姓 名 刘耀光 性 别
出生年月 1954年3月 籍贯
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 九三
最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位
技术职称 研究员 导师类别 博、硕导
行政职务 副主任 Email ygliu@scau.edu.cn
工作单位 生物化学及分子生物学系 邮政编码 510642
通讯地址 广州天河区五山路483号华南农业大学
单位电话 020-85281908




1982.3-1984.8  湖南省长沙市农业专科学校,助教

1991.4-1993.3 日本三井植物生物技术研究所,博士后

1993.4-1996.6 日本三井植物生物技术研究所,研究员

1996.7- 现在   华南农业大学生命科学学院遗传工程研究室,研究员







《中国科学.生命科学》《J Integr Plant Biol》《J Genetics & Genomics》《Frontier of Genetics and Gnomics》编委; 国家自然科学基金评审委员; 全国遗传学会植物遗传和基因组学专业委员会理事; 广东省遗传学会理事; 国家重点实验室(4个)学术委员。

1. 雄性和雌性不育分子机理与杂种优势利用2011CB100203(2011.1-2012.12),国家973计划

2. 水稻育性转换的分子基础(2007-2011)国家973计划(生殖)子课题

3. 水稻耐热种质的创建及功能基因组学研究(2008-2011) 广东省-国家自然科学基金联合重点项目

4. 水稻雄性育性的耐热性基因网络调控 2006AA10Z101 (2007-2010) 国家863计划

5. 水稻育性和发育基因的克隆和功能研究(2006.12-2010.10)国家863计划重点项目子课题

6. 水稻细胞质雄性不育基因的克隆和表达调控(2006-2007)高等学校科技创新工程重大项目培育资金项目

7. 水稻育性的分子控制(2005-2009) 广州市科技局对国家973计划配套费

8. 广东省教育厅“植物功能基因组与生物技术”重点实验室建设项目(2005-2007)

9. 水稻细胞质雄性不育与恢复相互作用的分子机制及其起源30420340 (2005-2008) 国家自然科学基金重点项目

10. 水稻育性的分子控制2005CB120802 (2005- 2010.8) 国家973计划

11. 水稻功能基因组与分子育种(2005-2007)教育部长江学者计划创新团队项目
* 表示通讯作者

1. Zhou H, Liu Q, Li J, Jiang D, Zhou L, Wu P, Lu S, Li F, Zhu L, Liu Z, Chen L, Liu Y-G*, Zhuang C*. 2012. Photoperiod- and thermo-sensitive genic male sterility in rice are caused by a point mutation in a novel noncoding RNA that produces a small RNA. Cell Research, (2012):1-12.

2. Ouyang Y, Liu YG and Zhang QF. 2010. Hybrid sterility in plant: stories from rice (应邀综述,封面文章). Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 13(2):186-192.

3. Guo J and Liu YG*. 2009. The genetic and molecular basis of cytoplasmic male sterility and fertility restoration in rice. Chinese Sci Bull, 54(14):2404-2409.

4. Long Y, Zhao L, Niu B, Su J, Wu H, Chen Y, Zhang Q, Guo J, Zhuang C, Mei M, Xia J, Wang L, Wu H and Liu Y-G* . 2008. Hybrid male sterility in rice controlled by interaction between divergent alleles of two adjacent genes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 105(48):18871-18876.

5. Liu Y-G* and Chen Y (2007) High-efficiency thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR for amplification of unknown flanking sequences. BioTechniques 43, 649-656.

6. Liu Z, Xu H, Guo JX, and Liu Y-G* (2007)Structural and expressional variations of the mitochondrial genome conferring the WA type of CMS in rice. J Integr Plant Biol 49 (6), 908-914.

7. 吴豪, 刘振兰, 徐虹, 刘耀光* (2007) 植物细胞质雄性不育及其育性恢复的分子基础. 植物学通报24(03):399-413。

8. Zhang Q, and Liu Y-G* (2006) Rice mitochondrial genes are transcribed by multiple promoters that are highly diverged. J Integr Plant Biol 48 (12), 1473-1477.

9. Chen Y, Zhang Q, Jian Y, Yang Y, Liu K, Liu Y-G* (2006) A rice panicle mutant created by transformation with an antisense cDNA library. J Integr Plant Biol 48 (11), 1300-1305.

10. 胡旭霞,刘耀光*. 植物RNA干涉载体的构建及其在水稻基因表达沉默中的应用 (2006). 分子植物育种 4(5): 621-626.

11. Wang Z, Zou Y, Zhang Q, Li X, Chen L, Wu H, Su D, Guo J,Chen Y, Luo D, Long Y,Zhong Y, and Liu Y-G* (2006)Cytoplasmic male sterility of rice with Boro II cytoplasm is caused by a toxic peptide and is restored by two related PPR motif genes via distinct modes of mRNA silencing. The Plant Cell 18: 676 - 687.

12. 郭晶心,陈忠正,刘耀光* (2004)水稻抽穗期数量性状基因的定位及遗传效应分析。植物分子育种2(6): 788-794

13. 杨存义,刘耀光* (2004) cDNA捕捉法获得水稻杂种不育基因座位Sc区域的编码序列。 西北植物学报 24(11):1985-1989。

14. Yang C, Chen Z, Zhuang C, Mei M, Liu Y-G (2004) Genetic and physical fine-mapping of the Sc locus conferring indica-japonica hybrid sterility in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Chinese Science Bulletin, 49 (16) 1718-1721.

15. Liu, Y-G*, ChenY, and Zhang Q. (2004) Amplification of genomic sequences flanking T-DNA insertions by thermal asymetric inlerlaced polymerase chain reaction. In Methods In (Leandro Edited) Molecular Biology Vol. 286. Transgenic Plants Methods and Protocols. pp.341-348.

16. 郭晶心,刘耀光* (2003)水稻籼粳稻杂交F2群体中分子标记得异常分离及染色体定位。分子植物育种 1(3),331-336。

17. Lin Li, Liu Y-G*, Xu X, and Li B. (2003)Efficient linking and transfer of multiple genes by a multigene assembly and transformation vector system. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100: 5962-5967.

18. 杨存义,陈乐天,陈芳远,刘耀光* (2002) 水稻细胞质雄性不育恢复基系ZSP-1恢复基因的初步定位。 华南农业大学学报 23(4)30-33。

19. 张群宇, 刘耀光*,张桂权,梅曼彤 (2002) 野败型水稻细胞质雄性不育恢复基因Rf4的分子标记定位。 遗传学报 29 (11) 1001-1004.

20. Liu Y-G*, Liu H, Chen L, Qiu W, Zhang Q, Wu H, Yang C, Su J. Wang Z, Tian D. and Mei M. (2002) Development of new transformation-competent artificial chromosome vectors and rice genomic libraries for efficient gene cloning. Gene 282:247-255.

21. Shibata D and Liu Y-G, (2000) Agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation with large DNA fragments. Trends in Plant Science 5:354-357.

22. Liu Y-G, Nagaki K, Fujita M, Kawaura K, Uozumi M and Ogihara Y. (2000) Development of an efficient maintenance and screening system for large-insert genomic DNA libraries of hexaploid wheat in a transformation-competent artificial chromosome (TAC) vector. Plant J 23: 687-695.

23. Liu Y-G, Shiraro Y, Fukaki H, Yanai Y, Takasa M, Tabata S and Shibata D. 1999. Complementation of plant mutants with large DNA fragments by a transformation-competent artificial chromosome vector accelerates positional cloning. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96: 6535-6540.

24. Liu Y-G and Huang N. 1998. Efficienct amplification of insert end sequences from bacterial artificial chromosome clones by thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR. Plant Mol. Biol. Rept. 16: 175-181.

25. Liu Y-G, Mitsukawa N, Liuster C, Dean C and Whittier RF. 1996. Isolation and mapping of a new set of 129 RFLP markers in Arabidopsis thaliana using recombinant inbred lines. Plant J 10:733-736.

26. Liu Y-G, and Whittier, RF. 1995 Thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR: Automatable amplification and sequencing of insert end fragments from P1 and YAC clones for chromosome walking. Genomics 25:674-681.

27. Liu Y-G, Mitsukawa N, Vazquez-Tello A, Whittier RF. 1995. Generation of a high-quality P1 library of Arabidopsis suitable for chromosome walking. Plant J. 7: 351-358.

28. Liu Y-G, Mitsukawa N, Oosumi T and Whittier RF.1995. Efficient isolation and mapping of Arabidopsis thaliana T-DNA insert junctions by thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR. Plant J 8:457-463.

29. Liu Y-G, Whittier RF 1994 Rapid preparation of megabase plant DNA from nuclei in agarose plugs and microbeads. Nucleic Acids Res. 22:2168-2169.

30. Liu Y-G, Mitsukawa N, Whittier RF (1993) Rapid sequencing of unpurified PCR products by thermal asymmetric PCR cycle sequencing using unlabled sequencing primers. Nucleic Acids Research. 21:3333-3334.

31. Liu Y-G, Ikeda TM, Tsunewaki K(1992) Moderately repeated, dispersed, and highly variable (MRDHV) genomic sequences of common wheat usable for cultivar identification. Theor. Appl. Genet. 84:535-543.

32. Liu Y-G, Tsunewaki K (1991) Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis in wheat. II. Linkage maps of the RFLP sites in common wheat. Jpn. J. Genet. 66:617-633.

33. Liu Y-G, Mori N, Tsunewaki K (1990) Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis in wheat. I. Genomic library construction and RFLP analysis in common wheat. Jpn. J Genet. 65:367-380.
1. 一种PCR扩增方法 (TAIL-PCR) (刘耀光)日本专利厅专利号:特开平6-253843

2. 多基因载体的构建方法与应用 (刘耀光),专利号: ZL02134869.3

3. 植物细胞质雄性不育恢复基因及其应用 (刘耀光,王中华,吴豪,张群宇),专利号: ZL02152010.0

4. 一种水稻杂种育性基因及其应用 (刘耀光,杨绍华,陈竹锋,庄楚雄,梅曼彤),专利号: ZL200610011976.4

5. 水稻杂种花粉育性基因及其应用 (刘耀光,龙云铭,赵利锋,牛白晓,庄楚雄),专利号: ZL200810132341.9

6. 一种水稻细胞质雄性不育基因及其应用(刘耀光,刘振兰,徐虹,吴豪,郭晶心,张群宇,叶珊,陈远玲),专利号:ZL 200810167024.0