1061-1072(﹡通讯作者SCI收录,生物学三区)(IF:3.844)
87. Chen MJ, Liu JY, Liu YJ, Guo C, Yang ZH, Wu H. Preparation and characterization of alginate–N-2-hydroxypropyl trimethyl ammonium chloride
chitosan microcapsules loaded with patchouli oil. RSC Advances.2015,5:14522- 14530.(SCI收录)(IF:3.289)
88. Zheng P, Bai M, Liu PW, Chen Y,Liang SJ, Wu H﹡.Programmed cell death of secretory cavity cells of citrus fruits is associated with Ca2+ accumulation in the nucleus.Trees-Structure and Function 2014, 28:1137–1144(﹡通讯作者SCI收录,农林二区)(IF: (IF:2.529))
89. Xu CG, Tang TX, Chen R, Liang CH,  Liu XY, Wu CL, Yang YS,  Yang DP, Wu H﹡.A comparative study of bioactive secondary metabolite production in diploid and tetraploid Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 2014.116(3):323-332(﹡通讯作者 SCI收录)(IF:2.711)
90. Wang LP, Kazachkov M, Shen WY, Bai M, Wu H, Zou JT﹡. Deciphering the roles of Arabidopsis LPCAT and PAH in phosphatidylcholine homeostasis and
pathway coordination for chloroplast lipid synthesis. The Plant Journal.2014, 80:965-976. (SCI收录,生物学二区)(IF:6.417)
91. Luo DP, Xu H, Liu ZL, Guo JX, Li HY, Chen LT, Fang C, Zhang QY, Bai M, Yao N, Wu H,  Wu H, Ji CH, Zheng HQ, Chen YL, Ye S, Li XY, Zhao XC, Li RQ, Liu YG﹡.A Detrimental  Mitochondrial-Nuclear Interaction Causes Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Rice. Nature Genetics.2013,45:573-577(SCI收录,生物一区)(IF:38.33)本文被Faculty of 1000 biology推荐为必读论文.This paper has been selected for Faculty of 1000 Biology and evaluated by Xingwang Deng and Dabing Zhang
92. Li YQ, Kong DX, Huang RS, Huang HL, Xu CG, Wu H﹡.Variations in essential oil yields and compositions of Cinnamomum cassia leaves at different developmental stages. Industrial Crops and Products.2013,47:92-101(﹡通讯作者SCI收录,农林一区) (IF:6.449)
93. Li YQ, Kong DX, Wu H﹡.Analysis and evaluation of essential oil components of cinnamon barks using GC-MS and FT-IR spectroscopy.Industrial Crops and Products.2013,41:269-278.(﹡通讯作者SCI收录,农林一区)(IF: (IF:6.449))
94. Liang SJ,Li ZQ,Li XJ,Xie HJ,Zhu RS,Lin JX,Xie HA﹡,Wu H﹡.Effects of stem structural characters and silicon content on lodging resistance in rice (Oryza sativa L.).Research on Crops. 2013, 14 (3) : 621-636.(﹡通讯作者SCI收录)(IF:0.103)
95. Li HF, Zhu FH, Li HY, Zhu W, Chen XP, Hong YB, Liu HY, Wu H, Liang XQ﹡.Proteomic identification of gravitropic response genes in peanut gynophores.Journal of Proteomics. 2013,93:303-313.(SCI收录)(IF:4.088)
96. Chen XL, Zhang JJ, Chen R,Li QL,Yang YS, Wu H.An Uncommon Plant Growth Regulator, Diethyl Aminoethyl Hexanoate, Is Highly Effective in Tissue Cultures of the Important Medicinal Plant Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea L.).Biomedicine Research International.2013.DOI: 10.1155/2013/ 540316(SCI收录)(IF:2.88)
Biotechnological Equipment.2013,27:3911-3917(SCI收录)(IF:0.622)
98. Chen XP,Zhu W,Azam S,Li HY,Zhu FH,Li HF,Hong YB,Liu HY,Zhang EH, Wu H,Yu SL,Zhuo GY,Li SX,Zhong N,Wen SJ,Li XY,Knapp SJ,Ozias-Akens P,Varshney SK,Liang XQ﹡.Deep sequencing analysis of the transcriptomes of peanut aerial and subterranean young pods identifies candidate genes related to early embryo abortion.Plant Biotechnology Journal.2013,11:115-127(SCI收录,生物学二区)(IF:13.263)
99. Jiang XS, Li HY, Wang T, Peng CL, Wang HY, Wu H﹡, Wang XJ﹡.Gibberellin Indirectly Promotes Chloroplast Biogenesis as a Means to Maintain the Chloroplast Population of Expanded Cells. Plant Journal.2012,72:768-780(﹡通讯作者SCI收录,生物学二区)(IF:7.091).本文被Faculty of 1000 biology推荐为必读论文.This paper has been selected for Faculty of 1000 Biology and evaluated by Alisdair Fernie and Wagner Araujo: see http://f1000.com/717958112.
100. Liu PW, Liang SJ, Yao N, Wu H﹡. Caspase 3-like is involved in programmed cell death of secretory cavity cells in fruits of Citrus grandis var. tomentosa.Trees-Structure and Function.2012,26:1821–1835(﹡通讯作者SCI收录,农林二区)(IF:2.529)
101. Li ZQ, Tang TX,Liang SJ,Ning XP,Bai M,Wu H﹡. The synthesis and storage sites of phenolic compounds in the root and rhizome of Echinacea purpurea. American Journal of Plant Sciences.2012,3:551-558. (﹡通讯作者)
102. Zhang HF,Ouyang HB,Du JY,Zhang SZ, Li Y﹡,Wu H﹡.Microsporogenesis of Cycas and its systematic implications.Journal of Systematics and  Evolution. 2012, 50(2): 125-134.(﹡通讯作者SCI收录)(IF:4.098)
103. Guo S N, Liao S Q, Su R S, Lin R Q, Chen YZ, Tang Z X, Wu H, Shi D Y*.Influence of Longdan Xiegan Decoction on Body Weights and Immune Organ Indexes in Ducklings Intoxicated with Aflatoxin B-1.Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 2012,11(8),  1162-1165.(SCI收录)(IF:0.365)
104. Kuang DY,Wu H,Wang YL,Gao LM,Zhang SZ﹡,Lu L.Complete chloroplast genome sequence of Magnolia kwangsiensis (Magnoliaceae): implication for DNA barcoding and population genetics.Genome.2011,54(8):663-673(SCI收录)(IF:1.668)
105. Yang QS, He H, Li HY, Tian H, Zhang JJ, Zhai LG, Chen JD, Wu H, Yi GJ,He ZH, Peng XX*. Bb NOA1 Functions in a Temperature-Dependent Manner to  Regulate Chlorophyll Biosynthesis and Rubisco Formation in Rice.Plos One.2011,6(5):e20015. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020015(SCI收录,生物学二区) (IF:3.73)
106. Zhang YL,Tang TX, He HJ, Wu H﹡,Hu ZY.Influence of several    postharvest processing methods on polyphenol oxidase activity and cichoric acid content of Echinacea purpurea roots.Industrial Crops and Products. 2011.34: 873– 881(﹡通讯作者SCI,EI收录,农林一区)(IF:6.449)
107. Yang WH, Deng SC, Zhu XC,Wang HC, Wu H﹡, Huang XM﹡.Developmental Problems in Over-winter Off-season Longan Fruit:dvelopment of Pericarp Structure.Scientia Horticulturae.2010. 126(3):359-365(﹡通讯作者SCI收录)(IF:1.396)
108. Yang WH, Zhu XC, Deng SC, Wang HC, Hu GB, Wu H, Huang XM﹡. Developmental problems in over-winter off-season longan fruit. I: Effect of temperatures.Scientia Horticulturae.2010.126(3):351-358 (SCI收录)(IF:1.396)
109. Chen Y,Wu H﹡.Programmed cell death involved in the schizolysigenous formation of the secretary cavity in Citrus sinensis L.(Osbeck).Chinese Science Bulletin.2010,55(20):2160-2168. (﹡通讯作者SCI收录)(IF:1.319)  
110. Marchive C, Yehudai-Resheff S,Germain A, Fei ZJ,Jiang XS, Judkins J, Wu H, Fernie AR, Fait A, Stern DB. Abnormal physiological and molecular mutant phenotypes link chloroplast polynucleotide phosphorylase to the phosphorus deprivation response in Arabidopsis .Plant Physiology. 2009,151(2):905-924(SCI收录,生物学二区)(IF:8.34)
111. Nilanthi D, Chen XL, Zhao FC, Yang  YS, Wu H.Induction of Tetraploids from Petiole Explants throughColchicine Treatments in Echinacea purpurea L.Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology. 2009, doi:10.1155/2009 /343485(SCI收录)(IF:3.411)
112. Tang TX, Wu H﹡.Color channel selection, three-dimensional visualization and exposure time optimization of image analysis for Planar Chromatography and Gel Electrophoresis.Chromatographia. 2009,70:305-308.(﹡通讯作者SCI收录)(IF:1.437)
113. Liang SJ, Wang HY, Yang M, Wu H﹡.Sequetial actions of pectinases and cellulases during secretory cavity formation in Citrus fruits.Trees-structure and function.2009,23(1):19-27(﹡通讯作者SCI,EI收录,农林二区)(IF: (IF:2.529))
114. Nilanthi D,Chen XL,Zhao FC, Yang  YS﹡, Wu H..Influence of gene dose on in vitro culture responses of purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea L.).The 3nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering,Beijing, iCBBE 2009,6(EI收录 )
115. Wang YX, Wu H, Yang M﹡.Microscopy and bioinformatic analyses of lipid metabolism implicate a sporophytic signaling network supporting pollen development in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant. 2008,1(4): 667-674(SCI收录,生物学二区)(IF:21.949)
116. Tang TX, Wu H﹡. An image analysis system for thin-layer chromatography quantification and its validation. Journal of Chromatography Science.2008,46(6):560-564(﹡通讯作者SCI收录)(IF:0.749)
117. Liu M, Yang J, Lu S, Guo Z,Lin X, Wu H. Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides (Munro) Hack.). In Vitro Cellular Development Biology--plant, 2008.44(2): 100-104.(SCI收录)(IF:1.139)    
118. Li P, Wu H﹡, Geng S,Wang X, Lu W,Shultz LM,Tang T and Zhang N.
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119. 江幸山,吴鸿﹡,伦璇,陆东雯.忍冬属植物花药的特化结构及其生物学意义.植物分类学报.2007,45(1):39-51(﹡通讯作者SCI收录)(IF:1.851)
120. 李世晋,吴鸿,张奠湘.黄檀属模式及新异名. 植物分类学报.2007,45(1):39-51
121. Wu H,Mori A,Wang YX,Yang M.The INDEHECIENT protein regulates unequal cell division in Arabidopsis fruits.Planta.2006,224(4)971-979(SCI收录)(IF:4.116)
122. Liang SJ, Wu H*,Lun X,Lu DW. Secretory Cavity Development and Its Relationship with the Accumulation of Essential Oil in Fruits of Citrus medica L. var. sarcodactylis (Noot.) Swingle. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2006,48(5):573-583(﹡通讯作者 SCI收录)(IF:7.061)
123. Zhao FC, Nilanthi D, Yang YS﹡, Wu H. Anther culture and haploid plant regeneration in purple coneflower(Echinacea purpurea L.) . Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 2006, 86(4):55-62(﹡通讯作者 SCI收录)(IF:2.711)
124. Ning XP, Wu H*. 荔枝花蜜腺的结构发育特点及其生物学意义.植物分类学报. 2006,44 (5): 523-537. (﹡通讯作者 SCI收录)(IF:1.851)
125. Hong Wu ,Ming Yang. Reduction in vacuolar volume in the tapetal cell coincides with conclusion of the tetrad stage in Arabidopsis thaliana.Sexual Plant Reproduction.2005,18:173-178 (SCI收录)(IF:2.07)
126. 欧阳海波,李勇,张寿洲,李楠,吴鸿*。越南篦齿苏铁小孢子发生及其系统学意义。 植物分类学报,2004,42:500-512(﹡通讯作者 SCI收录)(IF:1.851)
127. Wang YX﹡ ,Wu H﹡,Liang GQ,Yang M, Defects in nucleolar migration and Synapsis in male prophase I in the Ask-1 mutant of Arabidopsis. Sexual Plant Reproduction. 2004,16:273-282 (﹡共同第一作者 SCI收录) (IF:2.07)
128. Li AM, Wang YR, Wu H﹡, Cytochemical localization of pectinase:the cytochemical evidence for resin ducts formed by schizogeny in Pinus massoniana.Acta Bot Sin. 2004, 46: 443-450(﹡通讯作者SCI收录)(IF:3.75)
129. Wu H, Zheng XF, Ultrastructure of sieve elements in root  protophloem of Arabidopsis thaliana . Acta Botanica Sinica. 2003, 45:322-330 (SCI收录)(IF:3.75)
130. Yang M, Wang YX, Wu H, Liang GQ.Structural defects of male meiotic chromosomes in the ask1-1 mutant of Arabidopsis.Plant Biology (Rockville) , 2003, 229-230.(SCI收录)
131. 吴鸿,崔大方,胡正海,油松雌球果的发生和发育研究。 植物学报,2000,42:353-357 (SCI收录)(IF:3.75)
132. Wu H,Muller M,An alternative Mode of Elimination of Resin from Epithelial cells of Resin ducts in Pinus sylvestris. 植物学报,1999,41:133-135 (SCI收录)(IF:3.75)
133. Wu H, Hu ZH,Comparative anatomy of resin ducts of the Pinaceae. Trees-structure and function,1997, 11:135-143 (SCI收录,农林二区)(IF:2.529)
134. Wu H,Hu ZH,Ultrastructure of the resin duct initiatin and formation in Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.Chinese Journal of Botany,  
135. Zhou JY, Wu H,Collet,Histological study of initiation and development in vitro of adventious roots in minicuttings of apple rootstocks of M26 and EMLA9.Physiologia Plantarum,1992,84:433-440 (SCI收录)(IF:3.656)
136. Chen R, Chen XL, Li QL, Yang YS﹡, Wu H. In vitro Rooting of Shoots of Different Gene Dosages in Echinacea purpurea L. The International Conference on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (ICMPBE 2012). Advances in Biomedical Engineering, 2012, 13:157-162(EI收录 )
137. Nilanthi D, Chen XL, Zhao FC,   Yang  YS﹡, Wu H. Establishment of embryogenic cell suspension cultures and doubling the chromosome number by colchicine treatments in purple coneflower.5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2011(EI收录 )
138. Guo SN,Tang XL,Shi DY,Wu H,Liu XL.Anti-newcastle disease virus effects of Echinacea Purpurea formula in vitro and in vivo anti-newcastle disease effects of Echinacea Purpurea formula.International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering, RSETE 2011 - Proceedings, p 2937-2940(EI收录 )
139. Yuan YS, Liu ZX,Yang YS, Wu H﹡.Studies on the production of comptothecin in in vitro cultured roots of Camptotheca acuminata.The 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering,Shanghai, iCBBE 2008,p 1169-1172(﹡通讯作者EI收录 )
140. Nilanthi D,Zhao FC, Chen XL,  Yang  YS﹡, Wu H.An efficient in vitro Propagation Culture Protocol for Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea L.).The 4nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering,Chengdu, iCBBE 2010,6(EI收录 )
141. Chen XL, Zhang JJ, Chen R, Li QL,Yang YS, Wu H.Comparison among diploid, its colchicine-induced tetraploid and their crossed descendent triploid in purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea L.).International Conference on Biological Engineering and Biomedicine, JAN 10-14, 2014, Yichang,Hubei, China.PP: 159-164 (ISTP收录)
142. Dian ZY,Zhang JJ,Yang YS,Wu H. Influence of light conditions
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143. Chen R, Jin YH, Li QL, Chen XL, Yang YS,Wu H. Some effective  methods for dealing with the problem of hyperhydricity in  cloning purple
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144. Chen XL,Chen R, Li QL,Yang YS*,Wu H. Cytological Comparison of Diploid, Triploid, Tetraploid and Hexaploid in Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea L.) International Conference on Biological, Medical and Chemical Engineering (BMCE2013), DEC 1-2,2013,Hong Kong.PP:212-230(ISTP收录)
145. 李雁群,吴鸿*。药用植物生长发育与有效成分积累关系研究进展。植物学报,2018,53 (3): 293–304。
146. 白玫,郑萍,李合英,吴鸿*。苦槛蓝营养器官的结构特征与有效成分积累关系研究。华南农业大学学报,2015,36(6):104-110。
147. 白玫,吴鸿*。裂生间隙、溶生间隙和裂溶生间隙。植物学报。2015,50:765-767。(﹡通讯作者)
148. 梁社坚,梁锦堂,蒋宁雄,刘培卫,吴鸿*。柑橘果实分泌囊发育与挥发油积累关系研究。华南农业大学学报。2014,35(2):61-65。(﹡通讯作者)  
149. 贺新强,吴鸿*。植物发育性细胞程序死亡的发生机制。植物学报。2013,48 (4): 357–370(﹡通讯作者)
150. 陈荣,杨跃生,吴鸿*。不同采收期紫锥菊产量及菊苣酸动态变化研究。中草药,2012,43(6):1186-1190 (﹡通讯作者)
151. 王婷,暨叔仪,吴鸿*。油菜角果开裂区结构分化对果实开裂的作用。作物学报。2012, 38(3): 563-569。(﹡通讯作者)
152. 陈荣,杨跃生,吴鸿*。广州地区紫锥菊引种与露地栽培试验初报。广东农业科学。2011,38(10):20-22(﹡通讯作者)
153. 何韩军,杨跃生,吴鸿*。药用植物多倍体的诱导及生物学意义。中草药,2010,41(6):1000-1006(﹡通讯作者)
154. 白玫,吴鸿*。拟南芥TAG1 基因对脂类合成调控作用的研究进展。植物学报,2009,44 (6): 735-741(﹡通讯作者)
155. 章艳丽,吴鸿*。拟南芥维管组织的形态建成和分子调控。植物生理学通讯,2008,44(4):769-775(﹡通讯作者)
156. 邓斯聪,杨为海,朱效传,补建华,黄旭明*,吴鸿*。龙眼果皮发育解剖学观察。果树学报,2008,25(2):193-197(﹡通讯作者)
157. 李爱民,王玉荣, 吴鸿*。马尾松主要器官树脂道的发生和发育。林业科学,2008,44(9):36-40(﹡通讯作者)
158. 宁熙平,吴鸿*,罗诗,赖永超。龙眼花蜜腺的形态结构和发育。园艺学报,2007,34(1):11-16(﹡通讯作者)
159. 冯承浩,隋春花, 吴鸿*。广藿香挥发油的合成场所及储存部位研究。中草药,2007,38(1): 116-119(﹡通讯作者)
160. 陈荣,年海,吴鸿*. 氮磷钾配施对紫锥菊产量和质量的影响.中草药. 2007,38 (6): 917-920.(﹡通讯作者)
161. 陈荣,吴鸿*.微肥对紫锥菊产量和种子生产的影响.中草药. 2007,38(9): 1400- 1403. (﹡通讯作者)
162. 李鹏,白玫,吴鸿*。紫锥菊种子储藏条件对萌发的影响。中草药,2007,38(增刊):240-243(﹡通讯作者)
163. 李鹏,宁熙平,吴鸿*。紫锥菊药用部位的结构及其与多酚类化合物积累的关系。中草药,2007,38(4):606-610 (﹡通讯作者)
164. 唐铁鑫,吴鸿*,李启垓。野牡丹属药用植物黄酮类成分比较。中药材,2007,30(8):912-914(﹡通讯作者)
165. 梁社坚,伦璇,吴鸿*。X射线能谱分析方法及其在电镜酶细胞化学中的应用。电子显微镜学报,2006,25(2): 182-184(﹡通讯作者)
166. 冯承浩, 吴鸿*,赵晟。广藿香两种表皮毛的发育解剖学研究。华南农业大学学报,2006,27(1):88-91(﹡通讯作者)
167. 冯承浩,吴鸿*。广藿香茎发育及不同发育期挥发油的分布。中草药,2005,36(2)271-274(﹡通讯作者)
168. 姚辉,吴鸿*,冯承浩,赵晟,粱社坚。 巴戟天根的结构及其与蒽醌类化合物积累的关系.实验生物学报, 2004, 37:96-101(﹡通讯作者)
169. 宁熙平,吴鸿*。蜜腺、蜜汁及其与传粉者的关系。植物科学进展(第六卷),2004,283-292(﹡通讯作者)
170. 王玉荣,李爱民,吴鸿*。松杉类球花分化及早期发育。植物科学进展(第六卷),2004,147-154(﹡通讯作者)
171. 李爱民,王玉荣,吴鸿*。松科植物树脂道的研究概况。植物科学进展(第六卷),2004,113-124(﹡通讯作者)
172. 梁社坚,吴鸿*。芸香科植物分泌囊的结构和意义。植物科学进展(第六卷),2004,155-162(﹡通讯作者)
173. 范燕萍,何清檀,赵晟,余让才,吴鸿。红球姜花芽发生和发育的研究。 园艺学报,2004,31:491-495
174. 冯承浩,姚辉,吴鸿*,广藿香药用部位成熟结构及其有效成分分布研究。 中草药. 2003,34:174-176
175. 孙同兴,姚辉,吴鸿*,李秉滔,侯学良。暗罗香叶的比较解剖学研究。 武汉植物研究. 2003,21:18-21(﹡通讯作者)
176. 李爱民,吴鸿*,油松茎次生木质部树脂道发育和组织化学研究。武汉植物研究. 2003,21:9-17(﹡通讯作者)
177. 孙同兴,吴鸿*,李秉滔,孙谨,郑兴峰,中国假鹰爪属和皂帽花属植物叶的形态结构及其分类学意义。 植物分类学报. 2002,40:385-395 (﹡通讯作者)
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吴鸿;郭世宁;武力;王昌库;石达友,李美娣;陈宝妮;涂玉蓉。紫锥菊根口服液及其制备方法和在制备猪鸡疫苗免疫增强剂中的应用。国家发明专利,专利号 ZL201410461283.X(20180130)
吴鸿,李雁群。快速分析肉桂叶片中精油含量和质量的组织整体观察方法。国家发明专利,专利号 ZL201310071670.8(20150617)
杨卓鸿;胡洋;李颖;周华俊;吴鸿。一种广藿香油微胶囊及其制备方法与应用。国家发明专利,专利号ZL 201110227472.7(20130306)
杨卓鸿;吴鸿,刘嘉仪,陈敏杰,谢宜容。一种肉桂油微胶囊织物整理液及其制备方法和应用。国家发明专利,专利号ZL 201410840712.4 (20170104)
陈晓鹭, 杨跃生, 吴鸿, 李栋梁. 一种提高紫锥菊外植体再生不定芽的培养基及培养方法。国家发明专利,专利号ZL 201310406857.9(20150819,20170517)
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杨跃生,陈晓鹭, 陈荣,吴鸿, 李栋梁,刘颖. 一种提高秋水仙素诱导三倍体紫锥菊染色体加倍效率的方法。国家发明专利,专利号ZL201410639185.0(20160330)
  闫国琦,刘桥辉,吴鸿,莫嘉嗣.一种离心式茶枝柑自动剥皮去肉装置.实用新型专利, 专利号ZL201921853606.4(20200814)  
闫国琦,刘桥辉,吴鸿,莫嘉嗣,陈尔怡,梁社坚. 一种茶枝柑自动橘络自动收集装置. 实用新型专利, 专利号ZL201922049724.6(20200814)
蔡雪妍,廖思艺,林锐松,黄九九,吴鸿,刘伟,卢敏,是雯菁,一种广陈皮提取液、制备方法及其应用。国际申请号:PCT/CN2021/088578,国际申请日:2021年4月21日。                                                                 药:  
新兽药:                                                                                                                                       1. 国家二类新兽药紫锥菊根(2014新兽药证字44号 )(农业部公告(2171号)
2. 国家二类新兽药紫锥菊根末(2014新兽药证字45号)(农业部公告(2171号)

2. 品种名称:华紫190404,品种权号:CNA20191003347,授权日:2022年5月10日。植物属种:松果菊属。农业农村部植物新品种保护办公室

1.植物品种特异性(可区别性)、一致性和稳定性测试指南 松果菊属。标准号:NY/T 3726-2020。中华人民共和国行业标准。中华人民共和国农业农村部公告 第329号
2. 肉桂叶质量等级划分与采收技术规程。标准编号:DB44/T2183-2019。 广东省地方标准批准发布公告 2019第8号(总第199号)
植物细胞超微结构, 植物学文献综述与专题讨论